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t1_j1mshnv wrote

Eww. Conspiracy theorist. Just no.

(Married to Fran Drescher btw)


t1_j1mv4rz wrote

Wait wait wait. Fran Drescher married this nut job?


t1_j1nsyxt wrote

I think they were married 2014-2016, and I get the impression he didn't really start going too crazy until 2015/2016. He was actually fairly successful before then, e.g. was awarded a Fulbright and had a decent tech startup.


t1_j1n2dzt wrote

Given her politics I’m very surprised they married. They seem to be polar opposites.


t1_j1mtbk9 wrote

Imagine thinking that going with the crowd and not questioning the narrative is cool.

You been alive the past two years?


t1_j1n1brn wrote

That’s what happens when people in a geographically huge country lack education or direct interaction with the outside world. They buy into right wing media bullshit. The script is carefully crafted to appeal to people who have never left their own backyard, and who lack the critical thinking skills to deconstruct the narrative. The US has a much larger backwoods area than any other industrial country. So you end up with millions of people who don’t really know anything about the world and, thus, are ripe for the picking. Ignorance is the root of fear. Fear breeds anger, and the mainstream right wing media is very good at playing to that ignorance, and reinforcing it with the chorus of “RAH RAH RAH! AMERICA FIRST! RAH RAH! DIRTY LIBERALS! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!” The reason you get a cultural divide is that the US does trade with the rest of the world and, naturally, that happens along the coasts. So, you get people who interact with the world, have the money to invest in education, and as a result have more enlightened, liberal attitudes and values. The further you get away from the trade hubs, you more you find the cocoon mentality. That, and the United States is a really young country with little history to draw from. So if people here aren’t learning from the older industrial countries that have already made all the mistakes (like privatizing municipal services) and learned what not to do, they make those same mistakes themselves.


t1_j1q91of wrote

I see what you did there.

I like it.


t1_j1qcj7t wrote

Thank you. The irony of somebody regurgitating the right wing media narrative about “the liberal media narrative” without batting an eyelash is beyond grating to me.


t1_j1n1jxw wrote

I’m a college educated lifelong liberal. Who happens to have been alive in Massachusetts during the opioid crisis.

Pharmaceutical companies are profit driven instruments of the capitalist machine. Don’t be a sheep.


t1_j1n20zn wrote

Being college educated is cool. Knowing how to sort out real knowledge and bad sources into two different piles is cool. Having a basic understanding of how the world works is cool.

Being a nut job who 30 years ago would never have found a single person with the same insane beliefs as yourself is not cool.


t1_j1n27bi wrote

I don’t even know the dude in particular I just found this particular users line of thinking to be curious


t1_j1myb2y wrote

It’s Reddit, most of these accounts are bots or NPCs and the rest are just oblivious.


t1_j1n1t19 wrote

You're so deep in your own colon you lost the ability to smell your own farts at least 20 inches ago.


t1_j1n5www wrote

“Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot”


t1_j1ni700 wrote

No, not everyone.


t1_j1nisdo wrote

Most isn’t much better. You sound like a bot tbh


t1_j1nj0as wrote

If I were a bot, I don’t think I’d be posting comments to receive downvotes. Bots usually want visibility, downvotes reduce visibility.


t1_j1nj2ih wrote

A bot would deny being a bot


t1_j1nj79i wrote

How do you know what a bot would do?


t1_j1nj8p1 wrote

Because I’m talking to one right now


t1_j1njk5p wrote

I haven’t looked at this sub’s rules, but I know a lot of these woke subs have strict regulations against accusing someone of being a bot. I hope you don’t get reported!

I won’t report you, don’t worry. I don’t need The Man to police mean words for me.


t1_j1njsfi wrote

>I haven’t looked at this sub’s rules, but I know a lot of these woke subs

The nonsense words betray that you’re a bot

>I won’t report you, don’t worry. I don’t need The Man to police mean words for me.

I mean you basically just declared that you do lol. “You can’t call me a bot, it’s against the RULES 😭😭😭😭”


t1_j1njwko wrote

I didn’t declare that, I was trying to be helpful.


t1_j1nk6uu wrote

> I didn’t declare that, I was trying to be helpful.

>I hope you don’t get reported!



t1_j1q95zt wrote

Right, because obviously it's that simple.


EDIT: Russian bots, for example, are known for disseminating disinformation and generally trying to muddy dialogues and corrupt the facts. They'll often get downvoted. Doesn't mean they're not bots or trolls.


t1_j1n2nl1 wrote

Oooooh, NPC! That's a creative insult that I have not seen repeatedly made on certain echo chamber subreddits. Did you come up with it yourself?


t1_j1n3qjo wrote

What’s an “echo chamber subreddit”?


t1_j1n3ypt wrote

r slash conspiracy would be a good example of one.


t1_j1n46e2 wrote

What qualities of that subreddit make it a good example of an “echo chamber subreddit”?


t1_j1n5aua wrote

The use of certain code words- such as "NPC"- amongst an "in" group, used to determine in spaces outside of the group who is and isn't members, and to discredit those who are not part of the "in" group. An "NPC" doesn't have real feelings or opinions, and so their thoughts can be disregarded or even mocked. Of course, your particular dialogue is inspired and witty, even if you're copying it off of the things you've heard elsewhere.

As much as you think you're trying to be witty with this tired "NPC" shit, you're just repeating the terms someone else came up to say words. Like an NPC.


t1_j1nioc1 wrote

Hmm… code words, you say? When you say “like an NPC,” at the end of this post, is that you using a code word to discredit me because I am not part of your “in” group? What about all these downvotes I’m receiving? Are those code downvotes to indicate that I am not a part of the “in” group?


t1_j1nl85t wrote

It's me using your own language to mock you. The downvotes- and this is just speculation on my behalf- are because you're being very obviously disingenuous with your arguments.


t1_j1nn7cf wrote

Not disingenuous. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m not honestly expressing myself.
