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swat02119 t1_iuqifzx wrote

70 is far too slow for the pike, you should definitely be in the travel lane.


oldcreaker t1_iuqza16 wrote

After I'm done passing cars - until then whoever is behind me just has to wait.


SmartSherbet t1_iurema0 wrote

70 is above the speed limit. If I'm passing cars going 70 it's not my problem if you want to go faster than that. You're just going to have to wait behind until I have a decent gap to move back over without getting stuck behind another truck or 90 year old going 50.


WinsingtonIII t1_iurqlpe wrote

If you're going 70 and the person in front of you is going 60, then you still need to pass them and it's fair to pass in that situation. You should try to time it so you aren't cutting off someone in the passing lane to do so, but sometimes you pull out and are passing and then someone comes up out of nowhere at 90+mph and you're stuck for a little bit.

Those people cruising at 90mph in the passing lane aren't using it correctly themselves.


chancimus33 t1_iuqm1w6 wrote

Agreed. Parts of 95 in Maine have a speed limit of 70 and you can comfortably go 80-85 without being too concerned about getting pulled over. 70 on any highway is far too slow.