
Blade_Shot24 t1_j05mgdm wrote

Complex? They didn't need this to be enacted at all. The gun crimes that happened are through illegal means. So why punish everyone for the acts of the few and criminal? This is why many don't want to vote blue in their red states because of what's going on in Oregon, IL, and Washington. This needs more coverage especially with the animosity from the skeletons.

I can mention my background and how I don't feel those in power don't represent me, but that doesn't matter by their law they will enforce it as they please. This isn't the first time a similar thing was enacted on the natives of Canada either.


Blade_Shot24 t1_j03lruc wrote

Whelp this what many wanted, they just didn't know how far it would reach. This worked last with the Iroquois, and many groups. Now today it's just with blacks, Hispanics and Arabs. Canada doesn't have much gun violence but to deny a people who've been victim to hate especially when there's skeletons under the church? Great job.


Blade_Shot24 t1_iy01lfl wrote

Best who can understand this it gun owners who practice shooting. You never wanna anticipate the recoil or your gonna miss your shot.

Don't believe me, put a dummy round it used casing (not live cause people are stupid) with an empty unloaded handgun. Or the dummy on top of the slide and try pulling the trigger without it moving. It'll improve your shots