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Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixjnq9m wrote

Yikes, way to take a "banal" take and turn it into a racist/trashy hot take.

Good job.


pillbinge t1_ixjp24t wrote

That doesn't even make sense. I'm talking about the people who are from here, and it applies to people of all races. Food is not a worthy cause, and talking about it to cope with the harsh reality these people are facing, doesn't make sense.

If you hear, "Hundreds leaving violence to simply escape it, with nothing but their clothes," and you think, "I hope they end up serving me new and exciting food!", you're a bad person through and through.

Have you had real, Ukrainian food? We had an influx of Ukrainians recently and their food is far from "a taco truck on every corner". It's good, like most real, authentic food is, but it doesn't have that lame energy that Americans crave and are mentioning in the comments.

Try to work on your reading comprehension before you start throwing out terms you kind of heard but don't come close to getting.


Kaio_ t1_ixk6ovy wrote

>If you hear, "Hundreds leaving violence to simply escape it, with nothing but their clothes," and you think, "I hope they end up serving me new and exciting food!", you're a bad person through and through.

LMFAO fuckin' brutal and true


pillbinge t1_ixkw2fd wrote

So tiring listening to these barely-middle-of-the-road politics from people who really only react to media, not politics, talk about how the world should be. They're trying to shape it into EPCOT at everyone's expense. And it's just lazy. They've convinced themselves that they're doing God's work humanitarians' work by just letting people show up, when people showing up at your doorstep happens after a long line of failure. But it's easier to do nothing, and spin that as a good deed, than do real work.


puppeteersrequiem t1_ixkx6yr wrote

I’m sorry but I can’t see a comment like “food is not a worthy cause” without saying something. Food is a universal concept that every human shares. It’s a common tongue that we all speak. It is art and culture all in one. It’s a uniting principle that should never be underestimated. There are whole cultures and economies that revolve around food. Anyone who has felt real starvation gnaw at them, even once, could never utter the phrase “food is not a worthy cause”. Food is one of the worthiest of causes. Food is everything. Food is life.


pillbinge t1_ixtcu8s wrote

When I said that food isn't a worthy cause, I meant from the people in the receiving country who sit back and sell a fringe benefit that's totally unrelated to helping people. That's fairly obvious.

I'd like to believe what you believe but that ship sailed from New England. There are few local staples that people enjoy so thoroughly outside maybe seafood, and even then, that's divisive. Most Americans don't have any real staple that's cultural here. The food people "bring" is made from ingredients shipped world-wide, not local ones, and a lot of it in restaurants is fairly bad for you.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixk80ly wrote

Thank you for expanding your yikes to even greater depths of pathetically sad.


pillbinge t1_ixk8ias wrote

Thank you for replying only in clichés that add nothing and obscure any real thought you have lmao. You'll bump that second language reading comprehension up to middle school one of these days.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixkiwrs wrote

Verbosity != Veracity

Sorry scumbag, but you're flailing hard here.


pillbinge t1_ixkvrxh wrote

>you're flailing hard here.

You can plug in text to online readers and they'll gauge it, however accurately, across a lot of different tests. In this case, what I wrote is equivalent to what a seventh grader or ninth grader is expected to handle.

I'd be way more careful going forward about admitting that seventh grade texts make you so scared that you're ironically dropping words like verbosity lmao.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixkzp7u wrote

You substitute words for substance thinking you're making a salient point.

You're a fucking clown.


pillbinge t1_ixnbfke wrote

I think you’re revealing that you think that’s happening, but you’re commenting on commenting without adding anything. Ironic, and sad - again, seventh grade.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixnjaqm wrote

The length one will go to claw at a perceived superiority while spewing the most vile and hateful shit truly is impressive.

You're not as intelligent as you think you are or so desperately wish others to believe.


pillbinge t1_ixtc3g1 wrote

The only thing every post of yours has reveled is how intimidated you are by someone giving a fairly thoughtful view, written at a seventh grade level. I never said I was intelligent and I don't value that as a trait or characteristic, if you were to ask.

You need to calm down.