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WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je88r9v wrote

Lol yeah. You are.

Trying to push vulnerable people away from Incel/black pill shit and…. AmITheDevil are both fine. You really just said the first shit you saw with no context huh?

What an absolute loser.


gamerdudeNYC OP t1_je89e5u wrote

First shit I saw with no context?

Like you did when you saw this post


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je89it7 wrote

No, I read the post, laughed at your dumb ass, the commented.

You’re literally a troglodyte assuming everyone else must be as dumb as you are.


gamerdudeNYC OP t1_je89tgs wrote

Ok Groomer, let me know how that Sandy beach dream turns out for you 👍


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je8bnpx wrote

You might be the dumbest person alive

“oK gRoOmEr” lol wtf are you smoking?


gamerdudeNYC OP t1_je8d87b wrote

you better just go chat with your wife about it and pop a few Xanax or Ativan while you wonder if your awake or actually on that beach


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je8dsim wrote

Ok, so I went from being a virgin, to being a groomer, to now… having decent health insurance?

Damn dude, not really the own you think that is lol.

All jokes aside, you might actually legitimately be the dumbest person alive


gamerdudeNYC OP t1_je8e1vn wrote

Ugh where did you get “decent health insurance” from that?

Maybe lay off the Xanax and Ativan, but I’m sure your wife has already asked you that multiple times


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je8kuwy wrote

Has she? I don’t really talk about my wife on Reddit, beyond acknowledging that she exists when it’s relevant. What post are you pulling that from? You couldn’t connect two pretty obvious pieces of information earlier but now you’re going full Sherlock?

More like Mr.Bean.