Submitted by illbeurHuckleberry69 t3_10pg52b in gaming
-I-Need-Healing- t1_j6k8o61 wrote
Widowmaker from Overwatch has a bikini skin. But of course, it's impractical like most female armoured skins.
Idaho_In_Uranus t1_j6k8ocl wrote
Atom_52 t1_j6k90sa wrote
I would say Bayoneta, she makes her dress with her own hair and also uses it to summon monsters.
EtheusRook t1_j6k9ja9 wrote
Tallion from the Shadow of Mordor games.
Or maybe Ezio from Assassin's Creed.
Wooden_Bedroom_9106 t1_j6kacy8 wrote
Ninjawhistle t1_j6kbn60 wrote
Dante, Cloud, Sephiroth.
Firvulag t1_j6kcn8r wrote
RepresentativeCap244 t1_j6kcz2j wrote
Doom guy. Armor was forged in hellfire or some madness.
Waycool499 t1_j6kd5rh wrote
Eredin from Witcher 3 looks super badass.
LyannaBaratheon t1_j6kd939 wrote
Velvet from Tales of Berseria has a really cool design.
literalmente_eu t1_j6ke3k0 wrote
Postal dude had drip before drip existed.
sdurflinger t1_j6keooa wrote
The player char in MDK is pretty cool
spacecat-on-mars t1_j6kfubk wrote
RDR1 John Marston Default outfit is very badass and with the poncho
And AC2 Ezio is very good
Orokincatalyst t1_j6kgfld wrote
Darksiders War looks so good
speedbird_glitch t1_j6khqh6 wrote
THIS_IS_GOD_TOTALLY_ t1_j6khzxv wrote
The only answer I can think of is the literal opposite: Dr. Mario.
-----LUCA----- t1_j6kjni8 wrote
I think Vincent from ff7 looks pretty dope. Tifa has some cool ass sneakers too.
ClockOk7333 t1_j6kkdzd wrote
Majimako t1_j6kmh52 wrote
Not_goD_32 t1_j6kn5ky wrote
Isaac's armor in Dead Space is awesome.
aalexAtlanta t1_j6knqj4 wrote
OppGemini t1_j6kp0z2 wrote
Jack of Blades
JuanitoTalero t1_j6kpwyb wrote
Edward keneay
NAB326 t1_j6kw5da wrote
Botw link
VVolfGunner24 t1_j6kyu80 wrote
I wish I could upvote more
drmaxtherabbit t1_j6l4klv wrote
GlimmerMage12 t1_j6l65et wrote
Lulu from FFX. My favorite outfit of all time.
power_metal_76 t1_j6l8382 wrote
I'd say Corvo from Dishonored or Gabriel Belmont from Castlevania LoS.
notthephonz t1_j6lbcej wrote
Building off this answer, any of the Gullwings in FFX-2 because dresspheres
IJustW0rkHere0k t1_j6lcftm wrote
Knack 2 baby
Character-Bird7796 t1_j6lhq2p wrote
Master chief is iconic
[deleted] t1_j6li6gp wrote
A_destiny_player t1_j6lpk12 wrote
The Guardian in destiny two
Trauma-Dolll t1_j6lq2x4 wrote
DLC infected armour is funny, when he takes his helmet off his head remains in the helmet.
Roxswayze t1_j6lxg29 wrote
Pilots from Titanfall 2
sharkfest473 t1_j6lyrzk wrote
TurbulentClub6234 t1_j6m03rq wrote
Shay Patrick Cormac from AC: Rogue was better
CraftyPlatform2433 t1_j6m6her wrote
A lot of the bosses in the soul series goated
CraftyPlatform2433 t1_j6m6qit wrote
lordbuckethethird t1_j6mtoq2 wrote
Simon from cry of fear. Fingerless gloves give you demon resistance
Ok_Strategy2538 t1_j6mwuqb wrote
Markamanic t1_j6n5g75 wrote
All the belts.
Peak 90s edge.
saiyadjin t1_j6naxiw wrote
Miranda from ME2
MarinesRoll t1_j6nrv60 wrote
Steve from minecraft
Money-Philosopher-10 t1_j6o272r wrote
Double on Dante, man looks amazing in all iterations his style is just fabulous
Ok_Sherbet3539 t1_j6oix6h wrote
Adam Jensen
SgtStoner-PSN t1_j6oktfr wrote
Day_Dreaming_Panda t1_j6k7z6a wrote