MercyReign t1_jdchhgz wrote
How cute!
screeling1 t1_jdcmbhi wrote
"I smell bacon. Does anyone else smell bacon?"
zoiobnu t1_jdcr19q wrote
I smell bacon too, with some chicken hearts
Epic-Dude000 t1_jdcryxn wrote
Dart_Dukii t1_jdcv53p wrote
I always wondered : are these pet pigs normal piglets or some special house breed?
GranumX t1_jdcy3l7 wrote
All fun and games until it grows up and gets ditched…
bobthened t1_jdcy6zl wrote
This a “miniature” pig, but it’s a baby. Miniature is relative because they get way bigger than that, like much heavier than a large dog, but smaller than a regular pig.
schoolruler t1_jdd8145 wrote
How big will she get fully grown?
EVASIVEroot t1_jdd98hk wrote
They go by many different names but there are slightly smaller breeds.
It's for sure a pig though, just a little smaller and they can get up to 200 lbs which is still a monster pig. I've heard of people deliberately misleading people by selling "tea cup" pigs that are just under fed pot belly pigs that end up getting giant.
a_pinch_of_sarcasm t1_jddcf9f wrote
Hog with a dog.
Anthropomorphic_Void t1_jddfj24 wrote
Chris P. Bacon
[deleted] t1_jddfrri wrote
gjon89 t1_jddj7nw wrote
Or becomes delicious bacon!
Digital_Individual t1_jddlmgq wrote
Funny enough my dog has a pig toy which she carries around just like this
cj2211 t1_jddnmh7 wrote
It's probably you
Quoll_Lucifer t1_jddom4i wrote
She takes her bed to doggy with her
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jddpy0j wrote
I'm not Muslim. I'm not vegan. I talk to animals. pigs are too smart to eat. my neighbors pig was loose, and i told her to get back in her pen and she just walked right back in. i had been talking to her for about a minute before i told her, and she was grunting back. maybe random, but she didn't walk away from me after. she turned and looked at me. If an animal i have never had any interaction with can understand words and commands from a stranger that means they have some grasp of language. pigs are so much smarter than chickens.
xylotism t1_jddu2gw wrote
I was gonna say, we need a video of the inverse!
BluEyesWhitPrivilege t1_jddu7r6 wrote
At least three times bigger than this!
Jimmni t1_jddx5j8 wrote
Would being a muslim or vegan have prevented you from utilising your Doolittle powers?
OkayRuin t1_jddxbnu wrote
Up to 200 lbs. I can’t believe people are still falling for the “teacup pig” schtick. They’re just regular potbelly piglets. There was a shelter crisis in the 90s when this craze first took off. I’ve seen “care information” brochures from some modern breeders, and they give very specific information about how much the pig should be fed; it’s literally telling them to malnourish the pig without the new owners realizing it. Chronic malnourishment is the only way these pigs will only grow to the advertised 60 lbs.
xxsneakysinxx t1_jddxwyh wrote
I wonder how the bacon tastes
tolerablycool t1_jddy61j wrote
I had no idea pigs "wagged" their tails when happy. What a wonderful thing to learn.
Admiral_Dildozer t1_jddynxe wrote
I have two pigs and they are seriously so cute and sweet when they’re tiny. But they grow up pretty fast and become very hard to manage. Pigs are smart and very social, if you don’t spend time with them and give them activities, they will get very destructive and mean.
They also can live 15-20 years with a healthy diet and lifestyle so be prepared for the long run if you do take one in!
Divilnight t1_jde04gu wrote
Am I the only one more interested in the fact that she also has a pig plushie as big as her?!
MrPopTarted t1_jde0ix3 wrote
I love how instead of turning slightly to the left, she turns all the way around to the right.
LyingBloodyLiar t1_jde3kld wrote
Vegans are tough on things like that
[deleted] t1_jde3kpz wrote
MafiaMommaBruno t1_jde3tqj wrote
Friendly reminder that pigs are scientifically much, much smarter than dogs and have a larger emotional range. If you have the space and the time, they're amazing pets.
ChimpBrisket t1_jde4uly wrote
Funny enough my bed has a toy dogpig which it carries around just like this
MandiocaGamer t1_jde5est wrote
or a video of both pets together who will carry each other
RixirF t1_jde5icy wrote
So will this pig also be abandoned when it grows to full size?
JoelMahon t1_jde6qqf wrote
Not an ambi turner
OkayRuin t1_jde7xje wrote
I mean, they are, but that’s no reason to keep one in an apartment.
UMPIN t1_jde8w97 wrote
Probably like bacon
PornIsCorruption t1_jde96kw wrote
Probably taught or used to walking to her bed on the purple carpet.
lyinggrump t1_jde9jp7 wrote
Mmm she's going to grow up to be one delicious hog.
[deleted] t1_jde9wsk wrote
GodLikePlaya t1_jdeagv7 wrote
Cuddly bacon is delicious bacon.
ShiveYarbles t1_jdean1c wrote
Hog on a jog with a dog
PhantomTroupe-2 t1_jdeapc7 wrote
No usually stuffed in a shelter
[deleted] t1_jdeaw86 wrote
scoff-law t1_jdeb2kj wrote
Anyone can talk to animals. Getting them to talk back is the trick.
Cerpintaxt123 t1_jdebb5m wrote
Many male models got this issue
AmazingMojo2567 t1_jdecjiv wrote
Muslims don't eat pork. Talking to a pig isn't in the Quran, so I'm sure it's fine. And again, veganism has nothing to do with talking to animals.
GrumpyFeloPR t1_jdecxpo wrote
videos like this with no sound is -50% aww
JankyJokester t1_jded6ty wrote
Man these videos really get me torn on how damn adorable bacon is.
__PETTYOFFICER117__ t1_jdee240 wrote
They are - and the people making that comment are typically advocating for abstaining eating pigs (or other animals) and would agree that malnourishment or keeping them as a pet when you don't have the space for a full-size pig is wrong.
lucymom1961 t1_jdeefwn wrote
I read an article about a pig in Alaska that kept getting out of his pen and went into town exploring. He was known by most of the townfolk, so he got home safely. He even got taken home by the police at one point!
__PETTYOFFICER117__ t1_jdef8e8 wrote
If you can recognize that pigs are too smart to eat, where do you draw the line? I personally went vegan when I saw a video of horrific abuses happening at a dairy farm and realized I couldn't contribute to that in any way, and subsequently began questioning my justification for any animal products I consumed.
Then it became a game of "if I'm not eating this why am I okay eating this".
Some cows are just as smart as some pigs or dogs. And if you begin to examine the moral considerations involved in measuring intelligence to determine if a being deserves to live, for me that was what led to just going full vegan.
ApeWithNoMoney t1_jdegcgs wrote
You don't let her sleep in your arms? Monster.
JaggedSuplex t1_jdegf6g wrote
I’ve been dealing with this since I got a dog. I’ve found it very difficult to honestly say I’m an animal lover while consuming them. Being able to buy meat at the store or at a restaurant makes it easy to ignore how it got there. I hope lab grown meat becomes a viable option soon
[deleted] t1_jdegu60 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdegy8x wrote
Los1ngFa1th t1_jdehyak wrote
g00f t1_jdejaui wrote
They living outside or you letting them run the house?
YoShake t1_jdel66t wrote
There's a bigger "fish" in that piggy's bed (´・ᴗ・ ` )
[deleted] t1_jdelwhy wrote
undercover-racist t1_jdemsxq wrote
Do wet pigs smell like wet dogs?
grammarpopo t1_jdenhv6 wrote
I agree. I’m Jewish-ish so technically shouldn’t eat pork. But I don’t eat pork because I raised pigs as a kid and teen, and they are so much fun, so smart, and so cute I couldn’t bring myself to send them to the place they were supposed to go. I was too attached. But I was forced to, so I just stopped raising them and eating them. I love pigs of all sizes.
grammarpopo t1_jdeo6je wrote
I too have worked at dairies and hate that industry with a passion. I mostly don’t drink milk or other dairy, and will stop completely with the new genetically engineered products that are available and soon becoming available. I’m sorry for dairy farmers, but it is an industry that needs to go out of business for many reasons - animal abuse, environmental damage, worker safety, nuisance and not-so-nuisance odors in addition to their massive global warming impact.
grammarpopo t1_jdeobj5 wrote
You eat your dogs?
Dana07620 t1_jdeoual wrote
Watching that tail wag, I'm sitting here thinking, "Thank god, I gave up pork back in the 1980s."
DrYIMBY t1_jdepo2h wrote
The correct spelling is "Sheltie," but I don't know why anyone would want to do that.
midbody t1_jdeq7j3 wrote
Aw, it's so tasty!
noiwontpickaname t1_jdeqq2f wrote
Tbf that is a lvl 5 vegan power
rayjdragonballz t1_jdeqy0d wrote
It's the cognitive dissonance. Once you earnestly decide to be honest with yourself, it's like a switch flips
xLosTxSouL t1_jderarr wrote
We had a house pig and it got quite big (still mich smaller than regular pigs) but we never ditched it. Why should someone even do that.
obamarulesit t1_jderh4b wrote
This sub has shown me many different animals have this type of behavior. Lambs, alpacas, foxes, etc. it’s pretty great
xLosTxSouL t1_jderny2 wrote
Why do people think this? Maybe bad owners do this. We had a pig and we never abandoned it.
wtfduud t1_jdeteax wrote
Because when it gets large it just becomes impractical to treat it like a dog. An adult pig is 6 times heavier than a Great Dane.
At best it gets stuck outside tied to a pole, watching the family through the windows.
PolarisC8 t1_jdetrgw wrote
Frankly, it's almost more of an encouragment to try dog...
PhantomTroupe-2 t1_jdetshb wrote
Get my ass bruh
ImBurningStar_IV t1_jdeuuax wrote
This pig could kick your dog's ass bro
aLmightyWave t1_jdez6o3 wrote
Bro I was wondering why your dog looked so weird for like 10 seconds until I realized it's a cute pig 😭
JaggedSuplex t1_jdez7pz wrote
No but rereading my post it definitely sounds like I do. I just meant having a pet changed my connection with animals in general
aLmightyWave t1_jdez9zd wrote
Also I did smoke so that might have played a part in my assumption
grammarpopo t1_jdezy1n wrote
I know you don’t eat dogs. I was just kidding with you. With my username I just couldn’t resist. Please forgive me!
bophed t1_jdf29ad wrote
I know right!
tundar t1_jdf9dzc wrote
Because a lot of people don’t do research and a lot of pot-bellied pig breeders lie and say that they’re ‘teacup pigs’ (which don’t exist) that are going to stay tiny and cute.
PSA that all mini pigs are just baby pigs that will become big huge pigs that weight 100lbs+ and as much as a 1000lbs.
skpicky t1_jdfc37b wrote
I'm curious OP: If this is indeed your video, and therefore your pig, is the pig housebroken and how did that go?
skpicky t1_jdfc90w wrote
I get what you're saying, but until a pig speaks to me in a human language, I'm going to keep eating them.
King_noa t1_jdfmx4b wrote
You can always eat it
Let_Me_Get_Back_To_U t1_jdfpk5j wrote
That's a crowded bed.
Arialwalker t1_jdfstip wrote
Are you thinking maybe baconwise?
shes-sonit t1_jdftxyl wrote
That tail at the end!
but_why_is_it_itchy t1_jdfv68t wrote
I don’t think you understand what they’re saying at all.
“This animal is sentient and doesn’t deserve to be factory farmed into an existence of nothing but immense suffering just to be my snack.”
“Yeah, but they can’t talk like me, tho…bacon”
If sentience or intelligence doesn’t affect your choices then why on earth would language acquisition make any difference?
ThreeSloth t1_jdg0pp0 wrote
Predictable, overused joke.
Quite like your mom.
OkayRuin t1_jdg1e13 wrote
I would argue that intelligence is not the only quotient for whether an animal should be eaten or not. In the case of dogs, they’ve been bred over 10,000 years specifically to serve as companion animals. They feel an adoration and affection toward humans that other animals do not.
Littlalex47 t1_jdg2aj7 wrote
Nekokamiguru t1_jdg58ly wrote
When that craze happened loads of people got piglets near where I lived at the time , but they grew up to full sized pigs and since we live in a rural area most of them ended up as bacon. since there was nowhere to keep them except with the other pigs.
Gqsmooth1969 t1_jdg5az0 wrote
But... Why male models?
Sweaty-Flow6301 t1_jdg82r5 wrote
Cute but all I see is bacon
andobodando t1_jdg8k2m wrote
Killer979 t1_jdga896 wrote
PolarisC8 t1_jdgapiw wrote
This is true, but some breeds were bred in part for food, too. Best of both worlds lol
OLDSCHOOLGG t1_jdgb1a1 wrote
Ok I’m a vegetarian from now on
Zarkanthrex t1_jdgc6wh wrote
Sadly it's the same for birds. Before I even wanted one, I made damn sure to look up how annoying they are. I still love my Pepper but, damn do I sometimes need to feel like I wanna walk away. Then I just let her scream into my ear everyday because she's still better than some humans. That, and I willingly submitted to the fact that parrots are awesome and the squawking is just a part of it like a baby that cries 24/7 lol.
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgcav0 wrote
i dont know... it usually only works with cats... maybe a brain parasite shared between species, but probably just too much reddit.
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgceqh wrote
it always surprises me when an animal starts making noise back at me.
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgdhmd wrote
your dog would love to go hunting with you.
OkayRuin t1_jdgeo0y wrote
Yeah, I love bird videos and I love hanging out with them, but I could never deal with owning one. I’d rather be the fun uncle.
[deleted] t1_jdgfvf4 wrote
1gothickitten t1_jdggqfj wrote
So adorable!
ruellera t1_jdgibw9 wrote
My sister used to pet sit for a friend who had a duck. The duck would not go to bed without his teddy. It was hilarious.
Wei5252 t1_jdgsw3q wrote
[deleted] t1_jdgzkxr wrote
makipri t1_jdgzmwg wrote
They do. And bigger, industrial pigs that have curled tails straighten their tail when being relaxed.
makipri t1_jdgzplm wrote
I would like to see the pig in the backseat of the police car!
makipri t1_jdh02ux wrote
Noticed the same thing. Looks like Knorrig from Ikea. I’ve seen some other pigs with pig plushies in their beds as well.
makipri t1_jdh04dw wrote
Sure! Or usually they replace the audio with some stupid music. I want that happy oinking in my life!
Jusfiq t1_jdh2avg wrote
Please update in couple of years on r/meat or r/food when she is bacon or ham.
RuinWMD t1_jdh7z18 wrote
They really are just like puppies! (tasty puppies)
cowofnard t1_jdhbcv7 wrote
Aaahhh what’s its name? Pls say it’s Bacon
roccorigotti t1_jdhhea1 wrote
n30l1nk t1_jdhkx41 wrote
Some models are not ambiturners, it’s a serious condition.
lucymom1961 t1_jdhpkmo wrote
I have him saved in my gallery but am too computer/phone illiterate to show you.
bfiabsianxoah t1_jdhzvsy wrote
I get what you're saying, but until a baby speaks to me in a human language, I'm going to keep eating them.
bfiabsianxoah t1_jdi05zr wrote
Earthling Ed on youtube really helped settle this for me
bfiabsianxoah t1_jdi0h5p wrote
That's great!! May i recommend Earthling Ed and Dominion both on youtube?
Sinistrahd t1_jdi3ias wrote
Antigravity without cats and buttered toast has been discovered!
Konocti t1_jdi93e6 wrote
That and pigs are herd animals, and need constant company or they can get depressed/aggressive. So they need another pig or two for companionship, and a TON of space to live in as they require constant excercise and room to roam.
BruceIsLoose t1_jdia2tt wrote
Makes sense since most pigs have their tails cut off. Typically without anesthesia.
BruceIsLoose t1_jdiacca wrote
Just wait until you learn about the egg and dairy part of the meat industry!
Gwekker t1_jdibz3v wrote
Do you also eat disabled people that lack the cognitive capacity to speak?
skpicky t1_jdifgdm wrote
Do you find that people respond well to this style of argument or are you just trying to look smart?
philaville t1_jdin8c7 wrote
It's Chris P
Admiral_Dildozer t1_jdjan8d wrote
When they were little they lived inside, but around 60 pounds they had to move to the backyard. They have their own little house now
muffahoy t1_jdlvl5t wrote
Fuck I love pigs. Cute as fuck. And delicious.
Gwekker t1_jduo6ah wrote
It's just a simple logical consistency check. What is smart about that comment?
makipri t1_jef19as wrote
Can you do imgur? It goes easily with Reddit. You can just click share on the Imgur app, copy link and paste it as a comment here.
lucymom1961 t1_jefm01r wrote
That was Greek speak to me, but I made a post in r/aww you can view, or just look at my profile!
makipri t1_jefnnt8 wrote
Thanks! Forgot already that it was a news story online so headline would have been enough but I got to see it finally! Looks cozy.
lucymom1961 t1_jefp6pc wrote
NOW you tell me!!! 🤣😅
bophed t1_jdcg2tr wrote
The happiness expressed with that little tail as she enters the bed!