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lastethere t1_j2w9di1 wrote

So Hutu speak French and Tutsi speak English in the same country? That is nonsense.


princeps_astra t1_j2wa43f wrote

This situation also exists in Nigeria, where again the Francosphere and Anglosphere interests clashed during the Biafra war.

And uhh, maybe I should talk to you about Canada, Belgium, Spain, China, India, Ukraine, and countless other countries that practice bilingualism or even multilingualism


lastethere t1_j2wb4vb wrote

>The country's principal language is Kinyarwanda, which is spoken by nearly all Rwandans

According to Wikipedia. French and English are used, but there are not mainstream.


princeps_astra t1_j2xsspa wrote

In Africa, English and French are mostly second languages used in order for different ethnic groups to communicate with each other

Hutu and Tutsi are not ethnicities only dependent on their second language, it is an ethnic and class division supported by the Belgians. Divide et impera, classic stuff


Broad_Two_744 t1_j2we1nc wrote

It’s because the tutsi rebel group the rpf where base in English speaking Uganda.


A1d0taku t1_j2x287k wrote

Canada speaks French and English. Alot of ppl in USA speak Spanish, it's normal for multiethnic countries


RobertoSantaClara t1_j2xvnve wrote

> Canada speaks French and English

More like the Quebecois speak French and English, while the Anglophone Canadians only speak English and barely learn the most basic French outside of school.


Mizral t1_j2wsozj wrote

This is due to colonial powers picking sides. Tutsi's were picked as a 'ruling class' and given all the government jobs. After a bunch of decades of that it engendered hatred between the peoples and genocide was the result.


MisterCortez t1_j2xgbon wrote

Have you ever heard of a country called Canada? What about the history of Senegal and The Gambia?


lastethere t1_j2xmav5 wrote

Lot of stupid comments like yours. No need to do a tour of the World. Tutsi and Hutus shared the same country for millennials. No reason for one to speak English and the other French. They all speak Kinyarwanda, the local language.
