EndlessJump t1_ja85af7 wrote
I find it impressive that the dog knows to grab onto the rope.
Whatifim80lol t1_ja893zz wrote
Always time to play tug of war
sonbarington t1_ja8z4x4 wrote
About to drown Ooo rope! nom
ybromero t1_jabkbnz wrote
I love this 😉
Morgell t1_jabnvv1 wrote
Practice for the real tug of war with life.
PeengPawng t1_jab88ic wrote
Right?! 😭💖
forwormsbravepercy t1_jacinxv wrote
“Oh, you wanna go, bitch?”
DontTreadOnBigfoot t1_ja87xx7 wrote
Yeah, my first thought was " that dog is a lot smarter than mine"
Brahminmeat t1_ja88ylt wrote
that dog is a lot smarter than me
pimezone t1_ja8fv25 wrote
Just a friendly advice. If you find yourself in a situation like this, don't bite the rope, use your hands instead. Much better, believe my experience.
sb552 t1_ja8hjag wrote
How's your teeth
ScarecrowJohnny t1_jaaed2g wrote
At the bottom of a lake probably.
silver2k5 t1_ja8u4t4 wrote
Or he's done it before.
Biased_individual t1_jaad0f8 wrote
Or both.
TeamAlibi t1_jab37uq wrote
I'm not sure I understand how this precludes the wonder they had about how it knew how to do it, whether it was today or a week ago xD
silver2k5 t1_jadjkkq wrote
Good boys are always down to fetch or play tug of war. Glad he did in any case though, because that big guy was going straight through the ice if he got too much closer.
EngagementBacon t1_ja8nvo6 wrote
Mine was, "that damn dog is always doing that shit, I bet!"
MsChrissi t1_jab4z47 wrote
Lol same. I looked over at my big idiot and he’d probably pull us both in.
Dodel1976 t1_ja9hj1e wrote
That dog is much smarter than its owner it seems.
Bubbagumpredditor t1_ja8bi71 wrote
Feels like this is neither of their first ice hole rodeo
DulceEtBanana t1_ja9enz1 wrote
I found it interesting that it didn't drop the rope and run when it got free - almost "just in case YOU fall in, I'll hold it and pull YOU out."
blownbythewind t1_jabj6zn wrote
Adventure Buddies!
Nesser30 t1_ja8bl2u wrote
Not his first time
Thathappenedearlier t1_jaa7wdp wrote
My guess is most dogs will try anything to get out my dog crawls all over me if he gets tired of swimming (even though I’ve got a life vest on him :/ )
Zkenny13 t1_jaarseq wrote
Yeah I've seen one bite the ladder and just hang on but that even though the shore was 5 feet in the other direction.
Electus93 t1_ja9vlm4 wrote
This is when you find out the gif was reversed...
Sir_Q_L8 t1_jacabcm wrote
datazulu t1_ja9y7m9 wrote
That is what impressed you and not the ice holding up the not very thin guy?!
FantasmaNaranja t1_jaacc9k wrote
that's presumably what the stick in front of him was for, find out if the ice is thin enough to crack with the pressure he's applying or not
Tandemdonkey t1_jaay3ti wrote
The ice he's standing on could easily still be thick enough to hold a small vehicle, ice is far stronger than most people realize, generally when ice opens up it's not because of something on top of it necessarily, there's usually already a crack or something that was pushed by something on top, holes also open up seemingly at random all the time, particularly on larger lakes, you'll be out on the ice and hear what sounds like an explosion in the distance and see a large whole open up(my dad saw one open up about 100 feet from a dude who drove his truck out onto the ice, dude was shook), large cracks will also often be quite loud, but are generally harmless
phatelectribe t1_ja9mhdh wrote
Definitely wasn’t his first (ice) rodeo.
joeschmoe86 t1_jaarig6 wrote
That's because this isn't the first time homie has thrown his dog in icy water for attention.
PM_ME_O-SCOPE_SELFIE t1_jabsch1 wrote
When I was around a crowd of people saving a dog in same situation, the rope didn't work.
I wrote a pretty long comment about that story a very long time ago.
The_Bombsquad t1_ja9kbn3 wrote
He's walkin himself
corsicanguppy t1_jaa9bwp wrote
Yep. Doggo's 'take' and 'hold' skills are strong.
RemakeSWBattlefont t1_jab0a3v wrote
Dogs will respond to a human pointing where as wolves will not. There has to be a sense of understanding between the two even if it's not spoken
NbdySpcl_00 t1_jab7cey wrote
(mute sound tho. There's a slo-mo portion and the audio suxxxx)
lawndartgoalie t1_jac9d7g wrote
Had it been a shitzhu it would have looked at the rope and crapped itself.
Lanitanita t1_jacdqua wrote
mach0 t1_jacnd3r wrote
that's the only thing dogs do with a rope
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