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t1_itr8qyt wrote

'preppies on board'


t1_itr9yyc wrote

Apparently New England’s version of ‘salt life’?


t1_itrhvbw wrote

Fun fact, my wife and I thought it was "Slut Life" for about a solid year....


t1_itruuhi wrote

we live in Marblehead and for years whenever I saw a Saint John’s Prep sticker (sjp) I yelled sarah jessica parker! in my head. I think it was 5 years before anyone told me what it actually was


t1_itt1vds wrote

Oh cool. When I see a Saint John's High bumper sticker I yell "My buddy was molested by a Xaverian brother!" in my head.


t1_itt678m wrote

i went to a school called saint judes parish and i always thought that was it 😭🤣 i was like wow someone all the way out here goes to my parish!


t1_itrqcts wrote

My husband and I yell "SLUT LIFE" every time we see one of those stickers.


t1_itrqnl2 wrote

Before we knew it was salt life, we use to try and check out the driver to see if they looked slutty… ridiculous but funny to us


t1_itro5ql wrote

For real. I can’t look at it with out seeing that


t1_itsj7c3 wrote

Same here driving around the north shore I was like “ why are all these people so into Sarah Jessica Parker?!”


t1_its4b29 wrote

I know its salt, but I'm still saying slut life


t1_itt747h wrote

I guarantee I would enjoy the company of Slut Life people over Salt Life...and I like the Ocean a great deal...but I don't need a sticker to show it. Also, hasn't that saying been co-opted by a lot of conservatives? I guess the NRA and Go Brandon stickers weren't enough to fill up the bumper of their F250's.


t1_itt9dmb wrote

I want to now open “The Salty Slut”, no idea what I’m selling other than this sticker there.


t1_itsly1e wrote

Fun fact: You’re not alone in having thought that for awhile.


t1_itui76j wrote

I keep asking them to regale me with their ocean adventures but they just tell me about the last Disney cruise they were on.


t1_itstnm9 wrote

Who wrote that description? “Trade marked”, “I-Phone”, “skies” (when they likely mean skis). Smh