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Simple-Television-27 t1_j9tww3q wrote

Path isn’t Jersey City. It’s port authority. Point taken, but I think the museum will actually be good for Jersey City.


possums101 t1_j9txffh wrote

I mean local officials have nothing to do with PATH service but damn I would love if they spent a couple million repaving some roads.


mickyrow42 t1_j9tzlkg wrote

lol here comes another scholar thread on the Pompidou....


djperks t1_j9u2pkk wrote

If we want $30m, could probably get there by enforcing/ticketing traffic and parking violations. Don’t need to tear down the museum.


jersey385 t1_j9u4ikl wrote

There are a thousand things the city could do with $30million that would be more impactful than a museum but that’s just my opinion. The secrecy is very concerning. #FulofShitLop


EyesOnImprovement t1_j9u5ccj wrote

If I was the potential Democratic governor of NJ and i was flying to Paris with my core team on Jared Kushner's dime, I'd also try and keep it quiet.


imaluckyduckie t1_j9u7ai1 wrote

To be fair, $24M is being spent by the State for the museum. The article doesn't say the remaining money is coming from, but usually there are corporate sponsors for this sort of thing. I agree there needs to be more transparency who is funding all these trips and remainder of the construction.


lucidrevolution t1_j9ubjpg wrote

LOL yes, everyone will come visit BEAUTIFUL JOURNAL SQUARE to go to a museum in a building that is literally falling apart and next to a cluster of ever-present vagrant/drugged up street people. We have so many great restaurants.... Boulevard Drinks, Wendy's, Dunkin... I mean... it seems like a premier destination.

Edited: I assumed it was obviously sarcasm, but here is an official /s otherwise known as "sarcasm" and everyone needs to get a sense of humor.


lucidrevolution t1_j9uc2je wrote

if they repave them the same way, they'll be shredded next time we have a snowstorm. They don't use the right materials. I talked to friends in other parts of the US and anyone I know with understanding of road repairs are confused since all of their roads are paved using a mix that allows the shrinkage/expansion due to weather, so they don't end up with giant potholes filled with nonsense. We just dump hot stinky rocks into the hole and smash it down and then it just falls apart again. Even when they re-pave the entire street... I don't know what we are using because it clearly cannot handle the traffic we get.

edited: Hey u/mindless-Budget9019 here is your Deleted Comment:

>"I don’t know if we can trust the sincerity of this statement since you have the name LUCIDrevolution. What a horrible stock."

I don't know what your issue is with my username but it has nothing to do with "stock" and I have no idea what you're talking about and you deleted your comment so fast... just DM next time so I can try to understand exactly what the problem is. This sub is such trash with all the weird downvoting and comment-then-delete shit.


Direct_Ad18 t1_j9udr5c wrote

Jersey City doesn't own PATH or their facilities so not sure how these two are related.


JerseyTeacher78 t1_j9ul7gj wrote

Hopefully it was a rich anonymous donor. In other news, let's get working AC, in house nurses and crossing guards for all the public schools! Let's get a new anonymous donor to fund and oversee that. If the BOE gets its hands on the money it will vanish.


robocub t1_j9uljh2 wrote

PATH is run by the States run Port Authority of NY/NJ. The JC government has no say in how it’s run. If it were up to our city hall and Fulop the Path would be a priority.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9umpi1 wrote

Couldn’t we spend 15 million on a less important museum and use the rest to improve literally everything in Journal Square, arguably the most worn-out part of town.


photo-smart t1_j9us252 wrote

> Free Public Library Assistant Director Kate Davis

Why was the library assistant director on this trip? Is there some connection between the museum and the library?


Nuplex t1_j9uyk7o wrote

Journal Square is changing rapidly so this is just silly.

Also how dare you imply Boulevard Drinks is anything but a cultural pillar for the city.

If you hate JC and never want anything to happen here just leave ¯\(ツ)


Lobelliot t1_j9v6pja wrote

It actually is a huge honor that Jersey City is going to be the new home of this museum. Contrary to what many people here seem to believe, art and culture are a very important aspect of society, especially cities. Museums enrich communities and boost economies through tourism, which is good for boosting small businesses


Nervous_Excitement81 OP t1_j9v794h wrote

I understand PATH is owned by Port Authority and not local JC government but you get my point. JSQ area is falling apart, repaving some of those roads would be a very good use of that money.


Lobelliot t1_j9v8jce wrote

I definitely don't disagree. There are certainly far more issues that could be dealt with (I've learned about MOST of them since moving outside of downtown JC) but nothing wrong with a good investment in culture to ultimately enrich the city


Ainsel72l t1_j9vj0xs wrote

Couldn't Fulop just not expect taxpayers to hand over their hard earned money for something this frivolous? Nah. I didn't think so.


Brudesandwich t1_j9vmdyp wrote

The museum is in J.Sq. While I do agree there are more important things to focus on this is an investment for JC. This is supposed to bring in some type of revenue. Theoretically, this should attract more people to J. Sq which would bring in money for the city. Hopefully


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9vna1e wrote

The people who live here in Journal Square see 30 million vanishing overseas. I’m saying if you have that much to spend why not put it into improving conditions HERE. Trickle down economics, even if it actually works (lol, it doesn’t) takes TIME. Journal Square is out of time.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9vpir1 wrote

In context though: Journal Square has been ignored by the city. Anything the city should be on top of has been ignored and is now a hot mess. Throwing a fancy French Art Museum on the problem is exactly like putting up an astonishingly expensive beautiful marble sculpture to help put out a forest fire.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9vw60k wrote

Other than regular weekday service on the weekends there's really not much you can do with PATH. It was never built out like the nyc subways because the original designers never saw Jersey City being like it is today


Brudesandwich t1_j9werht wrote

Out of time for what exactly? Will a bomb go off at the end of the year if J. Sq if it doesn't improve conditions?

>improving conditions HERE

And I agree with you on that. So let's keep that mentally for everything. It's just crazy to me this is the mentality everyone has for a project and institution that can have a direct positive impact on JC.


Brudesandwich t1_j9wfccn wrote

That's the JC way. Look at how many people in this thread are laughing at the same city they live in. They would rather JC fail then ever do anything else. The pessimism is the biggest drawback of living here for me. It's tiring


Brudesandwich t1_j9wfxyn wrote

Actually they did. Between 1910-1940s JC saw a lot of big projects including PATH, mostly because of the local influence the city had. It wasn't just a city next to nyc. Secondly, who gives a fuck if anyone from NYC comes over. Not everything we do has to revolve around NYC you do realize that right? Fuck how NYC feels about it. If they come great, if they don't ok. Not changing my perception


RiseofParallax t1_j9wli5h wrote

If they don’t know where to spend extra tax dollars how about they just start taking less of it ?


JournalSquire t1_j9wpjcx wrote

I do think that Fulop could be a better advocate. Agreed he doesn’t control but together with other mayors, they should flex their muscle more and better advocate for residents.


ceeyell t1_j9x2ayq wrote

They’re building new things on like every other block in JSQ. They’re putting in a new park, this museum, all of the retail that comes with the new developments (Target at JSQ, restaurants and cafes) — that’s just off the top of my head. Idk how much more attention a neighborhood can get, frankly. Just a strange POV.


STMIHA t1_j9x3915 wrote

Exactly. If I moonlighted as parking enforcement in the small windows of drive around here I’m thinking I could easily clear tens of thousands of dollars a month for the city.


Ainsel72l t1_j9xn2au wrote

Spending money on culture may not be frivolous, but an extravagant museum that we will all end up subsidizing for millions of dollars is over the top. Jersey City doesn't lack culture, and NYC is right across the river, as if anyone could forget.


ceeyell t1_j9y51rr wrote

The JC budget is like $700,000,000. Comparing hosting one of the world’s finest collections of modern art ever assembled here vs the little upstart galleries and comedy clubs is like not even in the same stratosphere. People on this sub go ballistic if you call JC a small city or a suburb city, but then utterly freak out when the city takes a big swing like this to elevate itself to something more. $6M out of $700M for this is a no brainer, IMO.


Ilanaspax t1_j9yd68r wrote

It’s so crazy how people care where their tax dollars are directed when their local government has proven to be completely corrupt and terrible at managing a budget.


Ainsel72l t1_j9ye3l3 wrote

You do realize that the budget comes from actual citizens who don't have the ability to endlessly shell out more money for taxes - just look at all the outcry about increasing rents in the luxury buildings. Even those people are feeling the pinch. That's why people are freaking out.

I have no idea why people get upset if JC is referred to as a small city. Who cares? NY is right across the river if they need to feel bigger. This is a glaring case of grandstanding and nothing else.


Ilanaspax t1_j9ymikb wrote

Yes posting about the many corrupt acts our mayor participates in on a public forum filled with tax payers who (hopefully) vote is definitely the same as crying over someone saying jersey city is lame.

Might wanna lay off the stimulants buddy.


Nervous_Excitement81 OP t1_ja0n9aa wrote

Yeah JC which is us footing the bill for this stupid museum.

"In exchange for access to the Pompidou’s expertise and 120,000 artworks, the city has agreed to shoulder renovation costs that could exceed $40 million. It’s also on the hook for another $6 million annually* over the course of its five-year contract to cover project development, branding, educational programming, and the organization of exhibitions. Fulop told Curbed that his administration is also looking to purchase an adjoining property, which could roughly double the size of the Pompidou. No cost was given for the proposed expansion.

But some longtime residents and local legislators have balked at the price. “Everyone agrees that the Pompidou is an extraordinary asset for Jersey City,” said Rolando Lavarro, a city councilman. “But we just raised a levy on homeowners because we didn’t have the money for school funding. How can we then bring more financial debt to the table for a museum?” He, like other city officials, only learned of the news through an announcement in the New York Times. For Lavarro, the decision to announce the new museum without any discussion with the City Council looked like a tactic to drum up public support for the project before its costs could be scrutinized"


JerseyCityNJ t1_ja3jsrp wrote

You forgot about the Jollibee. Other than that, you are 100% correct.

The notion that this museum will be some world class destination is delusional.

Think about it... you are a tourist... you have limited time and money to see the sights in NYC on a long weekend. Are you really going to skip the MET, MOMA, or Guggenheim to get on a PATH train and take the long detour through Hoboken before finally heading towards JSQ to see art in some building situated between a Target and a bus depot?