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Perdsing88 t1_jeaixl1 wrote

Hes a troll but he's by far the most entertaining audio content creator LOL


zaq9339 t1_jeaunvx wrote

Troll might be his style but if you ignore the spicy takes and hyperboles, he's actually science based. At the end of the day, can't fault the man for demanding objectivist perfection. And he can support his arguments too. Might wanna check out his latest video.


Coalbus t1_jecmdem wrote

I become even more confused about Sharur every time heโ€™s mentioned here.

You have one person saying heโ€™s a troll: Downvoted

You have another person defending him: Also Downvoted

I donโ€™t know what to think ๐Ÿ˜‚


zaq9339 t1_jecsj9d wrote

He is not to be mentioned here. He is considered a 'subversive element' acting to the detriment of the sacred hobby of audiophilia ๐Ÿ˜†

Make no mistake, I'm no fan of his delivery, I called him out on this once or twice myself. But apart from being unlikable to the general public (and the business side of things) I imagine he doesn't have many fans here for the same reasons a lot of people prefer r/headphones, Head-Fi or their favorite nonscientific youtubers over ASR. Science and snake oil don't go well together. Kinda takes the magical element out of what is for the most part a wild goose chase.

Flame away ๐Ÿ”ฅ


spartaman64 t1_jed4isd wrote

idk all i know was seeing him in a discord claiming he knows exactly how a transducer sounds by just looking at the graph and simulating it in his brain LUL


zaq9339 t1_jed7ff7 wrote

That's the edgy way of delivering the objectivist line 'this measures well/bad therefore hi/lo-fi'. He is an edgelord but he knows a thing or to. If anything people should get mad not at what he says but how he says it. You can really try his latest video. I think it's an honest effort.


spartaman64 t1_jed7l61 wrote

Nah he claimed to know exactly how the Soundstage, imaging, dynamics etc of a headphone is just from simulating it in his brain LUL


kommanditbolag t1_jeeb3yf wrote

I follow him solely because I don't understand what his deal is.


josher814 t1_jeeqgrq wrote

Donโ€™t listen to others. Form your own opinion by watching his content first