Submitted by t3_yjxrsf in headphones

Look. I get it. You’re paying 400$ for overpriced headphones that don’t have half the audio clarity of even the HD6XXs. I understand. But. Why am I always pissed that the guy on the squat rack next to me, the guy in business economy, the old guy with crazy good style, has the AirPod max’s? I mean come on, he doesn’t even know what true hifi sounds like. But they look cool I guess…. But fuck that… right? This is the argument you come to every time you open safari, type, AirPod max why? In google, convince yourself you want them, and then see the 400$ price tag and say “Fuck that they don’t even sound good anyway.” Repeat. Well. Here’s your justification.

  1. Apple makes an aesthetic. Get over it. They do. You like it. It’s arguably the most prestigious aesthetic in tech. Thoughtful minimalism.
  2. The connectivity. My phone just knows and connects. My iPad will switch off with it, it is seamless.
  3. Apple makes a great sounding sound. Period. That’s all. Sure, Bluetooth can’t transmit lossless. Sure, even with lossless technology they won’t be able to transmit DAC quality audio. Sure, they don’t support the same level of Bluetooth technology as leading headphones. But. Fuck ALL that. Apple makes great sounding audio. I don’t care that my HomePod mini doesn’t product a dynamic soundstage. I care that it sounds consumable by myself and guests. The AirPods Pro deliver a flat, detailed (enough) sound to provide my ears with a genuine sound that doesn’t oppress any fatigue. The max do the same.
  4. Utility. Forget audio quality, I’d buy these products for their active noise cancelling alone. There is no doubt. that apples active noise cancelling is best in its class. The utility of ANC and conversation boost transparency mode is a perfect harmony of utility value in a headphone. Buy these headphones. You’re already sold. Don’t expect audio quality that changes your experience of audio. Expect consistent, flat, consumable sound. In a consumable format, with a consistent product. Never doubt, never be challenged, be enabled to listen your best to your convenience.


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t1_iuqcj9l wrote

lol, if only people here spent as much effort justifying buying $2000 cans that offer like 5% more performance than $200 headphones with some EQ

you like it, you want it, you can afford it? buy it and enjoy.


t1_iuqf0zm wrote

Why are apple so good at brainwashing?


t1_iuqfxp0 wrote

Kool-Aid, its what plants crave.


t1_iuqfyew wrote


>The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known by its informal name "Jonestown", was a remote settlement in Guyana established by the Peoples Temple, a U.S.–based cult under the leadership of Jim Jones. Jonestown became internationally infamous when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 909 people died at the settlement, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and at a Temple-run building in Georgetown, Guyana's capital city. The name of the settlement became synonymous with the incidents at those locations.

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t1_iuqdcji wrote

Apple should hire you for a marketing position.


t1_iuqeotv wrote


I guess we are happy that you enjoy living in a walled garden. I'm not partial to being told what to do, how to do it and when I'm allowed to do it with hardware I have paid money for.

To address your points.

  1. I'm not in high school anymore, when I was I hated trendy shit and that continues to this day. Sure apple designs some cool looking stuff, and? You get to pay a hefty premium for that look, want more RAM in your MacBook? Bend over, here it comes again. I want my tech to fit the needs I have and be the solution to my use case, aesthetics be damned. If want prestige I'll wear a Rolex or Omega watch, drive a GTR or a Porsche, not to impress others, but because they make me happy. The second I care what I look like on the squat rack is the day I shit a chicken.
  2. Your phone "knows" what to do because you have stayed in their garden, and taken a sandpaper dildo dry in your wallet for the privilege. Good luck using their products outside of their garden, they cripple it so much its a joke.
  3. Of course they don't support the same tech in other headphones, they haven't had time to copy it yet. Give em a few years and they will have all the 2022 tech in their 2025 lineup.
  4. Utility? For the same $400 I personally would rather have bought a pair of DT770's for music and some QC45's for ANC, If I needed ANC. If I didn't need ANC, Sundara at $299, you could drop $50 over the Max for the HiFiMan HE6se V2 or bump up $100 more to get the Edition XS and tear the ever loving ass out of apples "great sounding sound". If I want consumable sound, I'll buy some pixel buds pro or galaxy buds, at half the price of the Max.

PS, apple sucks. I'm in IT and I actually had another grown ass man, who was an IT professional, tell me that apples just work because of "magic".


t1_iuqo539 wrote

Look. I love my Max. I do. They sound wonderful. And they’re my ANC over ears of choice. I didn’t pay close to retail too which helped.

However, I’m not gonna deny that they’re luxury listening.

There are many options in the closed back ANC space that can provide similar results for less. You can for sure get an XM4, and EQ to achieve very similar results and have fantastic ANC too.

Frankly, I bought my Max before I knew as much as I do now about EQ and their (Sony’s) app and how to tweak it to my taste. I’d have likely kept them otherwise.

I’m deep in the ecosystem as well, but one has to be realistic. They’re luxury listening.


t1_iusv58n wrote

Ugly. Not worth the price tag. There are better ANC. There are better sounding ANC headphone. Not confortable at all. Consistent experience only if you are a Apple user, every other product is created to work with various devices, but not Apple.


t1_iuqo47t wrote

I bought airpods gen 3 and returned them and bought a porta pro wireless . just wasn't for me i guess.


t1_ivf38fm wrote

I like the airpods max but just can't justify spending that much money on something with batteries and questionable reliability.