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v4por t1_iz7wccj wrote

Our cat, which we've had about three years since a kitten, is the only cat I know that likes belly scratches. Doesn't resist, doesn't scratch. Just lets us hold her like a baby and purrs.


SnakeBeardTheGreat t1_iz7wt6l wrote

That's like cats that like baths. they have always done it, it does not hurt so lets do it.


Badbullet t1_iz8i8bu wrote

Both of our cats (not siblings) like belly scratches like yours. We just did it calmly a soft since they were kittens, like we were gently grooming them, and not to appear as if we are playing with them. 2 years later they'll roll over for us to give them pets and rubs all along their bellies. They also don't scratch or bite, like ever. Except my big toe when I wiggle it under the blankets. 😆 I swear we won the lottery with the two of them, that or we did something rare when raising them. You probably did similar.


Winjin t1_iz9pb2f wrote

I used to live together with a fur baby called Blackberry

She is the nicest, gentlest kitty there every lived. She used to be a pregnant stray and always behave like no bad can ever happen to her and there is no danger in the world at all. I am surprised she could survive in the streets of Saint-Petersburg, but I'm glad we rescued her!

So the point is, that little lady never bit me once in her life and allowed me to pet and scratch any part of her belly or even her paws. I love that cat and I'm glad that she lives with my friend now, they completely spoil her)