Submitted by mrsnrub77 t3_yjgxds in massachusetts

In the past 24 months, for work, I’ve driven the MassPike entire (from the Berkshires to Boston and back), hundreds of times.

For the first six months or so, as Covid lockdown continued, almost all of the cars were truckers, service vehicles, and cops.

Fortunately, while some degree of normalcy has returned, and traffic on the pike is a madhouse.

The primary culprits? Those godless heathens (e.g. NYers, NYCers, . . . Yankee fans, mostly lol) who insist on driving themselves in the Left lane, despite no-one next to them in the right.

It seems Canadians struggle with this. In typical Canadian fashion, these folks typically stare straightahead and keep their hands at 10 and 2 -‘d they stay in that Left lane. While not passing. While equally steadfastly resisting all efforts to get them to move over.

Maddening beyond measure. These jackwagons don’t only impede the people behind them, they throw off the flow, dramatically: great swaths of the Pike are only two lanes, and one stubborn ARod/Habs/Leafs fan can throw off Pike traffic for miles. This unnecessary congestion also dramatically heightens the risks of collision - at extraordinarily unsafe speeds.

So, if you’re a driver, if you aren’t passing, stay in the Right lane. If you’re a passenger of a driver who insists on staying in the Left lane, tell them to move to and to stay in the Right lane. Unless passing. Please. Thank you.



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TheEmpressIsIn t1_iunt9ma wrote

you're just going to drive yourself nuts over this. there is no way people will use it correctly until those responsible for enforcement actually work to educate drivers and then punish them when they violate the rules.

sad to say, but it feels like a lost cause to me. in addition, i am tired of mega speeders tailgating me when i am trying to pass a car. some people just feel like they own the road and there's no point arguing with them...


endofthered01674 t1_iunwwh5 wrote

As a general rule, if I am going, say 75 in the left-hand lane and we are passing everybody, I'm making the dude riding my ass wait until I am done passing people.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iuoa5qq wrote

In that situation, it makes sense as long as you move when there's a reasonable gap in the middle lane. Once you get to the part where there's 40-50 yards between cars, you become the asshole for not moving over.


charons-voyage t1_iuo3smn wrote

Yep, if I’m clearly passing slow drivers in the middle lane at 75+, it’s not my fuckin problem if you wanna go 85. Slow the F down and if you’re gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair


swat02119 t1_iuqi8vy wrote

You’re causing traffic and congestion, stick to the travel lane


cathellsky t1_iutc9qq wrote

Passing someone else in the designated passing lane does not cause traffic and congestion just because you want to go faster than them. They're allowed to pass.


swat02119 t1_iuus335 wrote

Yeah, but 75 is barely travel speed on the pike. This is a toll road that is well maintained, we like to drive a little faster to get our money’s worth.


notmyrealname17 t1_iuquqbp wrote

That's totally fine, anyone who gets mad because someone is using the passing lane to pass cars a little slower than they'd like is a dildo. This is about those who aren't passing anyone at all who seem to not understand there is a difference in function between the 2 lanes.


WinsingtonIII t1_iurq7ly wrote

>in addition, i am tired of mega speeders tailgating me when i am trying to pass a car. some people just feel like they own the road and there's no point arguing with them...

Right, this is my pet peeve with all this.

I do use the left lane as a passing lane, but way too often I find myself passing someone at say 72mph (they are going 65), and then someone roars up behind and is tailgating me all pissed off because they want to go 90.

Yes, it's a passing lane, but that doesn't mean people there are allowed to go 90 just because they are passing. These people probably say "he was sitting in the passing lane!" But I really wasn't intending to, it was just taking me 30 seconds to pass someone because personally I'm not interested in going 90 just to pass.


TheEmpressIsIn t1_ius1mj4 wrote

exactly this. then, sometimes they rush to pass you on the right the minute a spot opens. i have almost gotten hit due to that when i tried to pass into right lane at the same time.


mrsnrub77 OP t1_iup18nu wrote

I respectfully disagree. I know it can be better because I’ve seen it be better, and not all that long ago.

Also, I’m going to have to drive the Pike for years to come, so I’m hoping people will listen and get better.

Also, to be clear: I am all for ‘left laners’ who want to stay there while passing multiple, ‘spread-out’, right-lane cars. I am all for slowing my sorry ass down to do that. No problem with it, whatsoever.

However: the same principle applies (though I suppose it could be a bit more clear): if you are passing or if you are getting ready to pass by staying in the left lane, fine. If you aren’t, move over. That simple.

finally, for the people complaining about drivers being, “on their ass”? If you are following the rule? You have my every sympathy. It sucks being tailgated when you are but one in a line of cars. If, however you are not following the rules? You’re just staying in the left? Nope. You have no argument. Move out of the way, please. Thank you.


Candid-Tumbleweedy t1_ius5w7l wrote

If you tailgate someone for being in the left lane you’re not fixing the situation. Now there are two problems instead of one.

Somehow cars break everyone’s brains and then everyone thinks they’re the most important person in the world.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iup4gpw wrote

WRONG! The left lane is for staties to drive 95 in.


Key-Neat5457 t1_iuquyl3 wrote

Love when they clear out the left lane and I just follow behind


[deleted] t1_iuqvyk6 wrote

I did this once and the statie pulled me over 🤦🏼‍♀️


oldcreaker t1_iuofvxl wrote

If you're not passing, agreed, stay in the right lane. But all too often the people getting pissed are the ones doing 85 while you're doing 70, and they expect you to stop passing, and slow down to get in the lane with the folks going 55, the speed limit, so they can pass you.


swat02119 t1_iuqifzx wrote

70 is far too slow for the pike, you should definitely be in the travel lane.


oldcreaker t1_iuqza16 wrote

After I'm done passing cars - until then whoever is behind me just has to wait.


SmartSherbet t1_iurema0 wrote

70 is above the speed limit. If I'm passing cars going 70 it's not my problem if you want to go faster than that. You're just going to have to wait behind until I have a decent gap to move back over without getting stuck behind another truck or 90 year old going 50.


WinsingtonIII t1_iurqlpe wrote

If you're going 70 and the person in front of you is going 60, then you still need to pass them and it's fair to pass in that situation. You should try to time it so you aren't cutting off someone in the passing lane to do so, but sometimes you pull out and are passing and then someone comes up out of nowhere at 90+mph and you're stuck for a little bit.

Those people cruising at 90mph in the passing lane aren't using it correctly themselves.


chancimus33 t1_iuqm1w6 wrote

Agreed. Parts of 95 in Maine have a speed limit of 70 and you can comfortably go 80-85 without being too concerned about getting pulled over. 70 on any highway is far too slow.


scrotote97 t1_iuosukj wrote

Driving on 84 is even worse than the pike if you ask me. Connecticut drivers are oblivious.


JJ2o2o t1_iur24tc wrote

Particularly west of Hartford.


Maleficent-Music7655 t1_iuogjz4 wrote

They don’t care. I don’t mind just going around them like whatever, it’s the most infuriating when you try to do that and then they speed up.


[deleted] t1_iuor6ex wrote



Numerous_Resist_8863 t1_iupftpk wrote

Well, it appears you're 🗑️ with a fragile ego...


[deleted] t1_iupgb3u wrote



Numerous_Resist_8863 t1_iupgm6w wrote


I like traveling in the middle lane, & watching idiots like you get high beamed for a few miles or cut off at a certain point.

But you do you Paul Blart.


[deleted] t1_iuphbou wrote



Numerous_Resist_8863 t1_iuphuag wrote


Whatever you say sweetchuck.


[deleted] t1_iupi5yi wrote



Numerous_Resist_8863 t1_iupix3f wrote

You should definitely look them up, because based on this interaction, you're definitely cut from the same cloth.

Like I said, do your thing, Go 70 in the left lane you rebel.


High_Poobah_of_Bean t1_iupwy5e wrote

I too lack the ability to control those around me in my daily life and I also get rock hard when I can control how fast other people drive on the highway.

I like to think the state police would appoint me honorary deputy if they saw me making sure nobody else speeds.


[deleted] t1_iupx7f5 wrote



High_Poobah_of_Bean t1_iupyv73 wrote

Rock. Fucking. Hard.


[deleted] t1_iupyxnl wrote



High_Poobah_of_Bean t1_iuq0s7e wrote

For real bro I’ve got leather right now just thinking about yelling at people to use the crosswalk. We’re so badass, society should be thanking us, instead they think we’re losers.


spenserpat t1_iuphbt3 wrote

You can say it's out of staters all you want , but this is decidedly a MA problem and it's pervasive. Very often the right lane will be empty with a long line of cars in the left. Infuriating.


thatwentallcostarica t1_iur2n5b wrote

I wouldn’t say it’s uniquely an MA problem. I’ve driven up and down the east coast a few times, and it happens anywhere that there’s a two lane highway with even a moderate amount of traffic. It’s definitely common in Mass, probably more common than most other places, but let’s not give Connecticut and New Jersey a free pass.


spenserpat t1_iuwvqar wrote

There are bad drivers everywhere, to be sure, but driving the same speed in all lanes seems to be a style of driving here. Maybe no one is in a rush...idk. As someone who drove most of my life elsewhere that now lives here its extremely evident to me.


mrsnrub77 OP t1_iupxf6x wrote

Agreed. My dig about New Yorkers/Canadians was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. :)

It is a MA problem - especially with so much of the Pike being 2 lanes. And, over the past year or so, it seems like it’s just been getting worse. Hence my post! :)


mytyan t1_iuo2jif wrote

The state police said they were gonna ticket people for not passing in the passing lane regardless of how fast they are going


jp_jellyroll t1_iuoqvk0 wrote

Hey, those hard-working troopers are very busy stealing overtime. They can't be bothered by this kind of thing.


Roszo21 t1_iuqwwhe wrote

Fuck staties. Not convinced we want them interacting with anyone. Especially since the law is so situational. I'm often on 90 and all 3 lanes are completely stopped because of an accident or construction or whatever. I don't begrudge all lanes becoming travel lanes in those circumstances. And I frequently see aggressive drivers in the left pressuring someone to move back to the middle before its really safe to do so. You need a larger gap than you realize to safely merge into a slower lane. That's how accidents happen. Fear of getting a ticket from some asshole with a quota will only exacerbate that.


maralagosinkhole t1_iurq9oh wrote

They did this in Maine during tourist season before Covid. It was really effective. People learned really quick how to use the passing lane properly


bigredthesnorer t1_iunuzc3 wrote

And maybe don't pass in the right lane, too, at 90 MPH?


ConflictOk6464 t1_iuo4ei8 wrote

Well move over then.


bigredthesnorer t1_iuoaf7g wrote

I try to stay in the middle lane. Too many idiots flying in the left and right lanes.


Slappybags22 t1_iup7azv wrote

I’ll be on cruise control at 75 in the middle lane, with a wide open passing lane, and people still choose to ride my ass. I think so people just get their jollies off on being aggressive af on the road.


RisingPhoenix92 t1_iuqejhe wrote

I think some people can't drive unless they are right behind the car in front of them, regardless of how many opportunities they get to pass


sase_o t1_iupp9vz wrote

Oh I've had this happen plenty to me, also in the right lane too! Fuck those drivers.


CapeCodcultuvation t1_iunyc8p wrote

No one is going to listen to you. Start just going with the flow out there ppl are fucking crazy and will fight you for looking at them lol


n8spear t1_iupbiw4 wrote

This is the kind of thing this sub was meant for.


mrhg t1_iupxsxe wrote

People used to use it correctly. In Germany "lane discipline" is what allows the Autobahn to be free of speed limits, but have less fatalities than our highway system. They simply don't travel in the left lane to do anything other than pass. There is a simple logic to how a highway works that most people don't understand. It's not about a law, although the law states the left hand lane is for passing only. It's also illegal, and more dangerous, to pass on the right. Those who insist they have a "right" to stay in the left lane defy how a highway works, which makes it less safe. Simply put, the only way to safely pass anyone is on the left. If the left lane is jammed with people who are going too slow to allow anyone to pass someone in the other lanes, then by default one now has a highway full of people going no faster than the person going the speed in the left lane. I've been traveling in the left lane on a busy highway, in a line of cars going just above the speed limit and clearly see way at the front is someone making no effort to move to the right, holding everyone up. This can go on for miles and often ends with that whole line of cars peeling to the right, passing the one slowpoke in the left lane, and then sliding back into the left lane. But that can only happen if there is a space for people to pull into the right lane, with enough room to speed past the the slowpoke, before running into someone else in the right lane. I swear, those of us who use the left lane for passing all the time are actually trying to drive safer, but are often forced to drive in a way that makes it unsafe. For the argument that people make that drivers should not be traveling so fast in the left lane. Perhaps that's true, but you are not the monitor to slow people down. And like my Autobahn example above, your insistence to hold up vehicles in the left lane creates a much more dangerous situation than anyone going above the speed limit in the left lane. Much of what is courtesy on the road is essentially safer. And vice versa.


Dismal_Ad_9603 t1_iuolpev wrote

Can confirm NYers! But as said if you’re going 85, you’re still going to have to wait for me to pass the ass-draggers that can’t be bothered to at least drive 65 in any lane. So many spots are only two lanes and sometimes it’s slow and slower. I used to commute IC 8 and 6 and by the end of 17 years my blood pressure was just out of control. Thankfully it’s a thing of the past.


Ready_the_Rhinos t1_iuqjlme wrote

A lot of people see themselves as race car drivers who tailgate you and flash their lights if you don’t pass fast enough. I too would like to go faster than 55 in the right lane. I am not required to go 80 though. My response to that is spite and intentionally slowing down.


SmartSherbet t1_iuresd2 wrote

Yup. You wanna tailgate me at 75? Congratulations, now we're going 60.


notmyrealname17 t1_iuquhrj wrote

Yeah I take the pike and/or 91 every day and you're going to go crazy if you don't just get over it. Trust me I hate them too but after years and years of wanting those people to die it didn't really get me anywhere and I feel I'm a happier person since I learned to get over it.


Cersad t1_iuqwszl wrote

The fun part about the left lane on the Pike is how it never moves.

Also it seems like all the wrecks ever block the left lane.

I've come to believe the left lane on the Pike was deliberately engineered to bait the out-of-towners into sitting in traffic longer than everyone else.


Harpo426 t1_ius37tk wrote

Fighting against the current bud.
the only actual traffic laws in Mass are:

-Go AT LEAST 5mph over the speed limit

-pass on the right.


Great-Egret t1_ius8ht0 wrote

I moved back here from England recently and had a really hard time readjusting to how people drive here. In England lane discipline is SO GOOD. People are religious about only driving in the correct lane for passing and they actually use their blinkers. Oh, and people go FAST in the fast lane, like 75-80 mph even though the speed limit is like 65/70 and no one cares, because they stay in their lane and slow down in the others. Big trucks are also only allowed in the two slowest lanes. Maybe Brits are so good because their driving test is incredibly hard: it's 45 minutes long and only has a 30% pass rate...

You talk about out of towners, but I see so many people with MA plates weaving like real assholes and they really don't care how much danger they put people in. I know because I work in a freaking school and one of the teachers fully admitted he was THAT guy and could not care less... Absolutely the lowest of the low, but they wear it like a badge of honor.


robomassacre t1_iv2u7zk wrote

i typed out some stuff but no one cares anyways. People on the internet act like they are so perfect, so caring, virtue signaling like crazy, they are so empathetic and caring. But i know it is all bullshit. Because i drive on public roads. Nowhere do i see the amount of selfishness, narcissism, and lack of awareness and caring that i see while driving. No one gives a shit about the rules of the road, no one gives a shit about their fellow drivers, all they care about is themselves and their time and their lives are more important than anyone else's.
People will go right through an obvious red light, almost crash right into your car, and then give you the finger as if it's your fault. People will do 80 on the highway with the head and eyes looking down at the steering wheel (not the road) because they care more about their text messages than they do about other drivers on the road. It's disgusting and as a species i am really disappointed. I thought we were better than that.


mrsnrub77 OP t1_iv2wp46 wrote

OP. Thank you. You just underscored exactly what I’m talking about.

At heart, my original post was a plea for MassPike drivers to be more ‘polite’, so to speak - especially with respect to the driving lane and the passing lane.

I focused on that problem because I thought that, in the (admittedly unlikely) event that this reached people, it would be the change that would have the greatest impact. Put another way, I agree completely: I could have emphasized drivers’ unnecessary aggressiveness and/or lack of accountability, their recklessness, and a general lack of either self-awareness and/or empathy. I could’ve used failure to signal properly, or to use headlights and high beams properly, or any other number of things – each of which are typically only escalated when complained about, i. e. ‘Road rage’. However, one or two people adopting better Lane habits can really make a difference.

Having said that, again, I agree. I wasn’t writing this as idle chatter. I had something of an agenda.

I’ve never seen it this bad. It sucks because I’ve never had to drive more. I’m obligated to drive the length of the Pike 6, and sometimes 8 times a week. My risk of harm has increased dramatically. I hope people get the message. Thank you for acknowledging it.


Leaf_Rat t1_iupgkfc wrote

Are there signs that say Left Lane for passing only?


Comfortable-Lab-2639 t1_iupvdm8 wrote

No, there aren't any sign.

Massachusetts Driver's Manual; Page 94.

"Driving on the Highway • Make sure your vehicle operates well and can drive at highway speeds. • Stay to the right and only use the left lane for passing. On an expressway with three or more lanes in your direction, use the far right lane for slower driving, the middle lane for faster driving, and the far left lane for passing."


Remesar t1_iurcwp3 wrote

Too bad no one actually read the damn manual. This needs to be a question on the test. Geez.


swat02119 t1_iuqimp0 wrote

The left lane is intended as the passing lane on all highways.


destronger t1_iur6fm0 wrote

here in california the left lane is a passing lane too. they are also our HOV lanes in some locations during certain hours.


fun_guy02142 t1_iuqr9jl wrote

So, from Lee to Sturbridge we should only use half the road, unless we are playing leapfrog? That makes a ton of sense /s


ThePremiumOrange t1_iuq9y87 wrote

If someone is slow in the left lane. Give them 30 seconds then start honking without being an ass. Don’t tailgate them and blind them with high beams. They’ll change lanes. Also if you can move into the right lane to pass them, just do that.


Mysterious-House-51 t1_iuoua1o wrote

This gripe sounds like a berkshires legislator annoyed it took them 5 minutes longer to get home.


DunkinRadio t1_iuo5x6q wrote

I dare you to ride with my wife and tell her to stay out of the left lane and move to the right.


Baystate411 t1_iuogqei wrote

Your wife was riding me and I told her. She didn't mind.



Lucybruin t1_iup2q3c wrote

Letting the wife drive to begin with may be the problem?


HammerfestNORD t1_iuntft0 wrote

On a MA group complaining about non-MA drivers. Get outta here with this crap.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iunwi8b wrote

MA drivers do it too and then have the audacity to follow you or flash guns when you get mad.


SmartSherbet t1_iurew8b wrote

I've lived a lot of places and MA drivers are the worst in the country. People here have no business giving driving instructions to others.


aezkl t1_iuowe34 wrote

If you are on the pike, the speed limit for all lines regardless of what you are doing is b/n 55 to 65, if you are driving more than that, you are breaking the law. but if you need some advice from me how-to drive in MA, since I have been doing this for living for 27 years. first of all mind your business that means don't make rules for other motorist, keep your speed limit 5 miles more that the speed limit. when passing cars, on their left or right it doesn't matter, time it yourself don't move Infront of their face. start the move then signal to keep them shout. or they will block you. and if you really want to go fast use far right lane, for most drivers avoid it. if you follow these rules, you will save yourself from a trip to the doctor and a mild Storke in the middle of the highway.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuntzo6 wrote

Avoid road rage: Stop telling other people how to drive.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iunwg7x wrote

Avoid road rage: don't drive like you've never seen a highwau before.


swat02119 t1_iuqipj3 wrote

The left is the passing lane in all highways, if used correctly it greatly reduces traffic.