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SharpCookie232 t1_j8ywrpz wrote

Reply to comment by piggyazlea in A new place to call home by payter_m8r

I think OP might be in for a bit of an unpleasant surprise in regards to the lack of a teacher shortage here in MA. Also, with the ESSER funds running out, a lot of districts are cutting staff. But, as you've said, if he'she is in STEM, special education, or TESOL, he'she should be ok. That SEI course is intense.

OP, you should check MA DESE's website and start looking into whether your credentials will be accepted here before you start moving.


piggyazlea t1_j8yxqcy wrote

I think so, too. It is not like other places in the US. Teaching is a popular profession in MA, and the requirements are a lot more intense and difficult than just “taking a few exams.” Our exams are a lot worse to pass than the Praxis, which is what TX has.


bryanhealey t1_j8zh33m wrote

we also pay better, second highest average salary in the country. not gonna get rich or anything, but it's not the pittance in some states.


piggyazlea t1_j8zigfd wrote

Gotta factor in cost of living. Some districts don’t pay enough for one (single) person to make it with the cost of living.