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t1_j9qkh8s wrote

We’re going to need to know what kind of “business” you’re in with a child and why you need to “see how operations were going” on the school yard.


t1_j9qkaqw wrote

So a random adult was on school grounds during school hours and they were doing their job and you refused to identify yourself and your reason for being there. Yeah, in the day and age of school shooters that's not at all suspicious.

Nobody wants to see another Uvalde.


t1_j9qkxbh wrote

> I do some business with a high schooler in town and was walking around the school yard to see how operations were going.

ngl - this sounds shady.


t1_j9qlql2 wrote

You weren't harassed. Kids are shot in their classrooms on a daily basis. Get off the school property. It's also February vacation. The schools are empty so why were you there to see a high school student? And what business are you conducting with a high school student anyway? Creepy.


t1_j9qkss6 wrote

You have no right to be on school grounds during school hours. The cop should have done more than question you but probably decided you were just a fool doing something ignorant.


t1_j9ql4z6 wrote

> I do some business with a high schooler in town and was walking around the school yard to see how operations were going.

Yeah, that's a giant red flag. I'm fucking glad the police did exactly what we'd all want in this situation: get you the hell away from the school!


t1_j9ql35r wrote



t1_j9qmndr wrote

I did what you recommended. If that cop had been familiar with this person’s reddit history they would have been cuffed and interrogated. Wow, so many alarm bells going off here.


t1_j9rim32 wrote

Thanks alot, that shit was so weird the FBI agent in my phone got nervous.


t1_j9qlfso wrote

Just glancing at this persons profile- 32 year old male yet at 5’1” maybe they thought they would blend in with the school children during recess.


t1_j9rh84d wrote

He says in another post he’s 5’4". I am calling bullshit. His post history is infuriatingly stupid, but I sense a manipulative intelligence (read troll) here. I’ve been wrong before of course.

He’s a gigantic asshole (or worse) either way though.


t1_j9rfbg4 wrote

At least pick a more believable week to troll. Most schools are closed for February break


t1_j9ql1y7 wrote

Props to the cop for doing his job and challenging a weird adult male who is " seeing how operations are going" at a school in the middle of the day, he should have cuffed you and forced you to identify yourself, you were trespassing


t1_j9rfh6l wrote

You deserved everything about that interaction. Maybe don't sell weed to high schoolers you clown


t1_j9rg1i4 wrote

OP is the asshole


t1_j9rhgs9 wrote

This is either a troll post or you’re an idiot. Stay off school grounds and away from the kids you weirdo.


t1_j9rl8tc wrote

This has got to be the most blatant troll account I’ve ever seen.


t1_j9recgr wrote

You should check-in with the front office to see if it'd be cool if you sold weed to the students


t1_j9rf770 wrote

I fucking hate cops but Jesus fucking Christmas fuck. I don’t even care about you selling weed to high schoolers. But doing it at their school is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


t1_j9rfdph wrote

That's not harassment or brutality. Honestly, the cop didn't do enough. Random adults don't belong on school grounds.


t1_j9rhaez wrote

Lack of awareness much??

There have been what? like a dozen bomb threats made against Massachusetts schools in the last 2 weeks. You bet the cops are on high alert. Go cry in your safe space


t1_j9ri52p wrote

How about you stay away from schools you creep.


t1_j9rjt4b wrote

Lol. Dude you were on school grounds? Probably should have been arrested.


t1_j9rk09n wrote

Dude you sound like a cry baby bozo. You do “business with a high schooler” (perv). And you’re upset a cop did excellent proactive work to keep a weirdo like yourself away from children in the age of school shooters… go fuck yourself


t1_j9rkcgq wrote

I goofed.

In my opinion, you seldom see people of any authority admit, they made a mistake, and unfortunately, even on social media that is no exception. I seldom understand why that is. I believe good leadership means sometimes saying, "I don't know" or "I was mistaken." No one is perfect, and it seems like nonsense to attempt to project perfection.

I made mistake. This post should not have been approved. The user is clearly a troll and their post history, which was previously been removed, ranged from conspiracy theories to sketchy stories like this. I should not have approved this post and the user should have been banned a while ago.

Instead, I skimmed and wasn't paying close attention, and this has been here for 4 hours with over 2,800 views. --- Oops! Sorry, everyone.


t1_j9rl1yq wrote

Refreshing to see someone take responsibility. Respect to you. Admitting a small mistake is huge, and again: refreshing. Need more ppl like this


t1_j9rkof9 wrote

So much police brutality happens everywhere, this is the first thing you have wrong.

The second thing you have wrong is everything else you did in this interaction and said on the internet.


t1_j9rgbft wrote

You should thank the officer for not tazing and cuffing you