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ieure t1_jabcf0y wrote

Some stuff I've been real into, in no particular order. I have a wide taste in music and enjoy difficult things, so, fair warning.


vext01 t1_jaeb18g wrote

I've added about half of your recommendations to my wish list! I'm always looking out for stuff which sounds like nothing I've ever heard before.

(and i'm embarrassed to say, I already knew clowncore!)

Please sir, may I follow you on bandcamp?


ieure t1_jaecg87 wrote

clown core is great! No need to be embarrassed. You're welcome to follow me, here's my profile. Lots of other good/weird stuff in there.

I don't know how much noise music you've heard, but this live piece from Otomo Yoshihide is fantastic. I love seeing how the sounds get made, something you really miss when listening to a recording instead of seeing it live.


vext01 t1_jaeeg9r wrote

That Otomo Yoshihide video has me in stitches!


ieure t1_jaems0p wrote

I legit really like him and that kind of music.