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needspice t1_ir5um6w wrote

So… it swims like a fish…


vcmaes t1_ir63w3o wrote

Right?! I was expecting a quite different swimming motion. This was a rather useless animation.


_call_me_al_ t1_ir6lskl wrote

I'm far more curious about the scale of this shark. We talking a trout the size of a shark or a shark the size of a trout?!


lifeofideas t1_ir9t7x7 wrote

It’s a shark for ants, and other bugs that can’t swim good.


kenjith t1_ir64abw wrote

Thanks I wasn’t sure if the fish swam like a fish or like a donkey


lexi_con t1_ir6m4oh wrote

This animation is based on the discovery of thousands of fragments like this, so it could very well have been a donkey for all they know.


DeusModus t1_ir657vh wrote

Thanks, this is going on my GeoCities page.


disreputabledoll t1_ir6fl7i wrote

Right next to Dancing Baby and PBJ Time?


rumblebee2010 t1_ir7ogc6 wrote

Now there you go, there you go, there you go, there you go

Peanut butter jeeeelly, peanut butter jeeeelly


MumrikDK t1_ir711bk wrote

Not until you've filled the flame quota.


PowerStacheOfTheYear t1_ir5nvzk wrote

Take my advice and stay out of the lake. It's the slaughterfish. They'll swarm you.


thisisnotdan t1_ir5ryny wrote

Swarms of slaughterfish in the lake? Forget that! I'll retreat to the highest mountains just to stay as far away from that mess as I can.


illigal t1_ir69rqk wrote

<cliff racers liked this comment>


stout936 t1_ir6k3fg wrote

laughs in Bethesda creature spawning algorithm


brandonmiq t1_ir5pgyq wrote

This is very helpful, thank you.


Flexen t1_ir67i8b wrote

takes notes on fish movement now this is a fish and it…checks notes…swims in water? Is this bitey or licky?


nzjared t1_ir6kl4n wrote

I’m so confused. Where’s the banana for scale?


EngineZeronine t1_ir5xehj wrote

Ancient shark doo doo doo doo


KaHOnas t1_ir7147n wrote

You made me sing it. That's the last straw.


EngineZeronine t1_ir96zio wrote

Don't make me destroy you...

I'm too sexy for this shirt, too sexy for this shirt. Sooo sexy it hurtsss.


Hattix t1_ir6yrp7 wrote

Fanjingshania is the earliest jawed fish known, at 439 million years old of the lower Silurian, and could be to be a member of the group which placoderms (and all other jawed fish) emerged from.

However, we believe placoderms and all other fish (the ancestral group which would later become cartilaginous fish, acanthodians ("spiny sharks"), and bony fish, had already diverged at this point, and likely did so during the Ordovician.

There is an outside possibility that Fanjingshania is a member of that basal population, from which all other fish groups came (and, therefore, all vertebrates) but this is looking unlikely, as it's too late and already carries features giving it affinity with the acanthodians, which have no living relatives.

A 2016 study found all cartilaginous fish to be more closely related to acanthodians than any other group and recovered acanthodians as stem-chondrichthyes, while another group in 2012 had found acanthodians to not actually exist and assigned all its members either to Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) or to bony fish.

Most taxonomists at the moment seem to be agreeing with the acanthodians as stem-chondrichthyes model.

Additionally, working out how these swam was very important because these had the earliest pelvic fins. Vertebrate legs emerged from pelvic fins. It can give clues into the later evolution of tetrapods.

TL;DR; This is probably a member of an early divergence from the lineage which resulted in vertebrates, not an ancestor of vertebrates itself.


ch3ap_bask3t t1_ir8emzn wrote

Thank you. Was looking for a comment like this. Finding out or even speculating modern animals’ ancestries are always fascinating.


[deleted] t1_ir5fys5 wrote



Vinyl_Avarice t1_ir5krzi wrote

No no it’s really interesting: They are showing us it actually swam like any fish does.


merijn2 t1_ir71trz wrote

The animation is not very exciting, but the discovery of this fish is. Broadly speaking, fish fall into two groups: jawless fish (only a small number of living species, including the lamprey, but once the only type of fish), and the jawed fish, which includes the vast majority of the fish. The jawed fish can also be divided into two groups: the bony fish, which is the majority of fish, including our own ancestors, and the cartilaginous fish, which are sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras. This creature has just been found, and is a very old member of the cartilaginous fish, so related to modern sharks, and is the oldest known jawed fish, as they say it lived 420 million years ago.


sosogos t1_ir7l2ls wrote

Did you see how the tail is moving though?


awkwardstate t1_ir67yth wrote

I mean, they can't be completely certain. There's so many other ways for it to swim. /s


fantasmoofrcc t1_ir6dlkn wrote

It took how many undergrads how long on their abacus' to animate a fish with a bunch of extra fins? I thought this was r/notinteresting for a second...


writergirljds t1_ir6expk wrote

Holy shit that fish swims just like a fish!


TheFiredrake42 t1_ir6eytw wrote



LiemAkatsuki t1_ir6j3f5 wrote

Ancient animals/ fish always look bad ass af


mcstanky t1_ir6q2i3 wrote

On a serious note, I googled this thing and the discovery is pretty damn interesting


Cluelessish t1_ir73ps9 wrote

Well I for one am underwhelmed!


TikkiTakiTomtom t1_ir7e8oz wrote

People make jokes but there’s different swimming strategies employed by fish and other marine animals dependent on their anatomy (big dorsal fin etc)

For example:

  • whales and dolphins swallow the water in front of them and the force of it pulls them forward
  • starfish require the symbiotic assistance of teenage mutant ninja sea turtles to throw them like throwing stars
  • speaking of which certain species of sharks discovered in the 90’s traverse are highly complex and sophisticated, traversing only via bikes and roller skates
  • polar bears propel themselves like squid using their farts but because they just float atop the water they’re more like the Portuguese man of war which also fires off a brigade of farts

rittenalready t1_ir7ir99 wrote

That’s just a fish with extra fins


poyoso t1_ir7uvt3 wrote

Omg its so radically different from literally any fish!


EvilioMTE t1_ir9u5kd wrote

What a groundbreaking demonstration.


sneakin_rican t1_ir6fq08 wrote

It looks tasty. I wanna filet that sucker


Mr3k t1_ir6ioyu wrote

Reminds me of Seaman


skunkachunks t1_ir6j5q2 wrote

Anybody have the 10 hour loop of this?


Dawkinsisgod t1_ir6m4rc wrote

That's a funny looking walleye.


jbraden t1_ir6viv2 wrote

Damn, it didn't do water cartwheel tricks? Boringgggg /s


G2idlock t1_ir6xvv5 wrote

Huh... And here I thought it flopped around on the sea bed. Color me surprised.


nabila_aiss t1_ir77t47 wrote

Should've been animated next to one of the sharks we know today so we can see the approximation of the size


patsaid16 t1_ir7ecrn wrote

That does not scream ram-jet ventilation. Looks more like standard osteicthys/teleost operculum-assisted ventilation.


ufi911 t1_ir7ef1u wrote

I sure hope that didn't take too many scientists. I know a couple of 12 year old kids that could do that.


BBQ_Beanz t1_ir7fr5c wrote

Yeah your head looked like a dick, and look at you now. Broke ass, extinct ass, dummy.


bbjaii t1_ir7rhin wrote

Why many frames when little suffice.


shaneroneill t1_ir7u6j8 wrote

It’s not going anywhere, guess that explains the whole “extinction” thing


seriousbangs t1_ir8x9nc wrote

Aaaaaaanimated Shark (do do do-do-do-do)