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PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j9gp78t wrote

What do you dislike and is there anything else you've tried and for long have you been listening?

I've pretty much settled on a more or less modded HD6XX and tubes. Laid back sound is my jam. Could it maybe just be that you fear missing out on more? I feel like this is the driving force of many purchases made in the adiophile market. Always craving that little bit of more and better sound. To me, even after having heard the HD800, that stuff simply doesn't exist (yet). Heck the only thing that I want to try are ZMF headphones, but for now I am done.

Enjoy your music, that's the main thing about all of this! Have fun and if your setup is new: brain burn in is real. It might take some time to start appreciating these headphones and once it clicks you might never stop listening again.


mghazik OP t1_j9gvjpb wrote

I've been listening Sundara last half of the year and all that time hunted for upgrade sound from Zen Dac. To be honest I've finished this game too early. I sold DT 770 Pro in favor of Sundara's neutrality and had chance to try HE 4xx, HD 58x and Deva Pro (and compare them). Sundara is definitely better headphone but difference of price, not quality, so significant, my wallet says stop finding rabbit in the hole. So I get stuck with that gear and happy only about 80%. Maybe a second pair of headphones for example 6xx would make me feel better? I'm joking. Audiophilia is a disease.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j9gz05u wrote

The 6XX is probably much less engaging than the Sundara lol. It's definitely not a "wow" headphone. It's maybe the most relaxed thing ever. However, if you like acoustic music and jazz and such, it's great.

Anyway. I'd focus more on the music than on the gear. That's always the best thing you can do!


ratatat t1_j9hls42 wrote

I prefer the crispiness and imaging of my 660 over the soundstage and (slightly more) bass of the Sundara 🤷‍♂️


NoScoprNinja t1_j9iacg9 wrote

660… crispiness?


ratatat t1_j9jl2cb wrote

Clarity might be a better word? When A/B’ing the 660 & Sundara over 2 days, the Sundara sounded a bit muffled in comparison, almost like listening to a speaker in a gymnasium in comparison. Greater instrument/vocal separation in the 660, which pushed me to keep the 660.


Rogue-Architect t1_j9icj2n wrote

Just misinformed. I mean I’m pretty sure those plus soundstage are the 6X0 series 3 major downfalls. Smooth, close, 3 blob.


radrod69 t1_j9je1q6 wrote

I wouldn't call them misinformed considering they've listened to both the Sundara and 660S. The 660S stands out from the rest of the 6x0 lineup as it has a good (read: wider) soundstage and decent imaging.

I haven't listened to a Sundara in a while but if my memory serves me well, I'd call the mid range on the 660 crispier (vocals sounding muted and lack of slam were the reasons I upgraded). Depending on what you listen to, I could see how someone could come to that conclusion.


ratatat t1_j9jl9n6 wrote

I might be using improper terminology but I can understand “blob” and Sundaras were more blobby than the 660s in my experience. Couldn’t tell if you’ve used either, but just sharing my opinion.


NoScoprNinja t1_j9icuow wrote

Exactly, the Sundara was perfect for me compared to the 660, loved it so much that I just decided to get an Ananda as a slight upgrade to the Sundara.


Rogue-Architect t1_j9iekmj wrote

I started with a DT-990 Pro and then I went all in and tried most of the highly recommended things in Midfi: Edition XS, Ananda, Elex, Aeon Open X, HE6SE and ended up loving the difference so much that I had to know what the Arya was like. Jeez what a difference. Everything in that category was already a big step up and so I wanted to know but wondered what more there could be. For me personally, this was when I felt like I finally transcended. Everything in that midfi category sounded incredible but the Arya was the first time I fully disappeared into the music. I was in a new world. I don’t know if that is the same for everyone but it wasn’t until I broke that threshold that everything came alive.

From there I tried some IEMs and eventually got the Audeze iSine10. They destroyed every IEM I had heard and so I had to hear the Audeze sound and picked up a pair of LCD-3. It was intoxicating. Smooth and liquidy but also really detailed. Not as detailed as the Arya but I loved the warm/dark signature. I then traded my Arya for an LCD-24 and it was like another level again. More detail than the Arya but the warmth and impact I had to come to love from Audeze. I am now on an LCD-5 and woof. The detail is unparalleled and they just sound so natural. It was like transcending again. They are just insane.

It’s funny because I believe in diminishing returns but at the same time I personally have felt that at certain levels there are points where things just go to a different level. Are they 20x better as the price would indicate? Well no, but it is not the same experience at all so I don’t know where I sit lol.


mindhead1 t1_j9hdfg3 wrote

It is a disease. I hate to break it to you, but you won’t see significant improvements until you break out of mid fi range (below $500). I tried all the usual suspects in that price range 4xx, 6xx, Sundara, Meze 99, DT 990. All have good aspects and quality headphones.

However, for my birthday last year I got the LCD-X and finally understand what a solid all around headphone should sound like. I’m not saying it’s the best out there, but it’s quality and doesn’t lack in areas like the other headphones do.

I periodically go back and listen to my older headphones and think these are good. Then I plug in the LCD-X (balanced to my Zen DAC v2) and wonder why I wasted listening time with my other headphones. I’m honestly afraid for my wallet as I’m lusting after a set of ZMF headphones.


ontheellipse t1_j9hyn4p wrote

I feel like the diminishing returns set in very fast. If you have a “normal income” you can do extremely well for not a lot of money.

I love high end gear. I love reading about it and messing around with it, but never have I gone to a high end show and thought THIS room is 1000x better than mine. I’d rather have my room/headphone setup and say….a vacation home or a Porsche

Edit: but that’s me. Props and respect to the guys out there pushing the limits


blorg t1_j9jb2d7 wrote

Edition XS gets you there for under $500 (close to $300 in Asia). It's a better all rounder than the LCD-X IMO, and is much better tuned out of the box, particularly through the upper mids. LCD-X is very muffled sounding stock due to the upper mids recess. LCD-X is transformed with EQ though and does have slightly better bass (I'd say better than anything else I've heard), although the Edition XS is no slouch there either. Soundstage is also much better on the XS.

I have both and I enjoy both, but if I could only keep one it would be the Edition XS and it's not close. That it's so much cheaper is just the icing on the cake, for me it's a better headphone even if it was priced the same.


mindhead1 t1_j9jdmwj wrote

LCD-X “muffled?” We all have different ears. I have the 2021 version and “muffled” is not a word I would use to describe them.

Balanced and detailed come to mind when I think of the LCD-X. Also, great bass when powered with a good amp.

I haven’t tried the Edition XS yet and doubt there are any more Hifiman headphones in my future. Too many build quality issues with previous sets from them.

ZMF, DCA, Focal and Meze 109 Pro all need sampling first. But I get it $500 - $1500 for headphones is a lot of money and not everyone can afford that.


blorg t1_j9jerk5 wrote

You can look at the frequency response, it is ~10dB below Harman at 4kHz. That's pretty muffled to me.

Or compare with the HD6XX which you own. That, to me, is just about perfectly tuned in the mids. It is not the most technically proficient headphone in existence, but the mids tuning, for my preference, is on point. The LCD-X is WAY recessed, comparatively.,HD650_S2_(2020)(fresh_pads),LCD-X(2021)

You can like this and find it warm, dark, relaxed, smooth, all this stuff. I find a -10dB chasm in the upper mids to sound muffled, and I correct it with EQ. It's a great headphone... after EQ.

Anyway, more just making the point you don't NEED to go to >$1,000 to get to "significant improvements". The Edition XS can be total end-game, I have several >$1,000 sets and it competes at that level despite costing much less. I'm not saying the LCD-X is bad either, I wouldn't have bought it if I thought it was bad. I bought it for the bass, and it delivered on that, it has the best bass of anything I have. But it needs EQ to fix the muffled upper mids, IMO.


jfleysh t1_j9jx3gq wrote

u/blorg I agree with you 100000%. I own a Focal Clear OG, Arya Stealth, and I received the LCDX a couple days ago. When I first put them on I was so frustrated because it sounded so unbelievably muffled when compared to the Arya Stealth. I couldn't believe the hype for these things.

Then I added Oratory's EQ which raised the 4k frequency by a ton and it opened up the headphone a LOT. I think now it definitely compares to the Arya. I still think the Arya does everything the LCDX does and includes extra soundstage so I'm not sure I'll keep these. I'm still comparing the bass between the two so we'll see.

I had the Edition XS before the Arya and it felt cheap to me and also was so easy to fall off the head. Sound was great though.


johnwall47 t1_j9lc19v wrote

Yea idk what they mean the LCD-X stock tuning is absolutely muffled as fuck. But since they respond so well to EQ I don’t rlly hold that flaw against them. If ur spending that much ur already working on improving the margins of sound quality and EQ is just another part of that, not a major inconvenience at all


TheBoundHotwife t1_j9iqr88 wrote

I hit IEM endgame really quickly with Timeless, S12 + Qudelix then Z12 + Qudelix (broke timeless lost S12 + Qudelix).

I knew it wasn’t worth the slow upgrade path so for headphone I started at HD600, and ordered Arya Stealth along with 2 more Qudelix and 2.5mm cables.

Funny thing is I’m tempted to buy a set of KZ Ling Long as a tiny open back iem with Wu Zetian like tuning fascinated me.


iRAPErapists t1_j9isdfq wrote

I don't understand, why are you only 80 percent happy? Because you want to spend more money?


mghazik OP t1_j9iz44n wrote

It's all about addiction to one single pair headphones. I've been finding exactly "that" sound last half of year and noticed that Sundara doesn't provoke me for fresh emotions. Some youtubers say you need a second pair to refresh feelings but I don't know.


iRAPErapists t1_j9j7ibj wrote

Makes sense. Got bored, want to chase a feeling. Sounds about right


billy_nelson t1_j9m3jyx wrote

Lol, find new music, not new gear. The only money I spend these days is my music subscription and CDs, mostly 2nd market. My way out was the Meze 109 Pro + OG Blessing 2, have other gear but those are my favourite all rounders.