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Barkingpanther t1_itkhvmc wrote

Yes, yes, no, yes.

Re question 3, I don’t see how it benefits anybody other than big companies.


Smoaktreess t1_itknunc wrote

Yeah. Been back and forth on three but I think I finally fully understand it and it’s a big no from me. Not a fan of monopolies and not a fan of the no self checkout for alcohol either. Would rather wait for a better question.


PakkyT t1_itl09uu wrote

Except that #3 was put forth by small businesses to try and keep the big companies from making any moves for a number of years.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itkkot6 wrote

Same deal here. I don’t see how it benefits anything but megacorps


ak47workaccnt t1_itkxif6 wrote

But isn't it supported by small package stores and attacked by big outlets like Total Wine?


Barkingpanther t1_itklcfa wrote

Star market doesn’t need the help


Tacoman404 t1_itkrct4 wrote

The question needs to go back to the drawing board tbh. The idea is good but whom it benefits is tainted by too many lobbyists.


langjie t1_itlfq0j wrote

if you think it's good, you should probably vote yes. don't let the idea of great get in the way of good. knowing this state, it'll be a decade before anything close gets voted on again which will also have lobbyists adding stuff to the bill.

with all that being said, i go back and forth on this question


ak47workaccnt t1_itl1581 wrote

Unfortunately that's not an option.


GWS2004 t1_itlf13j wrote

Why? If rejected now they could try again.


ak47workaccnt t1_itlh3vo wrote

I meant it's too late for this election. We have to vote on the question as it is right now.

Of course, whether we pass this as it is now or not, the legislature could make changes or another ballot question could be proposed in the future.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_itmqa05 wrote

Look at who is behind the bill. It’s a giant chain liquor store trying to protect their profits while THEY squeeze the small shops out.


[deleted] t1_itlcx9i wrote

It's important to recognize that Massachusetts has stricter liquor laws than many other states, remnants of puritanical origins and the abolition movement in the early 1900s. Massachusetts liquor laws are stricter and more regressive than just about any other state. This law improves upon that and allows local chains to grow while blocking major chains from staking claim.


BF1shY t1_itktp2d wrote

That's how I voted as well.

3 would benefit you with lower priced alcohol. Big store liquor is always cheaper than small store, but they will have a smaller variety to choose from. I do wish MA had liquor in food stores like other states.


langjie t1_itleyox wrote

MA does have liquor in grocery stores, but the grocery store chain is limited to 5 licenses total. so on one hand, increasing the licenses probably will allow your grocer to carry alcohol, on the other the ban of self checkout kills the convenience.


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_itll7g8 wrote

We do have liquor in food stores. I used to shop at a Price Chopper and Big Y (both in Berkshire Co.) and they both had beer, wine and liquor.


PabloX68 t1_itlr00h wrote

A given chain can only sell alcohol in up to 5 of their stores. It’s arbitrary and stupid.


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_itlxw3j wrote

I didnt say otherwise. Just pointing out the falsehood in the other comment.


PabloX68 t1_itm854s wrote

You certainly implied otherwise.

For most people in the state at a practical level, no, we really don't have alcohol available to purchase in food stores.


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_itm8kuu wrote

Someone said that wished alcohol was sold in grocery stores. I said some grocery stores sell alcohol. You can infer whatever the fuck you want from that. 🤷‍♀️


PabloX68 t1_itmcrk1 wrote

I'll infer that as a practical matter, very few people live near supermarkets that sell beer and wine because of the stupid fucking law. Being pedantic doesn't change the practical reality.


GaleTheThird t1_itntj24 wrote

> Big store liquor is always cheaper than small store, but they will have a smaller variety to choose from

What? The big box stores are the ones with the best selection. Any of the Total Wines I've been to blow the packies out of the water