Submitted by DMMeYourCCInfoPlz t3_yveb60 in headphones

I recently bought an Arctis headset for $279.99 (w/o tax). The headset always had issues, from not starting on first plug, to randomly disconnecting mid use and needing to do an occult ritual to have it start back up. 2 weeks ago it completely stopped working, after 10 days or so of support emails they finally "approved" a repair.


SteelSeries denied the warranty replacement last second, because get this, the serial number was not on the device. The serial number they put on a flimsy non-waterproof sticker sticker, right on the headband of the device. Meaning its bound (and probably designed) to wear off after a few weeks of usage (it rubs against your hair/glorious bald head when you take the headset off and put it back on).


The only alternative is to have the box, which contains the original SN. But who keeps a box for months? I mean they got:

  1. Pictures of the device
  2. A video of me trouble shooting the device (and clear view of the device itself)
  3. Pictures of the cups inside the device with a bunch of manufacture stickers, numbers, and information but NOT THE SERIAL NUMBER.
  4. Copy of amazon receipt purchase from the steelseries amazon store


And still denied it. Instead they offered me a 15% discount code. I mean the inside of the eat cup has all the manufacture information and stickers, why not put the SN there?


TL;DR SteelSeries actively avoids servicing your devices due to factory defects, designs devices in a way that ensures the SN gets worn off over time so you can't go through with warranty, purposely tries every trick in the book to void your warranty, loves creating more e-Waste, and wasting consumers time.



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jnbrown925 t1_iwdtcw3 wrote

Sir this is a Wendy's


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwdthnt wrote

uhhh can i get uhhhhhhhhhhh a uhhhhhhhhh mcdobel uhhh and uhhhh 1 sec uhhh


BeatYoYeet t1_iwf2xo5 wrote

hamburger machine is broken, but can i interest you in some ice cream?


AnthonyUK t1_iwgqqwo wrote

I went from an Artis 9x which I thought sounded OK to a DT880 and the difference when swapping between them was night and day.

Too many issues as mentioned with the Steelseries. It kept turning off randomly and disconnecting so I had it replaced under warranty and sold the ‘as new’ replacement.


Lelouch25 t1_iwefy2n wrote

This is how people get over 'gaming headsets'. I jumped ship when my turtle beach cracked. Sold off the replacement and got Beyer 880 Pros and the rest was history.


halpnousernames t1_iwdzvkh wrote

Gaming headset not very good.

This and other shocking news at 5.

The issue for me has always been the price. With so many excellent headphones available for similar or less money, and a separate mic with comparable (read aggressively average) quality, literal dollars, it's hard to make a case for the gaming variety of solutions.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwe7q4q wrote

What do you recommend? ya bots in the market now for a headset, i have a solid mic but my issue is it's a bit heavy so finding a decent stand for it is problematic.


halpnousernames t1_iwe85hb wrote

Stand is easy. Never cheap out on stands. Rode PSA-1 is a great option.

Headphones are a subjective topic. There's literally hundreds in threads on this subreddit alone that will give you an idea. Once you establish budget, and use case, you can a better idea yourself what to narrow down to.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfnyjx wrote

Ordered a PSA-1 Looks solid AF!


I'm not really big into the audiphile niche, because as i work i blare music at 200%, idc what it is as long as it's noise i can focus, always used crappy $20 headsets and this was a big improvement - im guessing next budget is in $300 range so im on the hunt, some great suggestions in this thread so far


Jurassekpark t1_iwg2geb wrote

>because as i work i blare music at 200%

"Now I am become deaf, the destroyer of my own eardrums" /s


NFTOxaile t1_iwh2hdr wrote

Sennheiser HD 6XX, Sennheiser HD 560S, AKG K712 Pro, Hifiman Sundara, Harmonicdyne Zeus, Sivga Phoenix.


Amaakaams t1_iweu38p wrote

Get a Rhode or Blue yeti or something like that if you like a standalone mic. If you like the idea of a headset with an adjustable mic attached get something like the 3.5mm Modmic and attach it to your chosen headphone.

As for Headphone. Want insane positioning, get a HD 800s (this is insane, don't do it, but it is the best). Second best would be like a DT1990 (still overkill) or a PC38x (with that having the advantage of having a mic, so no mod mic needed, but then a single issue and you have no headset, but its all wired so unlikely under decent treatment to have an issue). Third tier would something like a DT990, Hd 560s. But honestly positioning is only real useful if you are the best at everything else. If you like movies or music maybe get something that fits your music style and enjoy it all the time.

An often missed solution though would be some midfi IEMs and a replacement cable with integrated mic. You get better sound quality for the dollar generally on the plus 20-$150 range and honestly the mic on the cables are pretty decent. Audio is more closed in, but more direct with the least amount of noise to make it harder to pick out sounds. Plus they can be driven from just about anything. Something with a slight V shape tune would be best. I use 7hz timeless, but there are millions of options and if you want to go cheap to see if you like idea you can get something that sounds fantastic for $40-50 and like 8-15 for a cable (it can be a little harder to find a good cable with a mic for MMCX connection IEMS).


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfo3m5 wrote

Your response was well written and very informative, i appreciate it - i wanted to post something like "1.5K for headphones? this thing better cure my tinnitus" but you have some solid (and within reason) priced alternatives. def gonn pick something up, like the modmic NGL

P.S where can i learn more about things like MMCX and IEMS? I have no idea what these mean and im trying to google them, would like to get a nice setup for audio :))


cmickledev t1_iwihryx wrote

IEM's are in ear monitors, basically means earbuds... Headphones that go into your ear canal. You don't get as good of a sound stage, especially compared to open backs, but bass is generally very good, and you can have passive isolation which is nice. Also can be helpful if you wear glasses, or if you want low profile / compact or mobile.


Amaakaams t1_iwionl5 wrote

Hey sorry wanted to get back to you earlier but never remembered when I had time.

IEM - Stand for In Ear Monitors. Basically a way of saying wired ear buds. Though while there are Audiophile "earbuds" which are what they call IEM's without a detachable cable.

The trick with headphones and IEM's vs. Their gaming and BT brethren is that creating and shaping the audio of a new driver can be pretty expensive. For IEM's thats the entirety of the R&D. For companies that have been around forever, good sound doesn't go bad. A DT990 or Sennheiser HD 600 have been around 30+ years because they were good for their job and never stopped selling. So you have the bonus of experience making drivers for the discerning ear you can build off your creations. With the counterparts, the driver is one of the last things to get designed. They might even design them every series or two because they have a new style or look and they need a driver that will fit it. But not only is one of the last, it might be ok if they put more resources into it but they don't put nearly as much as the sound guys. Even with the sound guys, you have manufacturing cost targets that might preclude using the best drivers. So for example. Sennheiser makes great wired headphones, and their BT stuff might be some of the better BT stuff, their BT stuff doesn't sound nearly as good as their wireless because even in manufacturing costs they need so much room for all the electronics and features. Meaning that you get one of their cheaper, easier to make drivers.

So anyways. My main point is one of these audiophile grade earbuds might be a great solution because they take up less space around your desk, good ones are solidly in your head, and tend to do better without an external amp.

MMCX is just a connection type. There are two solutions 1. 2 Pin, its a straight two pin connection into the cable. Less likely to break, but doesn't swivel (for better seals) and can be less secure to the bud (easier to fall out). MMCX is baised on the little wireless antenna's in your laptop connection where one side is captured like a bearing and it can swivel around. If you aren't careful when removing the cable you are more likely to damage one side or another and if its the earbud side you basically have to write it off. There are a lot of aftermarket cables for both. But with my MMCX with Mic cable, it was one of like 3 I could find. Much more out there for the 2 pin. You just need to pay attention to which type of cable it is when you purchase your IEM (assuming you do).

If you want to go this route give and want some suggestions at different price levels, feel free to PM me.


Codename3Lue t1_iwelczk wrote

Sennheiser hd 58x or 6xx. Get a attachable boom mic or standalone and enjoy


Randolph_Carter_666 t1_iwe92wq wrote

Rockville makes a decent desktop mic stand.

As far as headphones, wired? Wireless? Budget? Musical preferences/use in gaming?


dyang707 t1_iweth76 wrote

If you want something made for gaming, but still great sound and build quality, and you don't mind open back, look no further than the Sennheiser PC38X


Blze001 t1_iwfz5yp wrote

Fair point, however I will say wires are miserable to deal with and having a wireless headset for work meetings that last hours is a godsend.


thatoneguywhogolfs t1_iwebp61 wrote

This should be in a r/gamer subreddit. No legit audiophile uses a gamer headset for video games. 😂


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfnlvc wrote

😂😂😂😂😂im a gamerphile arrrrr gamer goop yarrrrrrrrr😂


unuselessness t1_iwec0tc wrote

Can you send it back to Amazon? They’ve a crazy return policy I hear.


NoU4206911 t1_iwfdgai wrote

Worth a shot. I've been refunded upto 50% well after the return period closed due to the malfunctioning nature of the device I bought through them.


backleinspackle t1_iwfag0b wrote

I'll be honest my SteelSeries experience has been pretty great. Arctis pro wireless, had it for nearly 4 years now. I know people clown on gaming headsets but I need wireless for my stupid setup, and the pro has hotswap batteries so I never have to charge the headset, and can replace the batteries when they eventually cark it. Only issue I had was the cups gave out last week, but got new ones on Amazon in less than 24h.


InFortunaWeLust t1_iwfjj2f wrote

279 bucks? damn you couldve got some nice headphones for gaming with that


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfntun wrote

give me recommendation ser, similar budget


InFortunaWeLust t1_iwjoarz wrote

Honestly, some HD-560S or even PC-38X from drop. Cheaper than 279, you can use extra spare cash for a Schitt Fula or Hel


leetkrait13 t1_iwfoxah wrote

It's standard/required to provide a serial number along with a proof of purchase whenever you go through any RMA. I've gone through RMA from NZXT, Razer and Steelseries multiple times with no problems, and they all required a S/N for a valid replacement.

I know Steelseries can be shitty for some of their bad business practice like completely neglecting the design flaws of the Arctis Pro, but I never had problems with their RMA process. I had my Arctis Pro replaced twice without issue, no questions asked when it came to the design flaw. I know it sucks, but this is on you.

Edit: Never owned the wireless version, but on the Pro + GameDAC version, the serial number can also be found on the bottom of the DAC. There may be a serial number on the base station as well.


Joulle t1_iwfx0fh wrote

How is it on him if they design their headphones so badly that the serial number can wear off during warranty period or any period. That's on them and their fault for which they should provide a replacement.


leetkrait13 t1_iwfyad0 wrote

I read through the post again, and I honestly have no idea how OP managed to wear the sticker off, unless it was through poor usage. There is a ski-goggle style band that wraps around the metal headband (which the S/N sticker is on), but does not touch the sticker in any way (first picture, different model but similar design). It doesn't matter how you wear the headphones, it just won't make contact. I've gone through 4 pairs over the years (even bought a second hand at one point), and the longest one I've used was about a year. The stickers were clean and visible in every pair. OP said they recently bought the headphones (assuming a few months ago from the box comment) and the sticker already wore off. As I already mentioned, the stickers never wore off even after a year of use, and the stickers do not make any contact with anything even when you wear them.


Joulle t1_iwg0wf2 wrote

It may have been that the sticker was put on improperly in the assembling plant.


SiegwardZwiebelbrudi t1_iwfqtk4 wrote

honestly if true, that is a new low. that being said, this post kinda stays without impact in this sub, because literally everybody already hates pc headsets, because they offer poor sound quality, with a few exceptions.

my first reaction was to shrug this off as well, but i totally get the point with the SN Sticker, that is ridiculous.

Make a Twitter post about it and pay the $8 so you can pose as Donald Trump, and claim Steel Series doesn´t make america great again. You get the jist, tweet about it, link it to the steel series page and pcmasterrace. good luck with that, this really sucks


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwft0b8 wrote

LMFAO i love that suggestion gonna do it, and yeah absolutely in love w this sub rn learning a lot about headphones


Toronto-Will t1_iwetuxy wrote

I'm guessing that must be a wireless model to be that expensive?

Among other things, this seems like a good case study in the benefit of having more modular components, especially once you get up into a multi-hundred dollar price range. A wireless headset has extra points of failure that are irreplaceable and un-upgradeable (the wireless receiver, the DAC/amp, and to an extent the PC software that it's exclusively compatible with). You have all these expensive hardware components but it's a paperweight because some wireless chip isn't working properly.

Apple's whole hardware model is laughing in my face, but with headphones you do have options. At least assuming you're not too attached to wireless, because that does force you into having a lot more onboard electronics, and to have it be low latency, it needs to use something proprietary that will only be compatible with the manufacturer's software.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfns5i wrote

yeah, idk why but recently been trying to cut down on my carbon footprint, i swear once you hit like 25 something switches lol


even stopped using prime and started doing the pickup thing, ik it makes 0 difference but ig just makes me feel a bit better lol, hate creating waste esp ewaste. good insight on your end tho


Pikez98 t1_iwfuw5q wrote

You should avoid "gaming" branded stuff in general just fyi.


Ok-Help-9580 t1_iwgzj2x wrote

Gaming headphones=lol, I bet my el-cheapo Samson sr850 sounds better than most of them.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwifmog wrote

hey brother those aren't cheap :)) just because they're not overcharging on a product doesn't mean they're cheap, if they're solid quality they're solid quality. Don't let todays cultural spending habits make you think more money = better or that spending less makes you diff. Gonna pick up a pair of Sr850's for my day-to-day use because they look solid.


Ok-Help-9580 t1_iwjpxge wrote

You'll be very happy, there's even a filter mod on a forum called rockgrotto, I've got the components for that coming today.


sk3za t1_iwezffn wrote

I felt this. SteelSeries are scumbags when it comes to warranty and especially international warranty claims. They were the reason I moved from gaming brands and found Hi-Fi, so I guess I should thank them.


leetkrait13 t1_iwfzbwa wrote

From my other comment: Never owned the wireless version, but on the Pro + GameDAC version, the serial number can also be found on the bottom of the DAC. There may be a serial number on the base station as well.


gtrash81 t1_iwg4i44 wrote

Downvote, while I agree with you.
Why downvote? Well, because it is more or less normal to keep
the box at least as long the warranty period is not over.


chickifat t1_iwgarej wrote

Would recommend an ath m40x, decent enough.


Mindless_Campaign935 t1_iwghnhe wrote

Only gaming headset worth it is the pc38x and mmx300 that's it everything else is trash


Civil-Form7163 t1_iwgm1uz wrote

Fuck steelseries I threw that shit on the ground then into the trash


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_iwgy5nm wrote

Anything gaming branded is more often than not terribly made. Especially headphones, like even their pricing is ridiculous and all you get is audio that sounds like it comes out of a tin can.

get some Senny's or Beyerdynamic headphones that are easy to drive without and amp, or similiar, slap a modmic on it, congratulations, you are done.

Alternatively, get a Hyper X headset, they're still not great, but solid enough.


cmickledev t1_iwiifr3 wrote

Grab the Fidelio X2hr's. I picked them up and love them. Incredible sound stage which is fantastic for gaming, plus nice warm lovely bass. Solid imaging. They are open backs though, which helps a lot for sound stage and immersion, but if there's a bunch of background noise and you're not making yourself deaf with volume you can hear it.

They are also easy enough to drive that you can use them with PS5 controller, or Xbox controller. Laptop etc. But they can benefit still from some amplification to give headroom for songs with more dynamic range.

The difference you'll hear from this or most any of the recommendations here, compared to what you had will be insane.

Do update with what you get and your first impressions etc. Always fun to hear when someone goes from washed out muddy sound to something nice and resolving.


agastyaseth t1_iwkstll wrote

I have a (bad) habit of storing boxes of my gear in the attic and sometimes it pays off - like selling them on marketplaces with the box obviously gets more resale value.

But in this case, I would’ve thought your invoice from Amazon should’ve been enough. I’ve seen a lot of gear with no info like S/No written on them, which means it’s just benefit of doubt, or honor system when it comes to establishing whether something is in warranty.

And yes, it does seem like a deliberate attempt by them to reduce the number of repairs they service in warranty given how they denied your claim. Or at least an extremely concerning oversight


Ed_of_the_North t1_iweeg5o wrote

Arctis is garbage unless you live a LONG way from any other 2.4g signal


A LONG way


multifunctionaudio t1_iwf66lw wrote

Lmao first mistake was buying a “gaming” headset in 2022 🥴 Such a disgusting gimmick and scam


ravenousglory t1_iwfenuc wrote

There are some decent ones but not at that abysmal nearly 300$ price. 50-100$ is where you can find very competitive gaming headsets.


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfnuo4 wrote

ye, reccomendations? ~$300 budget


multifunctionaudio t1_iwfolxc wrote

I’ve owned a pair of Sennheiser 598HD’s for about 10 years (second pair for the last 7~ years) Anything under $300 will set you for a very long time :)!!

Edit: I’ve been eyeing the HD 660s along with an amp to go along with it. $400~ total with amp I believe My 598s are still in absolute perfect condition sound wise as well, I use them every day.


Joulle t1_iwfwtv4 wrote

I also have the HD598. I used them for 8 years and swapped the earpads after some years for 24€. Nowadays I use something different because I wanted to try different sound signatures few years ago. The hd598 still work fine.


Rockscod t1_iwgekzf wrote

Just upgraded from the 598’s after ~14ish years. They still work great. Currently using the 990 Pro’s


MrUsername24 t1_iwg5dca wrote

Same headphones came with a loose driver, they never fixed it for me just kept giving me trouble sbooting steps until I shut ip


cr0ft t1_iwg5yky wrote

Even better reason would be that for that kind of money, you can get some kick-ass open back cans. Just add some mic and you have a headset except one with world class sound. Wired, sure. Hardly that major a hardship.


oniiichanUwU t1_iwdvm52 wrote

Were you using the cloth band that comes with the headset? My serial number is perfectly intact and I’ve been using this headset for over a year. It looks brand new. The sticker is protected by the stretch cloth band on mine. I have the cheaper version of the arctis pros, it’s got the same hardware and drivers but just doesn’t come with the dac or the LGBT lights.

Although the issue I have with them is the cheap plastic that has broken in the same spot on both pairs of mine. It was really just poor design on their part. But I like them for gaming so I just buy a replacement once a year lol. Their customer service was also really nice to me every time I talked to them. I’m sorry you had a bad experience though, have you tried getting a refund through Amazon?


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwe7sb6 wrote

It's been too long since for amazon to step in :( my serial was not protect at all


dadof2brats t1_iwfi3uf wrote

Steelseries is solid, their mice, keyboard and controllers are good products. Any computer peripheral today is a commodity, you don't repair, you replace. Sad but true, but that's reality.

$280+ for a set of cheap gamer headphones though? You could have gotten so much more for less, from a reputable audio products company, and probably gotten better customer support.
