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lo_fi_ho t1_j2sgawe wrote

I'd like to live there please


Apocrisiary t1_j2sgjpj wrote

Holy shit, that water so murky it looks like coffee with a splash of milk.


Sabatorius t1_j2sj60h wrote

Is this different from how it normally looks?


Bonusish t1_j2sjc5g wrote

What are we looking at here? (besides the Water of Leith obvs)


BokoMoko t1_j2snv8l wrote

I assembled a jigsaw puzzle of a picture of this building


Bonusish t1_j2spe4e wrote

Ah right, is it the novelty of Dean Village in Stockbridge that caught your eye? You on holiday in Edinburgh at the mo?

If you go westwards from there the grounds of the Museum of Modern Art are a nice find


Shurikane t1_j2svin0 wrote

I wanna go back there sometime. Edinburgh was a gorgeous city to visit.


octahexx t1_j2svngo wrote

Plotting how to take back the penal colony now named these united states of cant fool us with documentary over voicing about hippos!


dead_skeletor t1_j2sw7ta wrote

I'll be there in March! Any recommendations of things not to miss out on?


Perendinator t1_j2sxdw9 wrote

I lived there for a few years, Edinburgh is a beautiful city.


D13U t1_j2sxnh9 wrote

It was noon! Not morning...


TheAtrocityArchive t1_j2t3hdb wrote

My dentists building is right behind you, thought you might like to know....


djluminol t1_j2tjw91 wrote

This morning a waterway did the same thing it has for the last 1000 years. Beautiful scenery though.


nydwarf t1_j2tmj8b wrote

It looks like a river of gravy.


Winterpegger t1_j2tru6t wrote

Are there any fish in that creek or good fishing in that area in general?


Perused t1_j2ts5td wrote

Was expecting a Monty Python clip


dignz t1_j2tt02w wrote


I was in Edinburgh 30 hours ago. In Sydney now with another flight to go. So so tired.


ColJohn t1_j2tzmcy wrote

No way I was just here. Was this in dean village?


rainmace t1_j2u4p13 wrote

Bro, take this nonsense down. Are you serious?


lens88888 t1_j2udyx9 wrote

Sorry I was being facetious. There are trout there but you're not allowed to fish right there. It's in middle of the city. Upstream you can with various restrictions like fly only. But if you live in Scotland you're spoilt for choice so no one going to fish this kind of scenario.


Snufflepuffster t1_j2ueexd wrote

I've seen an image of this bend before and it always struck as looking too fresh, like a flood just subsided. It must be the soil? Is it peat?


goatsukel t1_j2uf7hc wrote

That is Disney’s haunted mansion.


[deleted] t1_j2ugrku wrote

What a city

I've been obsessed with it since a kid when a family member did a semester abroad there


LoreChano t1_j2uhhiq wrote

That river is weird, it doesn't look natural. Is this the normal water level? It feels like the building is almost below the river level. They definitely ran into water while digging its foundations.


Srhm80 t1_j2ukonv wrote

I love the ancient buildings, they have so much character.


TheRageDragon t1_j2urozb wrote

Is it like always cloudy there? When I see photos of this city it always looks like that in the sky.


xRockTripodx t1_j2uxo6o wrote

Pretty, but dreary. Exactly how I've imagined England since I was a kid watching Tom Baker as Dr Who.


Transposer t1_j2uzuep wrote

Looks cool, but why film this beautiful scene vertically?? 🤮


dekkalife t1_j2v12dz wrote

GIFs have become higher resolution than my eyes


jawshoeaw t1_j2v43nv wrote

This is terrible !! Or wonderful. Had to check if this was a climate sub. Is Edinburgh flooding? Or beautiful?


bordone t1_j2v9lro wrote

Is this where the chocolate river from Willie Wonka's factory ends up?


jdayatwork t1_j2vl7j4 wrote

I think this is the village where you get to the Dark Brotherhood through the well.


-Celador- t1_j2vlo20 wrote

Aaahhh it’s as if the Good Lord himself has painted that beautiful land in all the colors of the brown.

And some grey.


trbt555 t1_j2vlsjx wrote

The GIF that keeps on giving.


ThatDismalGiraffe t1_j2vq9z3 wrote

Oh fuck you with your gorgeous fucking architecture, you utter fuck!

I'm sitting here in California, USA, where the oldest building in my immediate vicinity is maybe 70 years old and falling apart.

I fucking hate that you get to live surrounded by this beauty!

I'm kidding, I'm super jealous and I love visiting Europe. You guys are the best people and your architecture is mind-blowing. Please post more beautiful buildings for me to rage at.


anilgard t1_j2vqakv wrote

hey, which visa do I need to travel there? Can you guys help?


n00bcak3 t1_j2vteeh wrote

Edinburg is one of the nicest and architectural cities I’ve ever seen. Frankly I thought London and the other major cities in the UK were like any other city in the world but Edinburg was really memorable.


MrHedgehogMan t1_j2vuf53 wrote

Botanic Gardens

Edinburgh Castle

Museum of Scotland

Whisky Tasting


Holyrood House

Climb Arthur’s Seat/Salisbury Crags

Get chugged on Princes St

Have a seagull nick your pizza in the Gardens.

That’s the main tourist stuff. Reddit likes to promote Edinburgh and Skye as Scotlands main draws but there’s lots else here to enjoy.


kalo_todo t1_j2vusqg wrote

Edinbro, Edinbrah, Edinbbbbbb scenery


3DigitIQ t1_j2w310f wrote

lovely, thank you for a non-sensational easy on the eyes gif.


deathzor42 t1_j2wb92e wrote

quick look suggest you need a tourist visa for the UK, you can likely contact The British Embassy in Ankara for more details on the exact visa demands, or call an airline before booking tickets they tend to have a good idea of the entry requirements.


McSphere t1_j2wcznc wrote

Wow, this is literally taken outside my friend's building. So trippy to see it on the front page.


sokocanuck t1_j2weouz wrote

This would make a fantastic picture....and a terrible gif


pr0v0cat3ur t1_j2whe8e wrote

Beautiful, picturesque, peaceful….is QOL life in Edinburgh good? I mean, I could happily live in a place like this as long as it had high speed internet, Amazon deliveries, and a decent golf course.


justthetip13 t1_j2wi8v3 wrote

I’m sitting here in flat, boring VA, USA thinking the same about you in CA. At any point, you’re no more than 3 hours away from the beach, the mountains or the desert. You have nine freaking national parks! Grass is always greener my friend


nerevisigoth t1_j2wiqa7 wrote

That's the standard pronunciation in the UK. Hang around a train station and you'll hear it in the announcements constantly. People who consume a lot of American media or work with Americans might say it the American way.


professor_doom t1_j2wishf wrote

Wow, I know this view. There’s a picture of this exact spot from a hundred plus years ago and now. I need to find it!

Edit: found it!


LWY007 t1_j2wuk7z wrote

Edinburgh is one of my favorite cities in the world.


EN1009 t1_j2wygvi wrote

Thought that was the Haunted Mansion for a min


PorchHonky t1_j2x9vah wrote

Is Cedric waiting for Graham outside?


idealista t1_j2xgiwi wrote

I was expecting part of the church to collapse over the river. Now I'm disappointed...


SuperK123 t1_j2yhv6z wrote

I love visiting places like this realizing that it hasn’t changed in 400 years. Imagine the famous people who gazed upon this view.


picasso71 t1_j2ylccn wrote

A better title maybe would've been "Edinburgh mornings"