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Trin_64 t1_iu85e59 wrote

Looking great so far ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


IsureamMunsoned t1_iu85rck wrote

That's fantastic ๐Ÿ‘ wasn't a huge fan of the game personally. But your talent is undeniable!


NabeelaTheArtist OP t1_iu86l68 wrote

I've started the beard and Itโ€™s quite challenging because it has so many intricate elements. I appreciate your support as itโ€™s helping me complete it. Thank you :)


the_elkk t1_iu88o8t wrote

WOOOW that's so impressive.

Charcoal... Just a question: How do you do the reflection in the eyes? Do you leave it out with charcoal and use the white paper or do you actually apply some white color?


Pacu99 t1_iu8bwxc wrote

I'm worried for your arm


MtnMaiden t1_iu8cfk6 wrote

You need to hold your artwork up along with your face to make it better


TheW83 t1_iu8pmfs wrote

Never seen anyone draw top to bottom. Is this common for charcoal or just how you like to do it? Looks spectacular, btw.


AnDroid5539 t1_iu8ptri wrote

Sure is a good thing you told us it's a work in progress, otherwise I would have thought you were done already. /s


xenglandx t1_iu8qdhk wrote

It amazes me that you draw this like a printer, i.e. each 'row' is complete going down - whereas I, a non-artist would draw the entire outline and add layer each shade to the whole thing. Why is your way better?


DirtySpawn t1_iu8t32d wrote

Looks awesome. What are you using to blend the charcoal? Finger? Blending sticks? Paper towel? Etc.?

What ever you use, or combination of, is great. So many different looking texture changes, like the forehead and then the stripe on his head difference, is bringing Kratos to life.


redditsuckscockatoo t1_iu8ye0h wrote

Any experienced artist would tell you not to do what they are doing though. It's less expressive and it's not creative. Yes they are doing it like a printer going downwards line by line (that's just a gimmick btw). I dunno. I just see stuff like this and I think, what's the point? Why not literally print out a picture since it's not showing any of the creators artistry either way. They've traced the outline of Kratos and now they are filling it in.


Sensible-yet-not t1_iu907r5 wrote

Lady, you're such a tease.

Edit: talking about the unfinished drawing you gross bastards, leave it to reddit i guess.


Azlar- t1_iu92v6t wrote

Holy shit, this is incredible! Take my award ๐Ÿค—


McBeano72 t1_iu9fy58 wrote

Is it harder drawing it this way than doing an outline of the whole thing first? It seems like it would be to my untrained eye. Might impressive Edit; I just realised there is an outline albeit a very faint one! ๐Ÿ˜…


crowsmack t1_iu9jfj5 wrote

This looks so good๐Ÿ‘ Please share when you're finished


Sylanthra t1_iu9zxt7 wrote

You need to do a timelapse where it looks like you are doing cartoon style drawing where you move you hand once over a line and have all the details just show up.


ThatDumbArtist_real t1_iua9hg9 wrote

did you trace it and just do the shading or did you do it all by yourself?


OralCulture t1_iuab6i0 wrote

Don't you just use a stick of some sort to rest your hand on? I have never seen anyone draw like this, in fact, I don't understand how you could get the layout correct.


_Thoeb_ t1_iuahz98 wrote

If you zoom in you can see light sketches of the beard and jawline. So, seemingly they did a full rough sketch and then went back to do the real work from top to bottom.


Duchock t1_iuatxdm wrote

This looks like some real rest of the fucking owl in progress going on here.


NabeelaTheArtist OP t1_iub0c57 wrote

Thank you! I appreciate your comment. I start with the initial sketch and work my way down section by section. Itโ€™s just a personal preference. I also like to work in this way as it helps prevent smudging.


NabeelaTheArtist OP t1_iub1ufy wrote

Thank you! I use a brush to blend and my finger for darker areas too. Iโ€™m glad you noticed the details and texture changes. I also appreciate you looking through my other artwork. Your kind words are greatly appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™


Fun-Heat-2772 t1_iuc2a7d wrote

Did upon playing oh of war three one shot hades your first time playing?


profburek t1_iuc5q9m wrote

I drew a stick figure once


NabeelaTheArtist OP t1_iuco9ut wrote

Drawing a grid over your reference image, then making a grid on your paper with an equal ratio. By breaking down your subject into a series of tiny squares, the grid method allows you to produce an accurate outline of your subject.