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PrincipleOfMoments t1_ja59r4l wrote

The news blackout on this story is really, really odd.

IF (emphasized in capital letters) the general reports about what happened are true - meaning that the person who rammed the building was in his own vehicle with his own family/friends as passengers - then it is incredibly difficult to believe that the perpetrator has not yet been caught.

Yes, the driver got out and fled on foot, but the car and the passengers remained at the scene, and some passengers were taken to the hospital, so one would think there would be no difficulty in identifying the driver.

If the driver didn't know the occupants of the car, then you'd think the manhunt would be even more intense and publicized since his actions would rise to carjacking and injuring children in the car.

You'd also think the city would place a high priority on capturing the perpetrator, and publicizing that capture, in order to deflect any negative imications of the failure of 911 to pick up.

So there is a lot about this that is rather confounding.


Bravelittleroaster t1_ja5oh9l wrote

Lack of an update isn’t terribly surprising — what local news even exists anymore? Hoboken Girl?

Also this isn’t how things happened. The one video that’s been shared here shows the front passenger fleeing on foot. You can also see the beginnings of the rear driver side passenger, a woman with a stroller (possibly a child), exitIng. She then walked SE down Canal street alongside 235 Grand. Driver stayed in the vehicle less than a minute before driving off, on the same sidewalk as the female passenger, nearly hitting her & turning left eastbound onto Sussex.

Plenty of people were on the ground taking pictures/videoing. I saw at least one person clearly capture the license plate. Those individuals are apparently not choosing to share the video (or doing so elsewhere & it’s not making its way over to r/ JC).

All three passengers had apparently been in Taqueria antagonizing the staff before getting into the SUV idling on Grove. It could have been stolen. I only saw from the point where all three were in the vehicle, had already run into the two victims, and were in the process of turning around on Grand before Marin. They returned, did some donuts in the intersection, struck the front end of the black SUV (also seen in that video, disabled where it was hit), & left down Grand. They finally returned a third time a few minutes later, more intersection donuts, before reversing into Taqueria.

So nevermind accurate reporting on resolution of this mess, I haven’t seen very accurate reporting on the base facts of the night. Despite dozens of witnesses and multiple cameras out.


Ilanaspax t1_ja5ej29 wrote

Not necessarily related but I’ll just add the only reason the spouse who murdered the JC teacher was caught was because they got pulled over in Kearny. You know that would have never happened in JC.

There is zero incentive for JCPD to follow up on anything because it appears no one gives a shit.


podkayne3000 t1_ja6usjb wrote

We should really picket Cangiano's and keep police from getting lunch until they start doing a better job.


RiseofParallax t1_ja5zawu wrote

Perhaps he understood that he could be apprehended in the city where he committed the murder so he did what anyone who doesn’t intend on being caught would do and left the city?

Same with the taqueria guy. I’m certain cops are checking his frequently visited spots in JC. But I highly doubt JCPD is working highway patrol in Kearny looking for him.


Ilanaspax t1_ja8hzez wrote

yeah he fled to Kearny because he knew JCPD was hot on his tail 🙄

The point is if the situations were reversed there would be a slim chance in hell that JCPD would catch anyone during a routine traffic stop because they literally do nothing.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_ja65yn3 wrote

It's super weird. I figured they'd be easy to catch since they may have paid with a credit card, dozens of people probably saw the accident and got the license plate number, and the car had really distinctive damage as a result of the crash.


111110100101 t1_ja6rak9 wrote

News blackout? The only local reporter left here is what? Hudpost? Nobody covers hudson county.


FloydGaming t1_jaa241t wrote

That's the real news blackout in this area. Blackout the news altogether.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ja6nxr7 wrote

Really really odd. I figured it would be the top news story every hour on the hour over at CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Newsmax and OAN.

Real odd.


DeepFried328 t1_ja65lis wrote

I wouldn’t be surprised it was an off duty cop who did it and that’s why it hasn’t been resolved.


TheFraudAccountant t1_ja7ua0m wrote

Not many people that'll fly off the handle like that but cops are definitely among them.


Dismal_Estate_4612 t1_ja8rzgj wrote

They found the perpetrator's apartment but there was no bike lane for them to park in while they arrested him (/s)


DontBeEvil1 t1_ja6nso2 wrote

Batman took care of it. Everyone can go back to their business.


AlcheMe_ooo t1_ja7yrm9 wrote

I don't know why you're being down voted this is funny


DontBeEvil1 t1_ja8dkxc wrote

They don't have a sense of humor. 🦇🦹‍♂️


AlcheMe_ooo t1_ja8spfn wrote

Not everyone was raised in the dark


DontBeEvil1 t1_ja8x048 wrote

Oh...and they're very dramatic.


AlcheMe_ooo t1_ja8ym67 wrote

The odd thing is is that your humor is in line with the common consensus here - that jcpd doesn't do much

At least that's how I took it


spypol t1_ja7fcl8 wrote

Cops haven’t finished their nap. It’ll take as long as it took grove st station to rebuild the stairs: at least four years.


AlcheMe_ooo t1_ja7ypy5 wrote

I wonder if being off duty might have anything to do with it...