
WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je8kuwy wrote

Has she? I don’t really talk about my wife on Reddit, beyond acknowledging that she exists when it’s relevant. What post are you pulling that from? You couldn’t connect two pretty obvious pieces of information earlier but now you’re going full Sherlock?

More like Mr.Bean.


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_je892tz wrote

Yeah, trying to push vulnerable people away from incel communities before they get to them.

You should take a second to read what people say on subs and not just the name of the subs. You’ll make yourself look dumb less often… though actually I don’t know about that considering the absolute Herculean intellect you’ve displayed here. Imagine being almost 40 years old and completely unable to connect basic context clues.


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_j875f6n wrote

Yeah, worst drivers in the country combined with a PD that doesn’t enforce traffic laws. Welcome to the Wild West.

Last week I almost got run over across the street from the court house while literally walking on the sidewalk because some idiot decided to pull the sloppiest u turn I’ve ever seen in my life. If I hadn’t been paying attention and stopped abruptly, I would have gotten hit.