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Oppblockjoe t1_j29hsak wrote

It’s been fixed for a while Don’t get me wrong there’s still bugs but it’s definitely playable


Splyce123 t1_j29ibuz wrote

If you have a decent PC it was working perfectly fine on launch.


LORD_RAGAMUFF t1_j29igv2 wrote

They've done a lot of work on it and patched a lot of the big bugs to make it playable the bugs/glitches that are still around are comparable(in my opinion) to skyrim..they dont break they game theyre more like a "wtf/lol" kind of bug


ebbysloth17 t1_j29iihi wrote

Been playing it over the last week on Xbox series s. I also had it on PC at launch and it's incredibly improved. It was always fun, now it's less buggy.


RefrigeratedTP t1_j29jet1 wrote

Game worked fairly well at launch until it killed the VRAM in my 2080 Super lmao

Edit: lmao why would I lie? I have the RMA receipts. EVGA sent me a new one. r/nothingeverhappens

Oh he deleted his comment and I’m still getting downvoted. Lmao brain dead redditors


wezelboy t1_j29kusn wrote

It was playable for me a few weeks ago, but I really couldn’t stand the controls and UI. I gave up after a few hours


TurkTurkle t1_j29kvr4 wrote

Cyberpunk has been fine since february 2021


Dimchuck t1_j29l8b1 wrote

It’s very playable. Almost fully completed it. It’s a great game.


RagingLatino t1_j29liqu wrote

What’s it like living under that rock? Is it comfy?


XFalconXpunch t1_j29mg4i wrote

It works, just make sure you buy it when it’s on sale! Most weekends or holidays it’s like $30


thatguy391 t1_j29n2u0 wrote

Cyber punk has always been playable on the PC. Some people had some issues and that goes with any game.

Highly recommend the game.


yusufpvt t1_j29oy7q wrote

Again, seeing these comments, it's terrific how low people nowadays set the bar for CDPR games.


Novalll t1_j29qmch wrote

Yes, it’s a great game.


TequilaWhiskey t1_j29r89s wrote

It works but i hope you didnt invest anything in the promo material. A lot of stuff got cut.


julesvr5 t1_j29ro55 wrote

It was already playable right after release, I did it. PC haven't had such problems like the old gen consoles. It was very exeggerated back then imo. They still improved it massively with new physics (water responses to shots for example) and generally the performance increased. But it was still already payable back then. Had 150h gametime.


NachoDildo t1_j29sln2 wrote

It's been quite playable for a long time.

Smoothbrain autists won't let go of their tired memes is all.


WaruWaruWaru t1_j29snsg wrote

The game being playable and CDPR’s handling of CP77 are two different issues. Go bark up a tree who cares and hasn’t played it to completion. Again, rocks, they might be easier to understand! Have a good day


cataids69 t1_j29yb84 wrote

I finished it the first week it was out. No issues. Doing my second play through now.


Margenen t1_j29zxq9 wrote

I got the PC version months after release since it was on sale and I assumed bugs were fixed. While it wasn't imploding, there were quite a few bugs that made the game more difficult and annoying to play. Vehicles spawning inside one another and exploding, glitchy Npcs, dialogue freezing up for 30 seconds in between lines, quest objectives not being recognized, etc. Eventually a lot of those were fixed, but the game was in a pretty bad state for a while regardless of your hardware


Weztside t1_j2a2o91 wrote

I played it on PC on launch. It ran at a solid 60fps on ultra settings in 1440p and I experienced only 1 bug where my pants would disappear while riding a motorcycle and I actually really enjoyed it.


DrChuckWhite t1_j2a6dt8 wrote

The bugs never were the problem in my opinion.


DrChuckWhite t1_j2a7mms wrote


Even without bugs it is not a good game. Balancing and mechanics are just too bad. The world way too shallow.

Story is okay, but sometimes drags too much, while the end feels rushed


TequilaWhiskey t1_j2acxmb wrote

Thats irrelvant. Thats like saying "Well the brakes on my car worked fine, who cares about those other dead families."

And if you do bring in the issues from ps4/xbox one, you could almost call it a scam.

I dont even get defending CDPR on this. Youd have to be in denial to not admit they fucked up with the game launch overall including lots of PC issues.


Weztside t1_j2adlud wrote

That's an awful analogy. No one died because of Cyberpunk. Some people got a bad product. Some people got a good product. It differs based on the platform. Saying that you bought a working product is not the same as saying CDPR did nothing wrong. Get off your high horse. It's a fucking video game not a product killing people.


Null-Ex3 t1_j2axxxp wrote

You cannot convince me that these people didnt come from an alternate universe. Not only were the bugs rampant and game breaking (although more manageable on pcs) but the npcs genuinely had no ai and the upgrades legit did nothing. How do you convince yourself that this was a great game? Most of my massive glaring issues with the game have been more or less fixed and with mods, the game is decent. But like there are still a ton of issues. Like many of the cybernetics feel janky. Gun combat while not terrible can feel clunky. Many promised features that are already found in other games, like random events are very limited to nonexistent. And i know im going to be downvoted on all the comments i make criticizing this game because somehow the cyberpunk fandom has convinced themselves that not only was this game always good, but its actually one of the best games ever made. Now, if somehow it really was the most enjoyable game you ever played cool. Have fun. But you simply cant convince me that it somehow has better mechanics than idk stalker gamma and was also always a masterpiece from day one.


ebbysloth17 t1_j2ay83f wrote

Personal opinion. You can hate the game and I won't question it. You provided your reason the OP can decide if that is enough to not play the game. I'm pretty sure they weren't looking for an echo chamber so here we are.


ebbysloth17 t1_j2az2zi wrote

Honestly, I think my expectations are a little wonky. I'm forcing myself to play battlefield 2042 all because I'm one of the silly folks that bought at launch and need to get my monies worth. It's been a rough handful of years on games. I don't even find joy in some sports games anymore because they have changed so much.


Snatuu t1_j2big12 wrote

The game was fixed a long time ago and it's in a really good state now. Would recommend getting it


CaptainOk8280 t1_j2bv6vl wrote

It might be their first (or small collection of gaming experiences) big game of the cyber punk/open world series.

Its kinda like skyrim, hardcore Morrowind and oblivion players hate Skyrim due to how washed down and dead rpg elements are and how bugy skyrim was. But casual players fcking love it, just look at the mod support it has those fans carry skyrim.

But the reason people believe in CDPR is because they made an insanely good game (witcher 3) which fans use to deflect most of Cyberpunks issues (covid, hack drama, crunchy lunch time (heh), bad leadership affected the game and not the devs themselfs). This allows the fans to have hope that the game might reach a better potential than before (the last 2 dlcs seems to push it to a better direction).

Lets be fair Cyberpunk is not what marketing promised (its a looter shoter instead of a rpg) and full of bugs. But when the game works, its a god dam goldmine.


Null-Ex3 t1_j2c1k86 wrote

In my opinion, when cyberpunk is at its peak, its just decent. Maybe a little fun to play, maybe a little interesting but ultimately, nothing special. Cyberpunk simply fails to give me any feeling that i dint have in other shooters. It doesn’t have the same quality of mechanics like stalker, It dosent have the same immersive story of fallout new vegas or skyrim, It doesent have the mind blowing endlessly addicting gameplay of games like elden ring, it dosent have the interesting physics and ways to manipulate the enviorment of games like half life or breath of the wild and it dosent have the same freedom of gta. I have many gripes with cyberpunk and while in the beginning they were extremly serious gripes like the ai or the upgrades, now after update after update and patch after patch there is no massive game breaking thing i can point too and say “this is unacceptable, this needs to change and it needs to change now” nowadays cyberpunk is.. fine. The story is good, the gameplay is well… unbalanced but can be fun but ultimately there isnt anything special about it. If i wasnt so excited for the game and if it wasnt so critically acclaimed, and if it wasnt so terrible at launch and just released the way it is now, I genuinely think i wouldn’t remember it. Its not terrible anymore but it does nothing to separate itself from other games. I guess theres that cyberpunk vibe which for some reason very few games seem to tap into but other than that, its just… there… the gameplay is fun at its best but games like doom eternal are already fun. It has a good vibe sure but a vibe wont bring me back to a game over and over again. An atmosphere and theme simply isnt enough for me. I think the best most memorable thing about the game is its story, and its genuinely good. Probably the main reason so many people are so passionate about this game. And yeah once again, its really good. But to me personally, its not better than the likes of red dead or the witcher. And both of those games had amazing gameplay to back it up as well as decent launches and cyberpunk… just doesn’t. Ultimately cyberpunk fails to wow me in any particular way and at this stage, i dont think it ever will. Im interested and excited to see where they take the ip but idk think the game will suddenly outpace the likes of gta and make itself truly a household name as it once had the chance to do. But hey, maybe im wrong, maybe the game really is amazing at it just isnt for me.

Edit: holy shit this is long sorry lmao