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t1_iujmsps wrote

No. I've been gaming since the 80s. There is always something out there. There a tons of great games out there now. You just aren't looking. Like, at all.


t1_iujng3f wrote

Maybe I'm just too mainstream these days. It just feels like I'm always afraid of the games I want to play having monetization and so on. Even if not every game having it, just the feeling that everything could have it is what bums me out.


t1_iujsc6j wrote

Stop playing FPS and football games suddenly there isn’t that many games that are monetised.


t1_iujnige wrote

Don’t play any online games so no just chill and relax on story and rpg games.


t1_iujo20a wrote

I usually play story games but I don't know. It's just the thought of how the industry is moving and all the news and stuff. I'm getting fatigued. I'm too sensitive maybe.


t1_iujp4c5 wrote

Dude best is to stop watching any gaming drama click bait videos or read to much into it. If you are excited about certain games in the future that’s all you need. No need to get upset about these things. When I sit down to play games it’s just me and the screen nothing else to distract me. Chill mode.


t1_iujmrog wrote

No, I pretty much only play strategy/sim games and they are better than ever today.


t1_iujn22x wrote

Yeah I can see that. I've never been a strategy gamer so I'm not that familiar on that genre. But I can imagine that genre being almost "distancing" from everything else.


t1_iujnss4 wrote

Just started gaming two years ago and luckily I prefer single player games.


t1_iujo8qj wrote

Same here. But still it's how the industry is moving I'm sick of. It wasn't like this before and I'm tired of it.


t1_iujqqv4 wrote

Play another genre and at least look for a good game. They're everywhere and you arent trying. You just wanna complain.


t1_iujr3mj wrote

It's just not what I play. It's the whole gaming landscape what's make me feel what I feel. Maybe I just need to get off the internet.


t1_iujs1ts wrote

No, just your games really.

Street Fighter or Tekken goes off with monetisation? Nope.

The Last of Us, Elden Ring, Horizon, other story games filled with monetisation? Nope.

Mario, Zelda, Kirby, It Takes Two? Nope.

Games that are heavily monetised?

FPS such as CoD, racing games such as GT, sports games such as FIFA, just these really, and I guess these are all the games you play.


t1_iujo8wk wrote

I'm not st that breaking point but I felt close last night. I Uninstalled all blizzard games and the app off my pc. I've discovered that once games go free to play the community turns into a cesspool of toxicity. That's really my only issue with free to play games. They invite all manner of trolls and assholes because there is no consequence for their actions. If they get banned they'll just make another account.


t1_iujrp5e wrote

Because you play FPS or sport games which are the easiest to monetise.

Games with competitive nature, people generally are willing to spend to get an advantage, therefore it is easy to monetise.

Play some single player games or games like Elden Ring then suddenly there isn’t much monetisation anymore.

Basically it is mostly just the genre that you are into.


t1_iujs2yx wrote

here and there for reasons like casualized franchises, less content/less quality, bad translations/localizations,

back logs are huge though, good games come out here and there, indies/steam are great.

I've decided the optimal thing for me is to never buy a console again (kinda already don't except the switch which I'm not happy with how they do things, rarely if ever I'll buy new aaa sp games and just wait for emulators/mods. (like persona 5 royal, I will wait for some hard mode mods)


t1_iujoxdj wrote

I can relate. But the proper games are still there and are still being made,
you may just have to do a better job at looking for them in the right places.
Lately I've enjoyed lots of nice indie games on Steam.
You can find some really hidden gems by using the tags function


t1_iujp8os wrote

Yeah I've been bad at looking at the Indie scene. Mainly because lots of the doesn't look like games I would normally would play. I'm more of a AAA gamer and maybe that's the problem.


t1_iujs5zp wrote

Plenty of AAA games that are not monetised.

I don’t play indie games and have no issue playing games that are not heavily monetised.