Didn't mean it to be open ended. I bought my iPhone PM from T-Mobile. Apparently as part of the purchase, or in addition to the purchase, I ended up with a transparent case. I can't get the case on the phone, so I will be heading to a store this afternoon to ask them to put the case on the phone, but I am just wondering if I have ended up with the "right" case, or if there is a case or a skin that I should also look at.
It all depends on the user. Are you prone to being clumsy? It’s all on your preference. I’m sure you have people around you with phones and just hold their phone with and without a case and see what you think.
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Subieworx t1_iudwesm wrote
Most opened ended question ever. Maybe specify what you are looking for as this is only going to result in people telling you what they have.