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Gromu t1_iu1yfi3 wrote

Focal Clear, perhaps? I don't know what volume you listen at, but I've had my Clears for nearly two years now and I never have this issue.

I have three Focals and none of them have this issue, actually.


blorg t1_iu2rubj wrote

The Clear has it, if I go looking for it with test tones or listening to music louder than I would usually listen. I do have to go louder than I would ever listen sustained, but not crazy volumes either. So does the Utopia, although I have to go to a higher volume to get it there. All of Focal's open back headphones do this, it's inherent to the design. It seems to be very variable though between different headphones and even the cups, I get it on the right on the Clear first. Some seem better than others.

For me, it is never an issue at regular listening volumes on either the Clear or Utopia, even with a substantial EQ bass boost (+8.6dB on the Clear with Oratory1990's Harman target). So, for me, it's not a problem.

This is what Focal themselves say about it:

>As already mentionned several times on Head-Fi, the issue described is actually not a quality issue.

>Indeed, we have made a clear design choice on Elear (and by consequence Elex) and Utopia. Our headphones have been designed to favor the respect of the dynamic contained within the audio signal versus dynamic compression that would offer a higher SPL capability but less respect of the original audio signal. To cut a long story short, the choice was audio quality oriented rather than SPL oriented. This allows our products to work with full performances until the mechanical clipping is activated. This means that you jump directly from a very low distortion to a sound which could be heard as rattling / cracking noise. On very special tracks with only very low frequencies at very high level, you can thus hear some noises - as you will do on classic loudspeakers.

>If we change your pair of headphones, the new one will be designed similarly and it will also have a kind of cracking sound when you will be listening to music with high volume and a fair amount of bass. The only solution we can recommend you is therefore to listen to your headphones at a lower volume.

>The only solution we can recommend you is therefore to listen to your headphones at a lower volume.


Roxaos OP t1_iu1yysx wrote

Might have to give the Clears a shot. Both pairs of Elexes I’ve tried had this


Articulate_1 t1_iu3ejz1 wrote

I had the Elex with that same clipping problem: couldn’t play it past a specific volume particularly for songs with deep bass hits (Jacoo - Breathe, for instance). Sold the Elex and found a used Clear. Tested before I bought with particular tracks I knew were problematic for the Elex and there was NO clipping. Same volume levels and all.

Not only do they not clip, but the Clears are way more dynamic and open sounding than the Elex. I don’t know how anyone would say the Elex is 90% of the Clears. For me, the Clears are on a completely different level. Worth every penny.