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HElGHTS t1_j1kyc6d wrote

I think the parent comment is using "compressed" to mean "being forced elsewhere" as opposed to the more typical "being forced into having less volume" which would be exactly what you're also saying. I don't condone imprecise language but I'll give the benefit of the doubt because it's pretty intuitive that water is hardly compressible.

Think about using a compression bandage or compression socks. You're not literally compressing, you're just squeezing the flesh and it goes elsewhere.


fruit__gummy t1_j1l5129 wrote

I think OPs use of the word “expand” means they were using your second definition of compress. Also don’t compression bandages cause your veins to compress/reduced cross sectional area?

Also they are just straight up wrong about this being the cause of the flooding, as other commenters have pointed out