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No_Analysis6187 t1_j6got5r wrote

On one side it's good to keep the industry progressing and make it more accessible to the mass, on the other hand, there's no end to chifi hype train lol, back then I just sorta gave up with them and decided to get something more proper instead.


Gamergtx_260 t1_j6gratq wrote

I gave up on chi-fi. They introduce cheap iems every month. Neither me or my wallet can keep up.


GamePro201X t1_j6gtxgj wrote

I have no interest in chi-fi. Seems most of it is just a dick measuring contest between who can get the closest to the harman target. It's just boring


717x t1_j6gx9ze wrote

I keep up with dudes who review chi fi stuff, but I’ve never bought any because the Z1r, e5000, and ie600 exist


GamePro201X t1_j6gxsqw wrote

Oh yes, I know there are plenty of non-harman tuned IEMs. I meant mainly that is what happens when chi-fi is discussed on this subreddit. I'm not an IEM person, but new stuff is always cool. More of the same stuff being posted is tiring after so long lmao


No_Analysis6187 t1_j6gzpqo wrote

Yeah, HD600 cost around $400 in where I live (Indonesia), but you can still get the likes of S12 or Kato for normal price. Some sellers unfortunately intentionally mark up the price because something is very popular though, like how Hexa costs above $100 here.


chris22783 t1_j6h6w07 wrote

This is definitely going to be the year of 2DD's - assuming everyone isn't burnt out by summer. I think we'll see some DD/Planar hybrids and tribrids in the mid to upper price ranges, should be interesting.


TheReturnOfKoffietas t1_j6hd633 wrote

This weekend I came to the same conclusion after ordering my last pairs of ChiFi IEMS, call it buyers remorse. I ordered the QKZ x HBB and the Tin Hifi C2. Currently have the 7Hz Zero, CCA CRA and the Moondrop Quarks (OG, no DSP). I owned and sold KZ ZSN Pro, QKZ VK4 (non-OG) and the Moondrop Chu.

Funny thing is, that with all these ChiFi IEMs I mostly use my Final Audio E1000. Maybe I should just get the Final Audio E3000's, call it a day and forget about all of the rest :-D


Gamergtx_260 t1_j6he24m wrote

That’s what I did. I now own Moondrop SSR and good old Blon bl03. They are my beater earphones. Won’t be buying them again. I use final E1k,E3k,E5k,A4k and will buy the tws and B2 soon. Final’s house sound kind of clicked with me the first time I listened to E3000


Gamergtx_260 t1_j6heuv1 wrote

Yes definitely. They are even more smaller, more bassy, have more detail retrieval and have a better soundstage due to the open grill. Which also means they don’t isolate well. I often times prefer E3000 to my E5000 since the E5000 can sometimes sound very dark. But when amped correctly they do shine.

E1000s sound kind of cheap when compared directly. You get what you pay for I guess. If you don’t want bassy iem then E2000 is your bet.


imabeach47 t1_j6hjelo wrote

I mean 400 for 600 is fair, it is the MSRP. MSRP for 650 is 550. Inflation is making the prices go up, I got my 650 for 325€ a couple years ago. They are worth the market prices and the MSRP as well.


imabeach47 t1_j6hjo6q wrote

Why waste money on cheap stuff, it will never be as good as more expensive headphones. Get a proper desktop setup and over ear headphones instead of this hyped up cheap plastic that your pushing into your ear holes. Why trust any of these youtubers, they all spew a bunch of nonsense, stats don't matter, it's up to the ear how something sounds. Save up and buy a good setup that you can enjoy 10 years from now not just tomorrow.


solid0r t1_j6hl731 wrote

What most people here don't realize is, cheap chifi is basically the only way people on some countries can enjoy the hobby.

Imagine if a single HD 600 would cost your over 2 times your monthly wage, because that's how much it costs here in Brazil if you receive minimum wage, which over half the population does for example. So even buying a $20 chifi iem is considered really expensive and a luxury for them.


herleinb t1_j6hoxkz wrote

Very true. The influx of new and price conscious players in the IEM arena has likely had the biggest impact in areas where access to good sounding IEM’s has been limited due to the economic situation. What a great time to be a music lover.


leonardonfelix t1_j6hps5j wrote

Chi fi market is amazing. Very happy with my Moondrop Kato


Tenchiboy t1_j6hqruo wrote

It could be that their DD quality or housing design just isn't there yet. If either DD can't handle exclusive bass-sub or mid-high range, they'd have to choose a different cutoff. Just speculation.

I'm not really impressed with Chifi other than Hifiman performance (not QC). As others have said, the IEMs seem way more hypetrain & waifu/otaku obsessions than high performance + high quality audio gear.


imabeach47 t1_j6hrbr5 wrote

No amount of cheaping out will get you better sound than paying more. If you can pay for a 30 bucks iem then you can also save up and a couple months are years buy a proper setup. Sorry I am not part of your crinicle and amir cult… I don’t take the L proudly but I’ll take it :_(


my2dumbledores t1_j6hxud4 wrote

Well, that depends on budget. But having said that, I’d absolutely recommend the Salnotes Zero. Next in like would likely be the Truthear Hexa.

I’d also highly recommend the Truthear Zero.

I have all of the E series Finals’ and my favourite is the E4000 by far. But I’d still recommend the Salnotes first. I know it’s cheap, but it’ll show you just how unrelated price and sound quality are.


MoonWun_ t1_j6i05sr wrote

Sorry but what are you basing this claim on? Is all you’ve ever heard a 650 and an Zen dac? You seem to have a very limited view of what this hobby can be and what is seen as “good.”


ZeeHost t1_j6i2ueo wrote

Then, as a headphones-person, you must be extraordinarily bored of discussion about headphones. With the HD600 being....the go to recommendation for ~30 years and running.


Nosapaw OP t1_j6i7bb8 wrote

Yep, there's not really a way to know what's happening, but it's still funny seeing companies try to market 2DD IEMs while missing the point they're popular in the first place.

>I'm not really impressed with Chifi other than Hifiman performance (not QC).

It's definitely a lot of hype train, but there's definitely improvements going on, and while they have maybe lost their "impressive" factor, i think most models are still pretty good sounding, around the best you can get in the price range, and making diminishing returns hit earlier.


Nosapaw OP t1_j6i957v wrote

I honestly was thinking they're already kinda dying, or at least soon to die because unless manufacturers make a proper use of the bass DD, they don't get much hype, aren't a compelling buy and probably don't make a lot of sales.

Although, now that I think about it, they maybe are relevant whenever crin's "project red" drops, and i guess moondrop, kz and other brands still haven't gotten their hands In a 2DD setup, so who knows.


S0_B00sted t1_j6iaz1r wrote

Do people actually think Crinacle's arbitrary "neutral" target and the Harman target are the same thing?


solid0r t1_j6idz2l wrote

Yeah, most don't realize it. My most expensive set of headphones was an HyperX Alpha which i had to save for a few months and wait for a sale so i could buy it lol

I can only dream of the day i'll be able to buy an HD 600 or similar, but that's still a few years away.


MrStoneV t1_j6iny83 wrote

And people forget, poor people have even less money for hobbies. So not only is it 2 months of wage, the money for your freetime is even smaller than what you would expect since its not linear or a 1:1 ratio


Upstairs-Ad6975 t1_j6j0dr8 wrote

I was hoping Crinacle would collaborate on a set that is about $100 - $250 that is better than the Zero kind of like a Aria or even a Kato sounding 2 dd setup. Or the would retune the hexa to try to make a cheaper B2 dusk at like $100.


JoJonase t1_j6jdjq3 wrote

Ah yes il just save up that 30 euro every month for 5 years and just not listen to music until i can buy something without cheaping out. Actually more than 5 years. Anything but an HE-1 would be cheaping out i guess.


faulternative t1_j6jfyuu wrote

And after a while there doesn't seem to be much difference between new products, either. The latest and greatest $25 IEMs eventually sound a lot like the latest and greatest $25 IEMs from the last round...


GLSRacer t1_j6kjzi1 wrote

I would agree, 50 to 100 USD seems to be the sweet spot for CHiFi IEMs. There's a lot of great stuff in that range. If you can't afford that, the 7Hz Zero and Wan'er are decent, especially with EQ, and are around 20 USD.


Solegide t1_j6krrvv wrote

Almost a year since I got my 7hz Timeless. Still the best thing I stuck in my ears.


blorg t1_j6mmo80 wrote

The issue with the Truthear Hexa is it's exclusive to Shenzhen Audio, so there isn't any dealer price.

So anyone reselling it in Indonesia has to buy it from Shenzhen Audio at $80, add any import duties and VAT likely bringing it to around $90 cost and then $10 profit.

Other stuff, that is actually sold by multiple places, they can buy it at a MUCH lower dealer price (could easily be well under half the Western MSRP, as some stuff even sells to end users for under half Western MSRP) and that gives them more room to sell cheaper.

Here in Thailand, Chi-Fi is typically actually cheaper than Western countries, because it's sold cheaper to a developing market. But the Hexa isn't, because it's not distributed like this, it's Shenzhen Audio only.

You should still be able to buy directly from Shenzhen Audio yourself (either their own store or on AliExpress) for the same $80 price as everyone else. I got it from Ali on release for $65 with discounts.

For that matter this local seller on Shopee has it for 1.28m, which is $85, with discount coupons that could even possibly be below $80:

That's a 30 day pre-order because what that seller is going to do when you order it, is go order it from Shenzhen Audio himself.