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t1_iyy0jlv wrote

get a job in a rich town like Brookline or Newton or Danvers over whatever for the good salary, otherwise you can get stuck making $30,000 a year in Quincy as a part time teacher.


t1_iyy36ta wrote

Friend used to work Q schools- the 6 week maternity leave is very medieval


t1_iyy89he wrote

Is Danvers considered rich? I never knew.


t1_iyycaly wrote

I think they are trying hard. Last year when I was looking at wedding venues the one in Danvers heavily implied we wouldn't be able to afford the place despite the pseudo-budget we asked them to make for our 200 guest wedding putting us well above their above per guest price. We ended up going to Holyoke because the Danvers venue was ultimately too small for the ceremony but also the disrespect we got for our "Hudson people."


t1_iyydc6a wrote

That's crazy. Danvers isn't anything fancy IMO. It has the prep, but the actual town isn't obviously monied like Newburyport or Boxford, nevermind a town in the metro west like Weston.

I guess you have to fake it til you make it, huh Danvers?


t1_iyyfsry wrote

dredging up that memory I decided to check the Danversport reviews cause I thought maybe this was an isolated incident. A few other reviewers probably had the same person we were stuck with because one had similar complaints just last year and others complained about booking the venue and then being treated only as dollar signs.


t1_iz0syrp wrote

>is st johns prep even full of money kids compared to governors academy thats in the area?


t1_iz0tg1j wrote

por que no los dos? Both are expensive schools. Govs might be a little more fancy but the prep is certainly a school for wealthy young men.

I interviewed to work there, actually, and I didn't get the job. Not sure I would have been the best fit in a place like that.


t1_iz0z3wa wrote

St Johns is 30k compared to 53k for day at Govenors. Bruh I legit freaked when I saw the tuition at Governors. The tuition is almost a full 70 percent more.

Is St Johns super preppy compared to other catholic school?


t1_iz13ib3 wrote

From my perspecitve, yeah. Beautiful campus though!

Lots of elite private schools in MA. Weird to think some of the best high schools in the world are just a few towns over.


OP t1_iyy8ehq wrote

Right now, with zero teaching experience, I doubt those districts would hire me. I will try though, just for the hell of it.

Right now I'm trying to find educational jobs teaching kids/teens/adults about things in my field.


t1_iyyb3o8 wrote

Don't be too sure they wouldn't hire you. I work in a "desirable" district and I've seen them pass over more experienced candidates because they were too high on the pay scale. The one thing I would say that we do tend to require is a master's degree.

Also, what subject are you interested in teaching? The teacher shortage is real in science, special ed, and math and even in my district we struggle to hire in those subjects.


OP t1_iyyg60c wrote

I'm planning to teach environmental science. I have an Associate's of Art in General Studies, Bachelor's of Art in Environmental Science with a Minor in Environmental Anthropology.

One downside is: I graduated with a ~2.70 GPA, which is a B- average. I read that the minimum GPA to be a teacher in MA is 3.


t1_iyymp7w wrote

You won’t be teaching specific courses like environmental science. You will be teaching broad general studies topics like: earth science or chemistry.


OP t1_iyyoapq wrote

I'm perfectly okay with that. I graduated with a general track in it. I really enjoy talking about the natural science side of Env. Sci.


t1_iz19h5d wrote

You can definitely teach full-time environmental science (my school of about 1,000 students has 2 full time environmental teachers), but there is no environmental science MTEL you could take for licensure. You would need to take either the bio or chem MTEL to get your science license.

While you should probably go for whichever subject you're better at, keep in mind that bio, by far, has the most applicants for any open job. Chem is much, much harder to find someone for. The last time we were hiring for a chem teacher, there were just two licensed teachers who applied. The last bio position we hired for had over 30 licensed applicants.


OP t1_iz34ryj wrote

That's strange, I noticed that too. The state's education website has a practice exam for environmental science and says they are supposed to have an exam for it. But there's no option to sign up for it on the Pearson website where people sign up to take the exams, there's no option for ES.


t1_iyyhtnw wrote

For a full license, you need practice teaching, pass standardized exams, and a master’s degree. DESE should have all the requirements and regulations online.


t1_iyymk34 wrote

You don’t need a masters to teach


OP t1_iyyproj wrote

Yeah, it's desired but not required. Only a bachelor's in the respective field is


t1_iz03fvw wrote

A master’s degree is indeed required in MA. You have 5 years to obtain it after being hired.


t1_iz1a2au wrote

Technically, you have 10 years after getting your initial license, since you can extend your initial license once by request. If you got a preliminary license first, you could delay the master's degree by as much as 15 years.

Edit: To be even more technical, if you go the route of Master Teacher certification through Pearson, you'll never need a master's degree... though I hope you like staying on the Bachelor's / Bachelor's +15 step 5 pay scale for eternity.


t1_iyypz9q wrote

Not quite fully accurate. You just need a bachelors depending on the job and the district. I’m a teacher from another state who just moved here and getting licensed for MA. My bachelors is not in my content area.


t1_iyyicq2 wrote

Not true. You’re at the low end of the pay scale. Apply to any district near you. As you get more years and experience you’d be amazed how some districts don’t want to pay the money to get the experience