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Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j5v85rl wrote

Totally get that. You should ask what the increase will be. Most times they are negotiable, I'm in the middle of that now, and LL is very amenable to that conversation. He does not want an empty apartment and I always pay my rent and don't stir up trouble.


PleasantSubject2759 OP t1_j5v8xs9 wrote

I’m definitely going to have a conversation, but my building went from opening in may 2022 to fully occupied in less than 6 months, which is not good for someone in my shoes from a negotiation standpoint


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j5vbm7r wrote

The rental market is nowhere near what it was last year, and the landlords know that, I'd negotiate hard before I packed up and left.


PleasantSubject2759 OP t1_j5vc90e wrote

Going to see if they’ll let me sign a long term lease (2 years) and cut me a break on rent