Submitted by t3_10l7asl in jerseycity

Currently living in a high rise near Hamilton Park and want to stay in Jersey City but not exactly sure where to look for housing next without paying an arm and a leg for rent (borderline impossible, i know).

I’m a mid 20’s male living with s/o. NYC access, safety, and space for living are probably my top 3 priorities.

I’ve done some research and it seems the general consensus is the Heights, but I’m curious if there any other areas that check those boxes? Thanks in advance!



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t1_j5v4xe0 wrote

What is your budget? You may be able to find places on the fringes of downtown that fit your budget too... particularly if they're not in high rises.


OP t1_j5v5nv4 wrote

in a perfect world would want a 2 bed for no more than $2500, but i’m willing to flex on both rooms and rent if everything is right.


t1_j5v9va7 wrote

With those reqs you'll definitely need to make concessions on the building type (luxury high rise vs. duplex/brownstone) or location. Bergen Lafayette/West Side may have options that'll work for you, or even The Heights. I'm not too familiar with Journal Square but you'd likely need to look into areas farther out from the PATH.


t1_j5v38hf wrote

McGinley Sq/Lincoln Park still affordable, at least for me. You’re further from the train but you save hundreds in rent compared to the other neighborhoods


t1_j5v676x wrote

There's new apartment complexes near west side Ave. Obviously not directly comparable in terms of neighborhoods, but you'd be close to the light rail and still enjoy decent rent and also good amenities (pool/gym).


OP t1_j5v7co2 wrote

Interesting, always figured that was too far out. Do you know what it’s like getting into nyc from there?


t1_j5v8og6 wrote

Probably 35-45 mins depending on what part of nyc you need to go. (5-10 min walk to light rail, 15 min ride to exchange place, then path to either world trade or 33rd).

I know some of the buildings also have a shuttle bus to journal square, so taking the path from there is also an option. Just not sure if all these new buildings offer it.


t1_j5w0m74 wrote

You won't have an issue in a walkup in basically any neighborhood, except downtown, but may even get lucky with a few listings downtown.

Your budget is pushing it for luxury buildings, even in JSQ and Bergen Lafayette. If you're willing to up it a few hundred, it would be much more reasonable, if luxury building is an absolute requirement. Might I ask what you are paying now? $2500 for a 2 bedroom in a luxury building near Hamilton park sounds incredibly low, even if it's a quote from a few years ago. Unless you are trying to lower your rent now?

The neighborhoods vary so much and all except Greenville (not somewhere you'd be looking anyway) have easy city access. In the heights, make sure you're close to the bus or the light rail, JSQ close to the path, Bergen Lafayette close to the light rail. Portions of all of these neighborhoods will be close to this stuff and portions will not. But Hamilton park isn't exactly great for city access either. If you consider it to be then you probably won't have an issue at all.

You really should just walk around and decide which you like the most. If you like the Hamilton park area, I'd personally lean towards the heights but you may feel differently. If your lease is up soon you've presumably lived in town at least a year - you haven't explored other neighborhoods?


OP t1_j5w4vic wrote

thanks for all this. Yes, i’m trying to lower my rent. i’m paying $2800 for a 1 bed + $250 for parking. I have explored other neighborhoods, just not at lengths and i value the people who have been living here for years and what they might have to say.


t1_j5w68b4 wrote

Got it, just wanted to make sure you had numbers and such right but sounds like you do since you're trying to go from 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom.

If you can stick with your current rent or closer to it, you shouldn't have an issue finding a luxury building in Bergen Lafayette near the light rail. You'd want to be looking near the northern part of Bergen Lafayette. The area isn't as neighborhoody as Hamilton park or the heights, but the light rail can get you downtown in a few minutes.

I live near the light rail and personally love how I can get throughout most of Jersey City and Hoboken on it very easily, even parts of weehawken and Bayonne. But I don't need to go to the city, not sure if you would find it annoying to have to transfer to the path on a regular basis.

Based on your response I'm already changing my opinion of thinking you should move to Bergen Lafayette whereas before I said the heights. So moral of the story is definitely check out the neighborhoods!


t1_j5v4j1y wrote

Why are you leaving your current place? Just curious, my rent is going up too.


OP t1_j5v56gj wrote

I love my current place, but rent is just too high it’s inhibiting my long term finance plans. I also had concessions on this lease so with that going away i’m expecting an additional $500/month from that alone


t1_j5v85rl wrote

Totally get that. You should ask what the increase will be. Most times they are negotiable, I'm in the middle of that now, and LL is very amenable to that conversation. He does not want an empty apartment and I always pay my rent and don't stir up trouble.


OP t1_j5v8xs9 wrote

I’m definitely going to have a conversation, but my building went from opening in may 2022 to fully occupied in less than 6 months, which is not good for someone in my shoes from a negotiation standpoint


t1_j5vbm7r wrote

The rental market is nowhere near what it was last year, and the landlords know that, I'd negotiate hard before I packed up and left.


t1_j5zcl3y wrote

The good parts of the heights aren’t cheap anymore though.


t1_j5wfww3 wrote

As others have said, get outside DT and it's not a problem. I've invested in the Heights so I'm biased, but my young tenants love it there in their <$2k 2BRs. Not only do you have a lot of great stuff going on along Central and Palisade, and great access to the City and DT, but to Hoboken as well via the Congress St elevator or 100 Steps. Your only problem will be renting parking if you aren't ready for street parking.


t1_j5yew9k wrote

Great access to the city? What, the bus? 😂


t1_j5yusx1 wrote

There’s at least 3 buses (+jitneys) that take you into the city, and a few that go to the path at Journal Square. it’s generally like ~40min to wtc from my door around summit and Lincoln.


t1_j5yyt5j wrote



t1_j5yzg0e wrote

I really doubt they can. And at best probably have one option for a bus. In my 40 min of commute time ~15 minutes is on a bus. The rest is on the path.


t1_j5z28lf wrote



t1_j5z63b5 wrote

How many neighborhoods in JC have a better commute?


t1_j5z7sms wrote



t1_j5zox7i wrote

It depends on where you're going, when I was visiting a client regularly on 8th and 36th it would have been faster to take the bus if I lived in the Heights instead of Downtown. You're being ridiculous dismissing bus access, not to mention dismissing taking the HBLR to the PATH.


t1_j5zpg6p wrote



t1_j5zrwqj wrote

Now you're just sounding like an idiot, many, many people from the Heights take the elevator to 9th Street station or the Hundred Steps to the second Street station. And property along Palisade Avenue doubled or more after the HBLR opened.


t1_j5yu30g wrote

Do you need to commute to the city every day? If not the Heights would be great. Bus access to Hoboken path or port authority makes it accessible. But if you were commuting everyday, it’s definitely not as convenient as living near a Path stop.


t1_j5z10mc wrote

It really depends on what kind of budget you are working with. I saw in the comments that you want a 2 bedroom no higher than $2500. You can easily find normal apartments for that in the Heights, Journal/ McGinley Sq, luxury may be pushing it. You could find something in that price range in downtown but you will probably be on the fringes of the area. West Side Ave (by the light rail station) is a good option to.

Another option could be Bayonne. You MAY be able to find luxury housing for that price (1 BR is more likely though).


t1_j5x6vf3 wrote

Just Zillow search journal square. Rents still reasonable there compared to downtown JC


t1_j5zwh8m wrote

Anywhere off of Princeton ave , new light rail station being built near gates ave . Hidden gem