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mcconorjam t1_itvpdt3 wrote

Reminds me of Cars “Mooo!”


f1junkie t1_itvq2nc wrote

It can work. But he should have taken it out of gear instead of jumping off


tehmlem t1_itvs3cs wrote

Well it's not stuck in the hole anymore, is it?


Klotzster t1_itvtuvb wrote

The tractor on the wheels goes round and round


Bareen t1_itw26h8 wrote

Yeah how is stepping on the clutch and/or bumping the stick out of gear easier than jumping off. Any time something has gone awry when I drive my tractors my initial reaction is to press the clutch all the way in.


ArchitectMS2021 t1_itwbba6 wrote

seems like it still would have worked, given the gif going for maybe 10 more seconds.


Ryuuzen t1_itwmwbr wrote

theres like 4 guys there, couldn't they have pushed it out?


CallMeJase t1_itx587q wrote

Might have better leverage if he backed up, then the front would be pushed down.


JethroFire t1_ity9aug wrote

You need to run one log underneath the tractor and fix it to both wheels.


PWNCAKESanROFLZ t1_ityacim wrote

I mean it's only stupid if it don't work. Unfortunately it didn't work lol.


sakhtlaudaaa t1_ityf0s4 wrote

I’m glad he had the presence of mind to jump out before it was too late. He wouldn’t have survived that imo.


Ajcoligan t1_ityjvva wrote

Isnt that the reason you dig under the tire and put something underneath? Lol.


llama__64 t1_ityk295 wrote

Break out a few bags of the finest genetically modified canola seed. That oughta give it some traction.


Free_Mr_Dressup t1_itykky5 wrote

Cool I totally didn’t want to see it smash into the ground at the end


1pencil t1_ityri63 wrote

It is funny watching someone do it right and wrong at the same time.


ELH13 t1_itywk53 wrote

Having grown up driving tractors from 12 yo, there was a complete absence of presence of mind there. As others have said - push the clutch in and it would have solved itself.

What's causing it is that the tractor is rear wheel drive, so the drive in the rear wheels is what's causing it to lift.

Alternatively, reverse out.

Much like going up a steep hill, if you go up forward, most of the weight is at the back and it may raise at the front and flip. Instead, you can reverse up the hill, provided it isn't too steep.


SECURITY_SLAV t1_ityzchr wrote

Meanwhile, the Russian ministry of defense is trying to copy Ukrainian special agricultural corp, without much success


BoredCop t1_itz3ldb wrote

Almost certainly intentional, done for the camera.

Anyone with more than half an hour of tractor driving experience will have had the front wheels come off the ground a few times, and will know to instantly step on the clutch. This fixes the problem right away, every time.

This guy waited until he had the front end lifting, then immediately jumped out without any hesitation. Which means he planned to do just that, instead of declutching.


organmaster_kev t1_itz96ab wrote

Last time I saw this, Mater and McQueen were tractor tipping!


JellyJim7 t1_itzdkvv wrote

That would put all the back end weight on the whole front end minus the front tires (because of the hole, the front tires would be floating.)

Edit: lol Guess I was wrong.


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_itze67m wrote

Today on "Decorative cold forming": how to use your tractor to make twisted poles from axles


buckeyemountain t1_itziari wrote

I watched my friends dad do this successfully. It was pretty cool to watch