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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irq2vyd wrote

Is that the ho that runs over bicyclists and then leaves them for dead?


chosen566 t1_irq4dep wrote

No we’ve only just begun..


Knobbies4Ever t1_irq4ebd wrote

Getting impatient for the next shoe to drop. Anybody have any intel on her court date / process in Essex County?


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_irq6k2g wrote

No, she gets shit on in nearly every thread even remotely related to driving, bikes and politics. But there's literally nothing we can do other than constantly trash her criminal ass


joejoeaz t1_irr4ha1 wrote

Is she just a one hit and run wonder?


fasulo_ t1_irr4ksc wrote

Is that the lady who committed a felony hit and run on a cyclist with her car and still serves on the city council?


mean-sea-level t1_irr50lp wrote

Is that the lady who tried to cheat a veterinary clinic out of $3k?


bodhipooh t1_irr5c9c wrote

ffs… it’s "per se".


jgweiss t1_irr672x wrote

was just thinking about this today! she got off easy celebrating columbus on saturday...looking into when the next council meeting is.


bodhipooh t1_irr7q5w wrote

It's crazy that people keep insisting on using words and expression they do not fully understand or know how to use properly. All of a sudden, "per se" has become the new "cool" expression to use but few seem to understand how it is written, when to use it, or what it means. Of course, these are the same people writing "would of" and "should of".


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irr82x1 wrote

Don't forget about your / you're, it's / its, and especially there / they're / their.

In 20 years probably only the first of each of these will be used anymore. It's getting that way now.


bodhipooh t1_irrahie wrote

The funniest part of this entire saga is that so many of us predicted this very outcome because we know and understand the history and current realities of local politics, and got ridiculed and skewered (even the cutesy "ok, boomer!" got thrown around... lol) but here we are 3 months later.


Hot-Ad2515 t1_irrovxx wrote

Have we all forgotten about the reckless cyclists in Jersey City? These scumbags run red-lights and stop signs all day everyday and aren't held accountable. Maybe that clown that got hit is paying for the sins of his fellow cyclists that have no regard for traffic laws. Amy was sent to send a message to all the douchebags cyclists that make our streets more dangerous than they already are.


Hot-Ad2515 t1_irrp6ju wrote

Yea she ran over a dude that ran through a red light. The guy in the bike is like every other asshole on a bike. They run stop signs, red lights, and hit people all day everyday. Fuck em!


jerseycityfrankie t1_irrrti3 wrote

Local artists: which of you would have an interest in creating a politically editorial artwork, something directly referencing the infamous tragic incident, and exhibiting it in an art show? There’s likely a lot of potential participants given the huge number of Creatives in town. But I anticipate the biggest hurdle to such a show would be in finding a suitable venue. I’m certain an Art show like the one I’m imagining here would give voice to many strong opinions centered on the infamous traffic incident.


thequietstormmm t1_irrx13w wrote

Don’t strain yourself patting yourself on the back too hard for…being cynical about Hudson County politics and predicting the obvious outcome? You really went out on a limb there…


TheObliviousPickle t1_irs06jk wrote

What? Half the threads here are about her. If we want to talk about who we’ve forgotten about- Sandra Cunningham and her DUI that got magically dismissed.


SBTheNoob t1_irsd4sk wrote

No we can't. This has been answered repeatedly. She's guaranteed 1-year in office before a recall can start. You have to wait until January 2023 if you want to do anything relating to a recall election.

Article 1, Section 2b:

"The people reserve unto themselves the power to recall, after at least one year of service, any elected official in this State or representing this State in the United States Congress. The Legislature shall enact laws to provide for such recall elections. Any such laws shall include a provision that a recall election shall be held upon petition of at least 25% of the registered voters in the electoral district of the official sought to be recalled. If legislation to implement this constitutional amendment is not enacted within one year of the adoption of the amendment, the Secretary of State shall, by regulation, implement the constitutional amendment, except that regulations adopted by the Secretary of State shall be superseded by any subsequent legislation consistent with this constitutional amendment governing recall elections. The sufficiency of any statement of reasons or grounds procedurally required shall be a political rather than a judicial question."


polypcity t1_irsn2pp wrote

I was thinking the same thing. Let’s keep bringing this up on a monthly basis to find updates.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_irt5dez wrote

Wasn’t exactly a DWI, she had no alcohol in her system and the only drugs found were non-narcotic prescriptions. Now certainly you could argue that she may not have been taking those as directed and they created a bad drug interaction but apparently it wasn’t enough to charge her.


TheObliviousPickle t1_irt7ddj wrote

Did you watch the video? She was fucked up. And if that’s her “sober” then she definitely isn’t fit to drive let alone be apart of our local government making decisions. Some shady shit went on with that investigation


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_irt9bt2 wrote

There are a variety of medical reasons that could cause that too especially in a 70 year old woman. Top 2 things that come to mind are dehydration and a severe UTI(I’ve witnessed this from some old ladies in my own family - had no idea until I saw it the first time.)

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t care for her, but it’s not necessarily alcohol or illicit drugs.


iaceintheholei t1_irtwwhg wrote

This sub has not but most of JC probably has


Ilanaspax t1_irwce1y wrote

I don’t think galleries are tied to developers I just think developers and the city co opted the once thriving art scene to sell real estate to bozos who think living near a mural makes them hip and urban. There are definitely smaller galleries and collectives that would participate.


aa043 t1_irwhpu0 wrote

"In the event that DeGise doesn’t vacate her seat voluntarily, a recall next year would take a massive grassroots effort since 42,523 valid signatures would be required, according to Jersey City Clerk Sean Gallagher."

JC Clerk Gallagher presents a difficult challenge: 42,523 valid signatures.

A Jersey City location map of valid signatures would be useful for future local elections. Simple technology is available: just Google 'Google maps'