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bobomerk99 t1_iwpr2vh wrote

Why not have the city build government housing that's affordable??


moobycow t1_iwpso2n wrote

Because it costs a fuckton of money and no one is voting to raise their taxes for it?


bobomerk99 t1_iwqgol6 wrote

So who's being asked to pay for it?


moobycow t1_iwqpkgk wrote

Now? Developers. What we do is add more units to the building so the increased density can pay for the below market units.


bobomerk99 t1_iwrbd0e wrote

Ah, it seems like everyone always complains about more density though lol. Also heard they get tax incentives for building affordable units which people also complain about so it's confusing... What do ppl want lol


moobycow t1_iwrp92n wrote

They want someone to build houses for free in some neighborhood that is not theirs. And, also, lots of parking but no traffic.


GeorgeWBush2016 t1_iwq1t5k wrote

the city does provide subordinate financing to make affordable projects feasible


GoHuskies1984 t1_iwqmyaw wrote

That will require voters to vote in a new council that supports subsidizing affordable development. That also very likely means another tax hike to pay for this.