Submitted by everythingbagel57 t3_101205c in jerseycity

Hi, I am considering moving to Jersey City or Hoboken. I am in my late 20s and I need to get out of the suburbs and have a social life lol. I have my eye on Jersey City, but I will have my car because I need to be able to drive to Staten Island for work. Are there any apartment complexes that have parking? Or is this a completely unrealistic thing to be looking for?

Thank you!!!



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spinaroundchinaman t1_j2l7wwf wrote

Depending on where in staten island, it’s pretty easy to get to the bayonne bridge via bayonne by car. I’d look into Bergen Lafayette.

** to SI


everythingbagel57 OP t1_j2l89wv wrote

Thank you!


lilintrovert104 t1_j2l92tr wrote

I live in bayonne about 3 min from the bridge and park cheap rent and have lots of parking and live near the light rail which takes me to JC or Hoboken for the weekends


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j2mzlv3 wrote

Do not listen to the people promoting their outer belt neighborhoods if you want to move for your social life. Places like the Heights, Bergen Lafayette or Bayonne are pretty good quality of life if you already have a partner or can't afford to live Downtown or Hoboken in the style you require, which in this case means having parking. But if you want the easiest access to the densest NJ social life, Manhattan, or even Brooklyn, choose Downtown or Hoboken if you can.

FWIW, my wife commuted for several years to St George Staten Island from Downtown, took her about 35 minutes.


ThenIGetAChipwichOK t1_j2ljjkp wrote

I commuted from downtown Jersey City to Staten Island by car for several years — don’t be scared off, it’s really not bad. The Bayonne Bridge is literally always empty. Your main issues will be the Staten Island Expressway, if you must take it, or other roads on SI being jammed at rush hour, depending on where you’re going. An occasional backup on 78 in Jersey City, but you can take Caven Point Road to get around it (and save a few bucks on tolls).

I second the recommendation of Bergen-Lafayette. You can find street parking, and there’s the turnpike extension on-ramp to Staten Island right over by the Liberty Science Center. I live in the neighborhood and drive to SI all the time to see family (and sometimes for work obligations). It’s usually a breeze.

Downtown, big buildings you’ll have to pay for parking. If you rent in a small building in an area like Paulus Hook, you can park on the street, though sometimes you’ll have to walk a few blocks. That’s where I lived when I commuted to SI. It’s doable, and hipper than Bergen-Lafayette, but Bergen Lafayette’s a little easier/cheaper.


everythingbagel57 OP t1_j2ll8fx wrote

Thank you so, so much for all of this information. I really appreciate it.


heygoldy t1_j2l6e0z wrote

There are a lot of options with parking, not an unrealistic thing to be looking for, but you’ll pay extra for it.


everythingbagel57 OP t1_j2l8asv wrote

Gotcha. Thanks so much.


whorne89 t1_j2nvyw9 wrote

I disagree with the statement of "a lot" of options. That is, if you are focusing on Downtown JC and Hoboken. Honestly for the social life aspect, you should only be considering this!

Making parking a priority in the property will make it much more difficult to find. It's not impossible. I have gotten parking at every place I've lived at in downtown JC. But I've had a very hard time finding a place that offered parking as well. There are a few places that have "hidden" parking spots. The place I am now didn't have a parking spot listed but it came with the availability to rent one.

Sometimes it can work out if you find a garage nearby that may be offering parking spots for rent. If you go with a building, they will usually have a garage/lot but are more expensive.


PlentyEquivalent5619 t1_j2lcnof wrote

Keep in mind it’s $15 to drive across the Bayonne Bridge.


hellodoctorheart t1_j2mg6tt wrote

Not if you take Ez pass and choose the bridge plans. It comes down to $6


PlentyEquivalent5619 t1_j2mqpwv wrote

Interesting, thanks. So all it takes is signing up?


hellodoctorheart t1_j2myrl1 wrote

Yes! But you have to use the bridge a minimum of 3 times a month, if you use it only once or twice you are charged the regular amount.


Mammoth-Housing-4395 t1_j2myusi wrote

If you want to roll out of bed and into the bar, you have to live in Downtown JC. But like everyone said Bergen-Lafayette is close to Bayonne and therefore close to SI. Bergen Lafayette is five minutes via Uber to downtown JC. Warning—BL is transitioning. Certain areas have an unwanted element but that’s changing and shrinking. There is a new “Luxury” high rise on Garfield across from Berry Lane park next to the highway entrance and Liberty park. Garfield goes straight to Bayonne.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j2nzmxl wrote

its a pretty quick commute. yup lots of buildings with parking, but usually extra like 200 per month


Maleficent-Baby-1926 t1_j2o1dfu wrote

Bergen Lafayette or North Greenville are great for commuters/car owners. I live in BL work in downtown MH usually i train in (hence the proximity to downtown JC and MH) I also own a car since i travel out of JC and NJ often. between the light rail / 15 min car ride downtown and 78 just a few blocks away, its pretty prime for all types of commuting. my place also comes with 2 parking spots for ~2.1k a month. just decide what you really want to prioritize but to me a 15 min drive or train ride downtown still provides ample access to social life without the parking headaches and more central area to move about…and more affordable for the space you get.


jersey-city-park t1_j2lcicr wrote

If you can afford it, its fine. Plenty of newer buildings have parking for extra. You’d be going against the traffic during your commute so its not bad at all. I live downtown and drive out to NJ twice a week. Only thing is paying NJ NY tolls might be too much.


everythingbagel57 OP t1_j2ldh7m wrote

That makes sense. Thank you so much. I already have an EZ pass commuter plan because I am commuting from NJ to Staten Island over the Outerbridge each day, so that is somewhat factored into my expenses already.


jotjotzzz t1_j2odhvl wrote

Live near the Liberty State Light Rail. It takes you downtown and it’s close drive to Staten.


AWarTimeConsigliere t1_j2lvfp6 wrote

Not sure what your budget is or if you want to be Downtown but check out Port Liberte. They have rentals come up every so often, ample garage parking in a gated community, and super close to Staten Island. The trade off is it’s about a 15-20 minute Uber to Downtown Hoboken or JC .


Sorry-Nose-7667 t1_j2l6h5t wrote

This honestly sounds like a mess, if you can aim to find a job first located in Manhattan this plan would work out swimmingly…but the current proposed plan sounds quite dreadful to be honest.


everythingbagel57 OP t1_j2l6kb9 wrote

I appreciate your honest feedback!! Thank you.


ffejie t1_j2l8fb6 wrote

Better to commute from JC than most parts of NYC, to be honest.


Sorry-Nose-7667 t1_j2l884o wrote

The caveat of my answer is that it’s just my opinion, and if you don’t mind commuting to Staten Island from a pretty heavily trafficked area, Hoboken or JC would be a great home base to get out of the suburbs / be in a place that would likely boost your social life. Best of luck.
