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Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j6e64i4 wrote

That's during the work day for most.


sneakylyric t1_j6ndwnx wrote

Yeah there's not going to be as many people who can protest now that the lockdown is over 😥


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6en5ud wrote

I work full-time and would be out of work before 4.

Monday I'll be working 6-3 (9 hours). Anyone who works 7-3 (8 hours) or 8-4 (8 hours) could do it too. I imagine someone working part-time could also easily make that schedule.

Arguably, if the protest lasted longer than 1 hour, someone working 9-5 could still show up.


cmh413 t1_j6hokvj wrote

This is the stupidest fucking comment I’ve ever read on this entire subreddit


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6hx2jq wrote

Alright, I'm curious. I'll bite.

How is this the dumbest comment you have ever read? The OP and a few others have wrongfully suggested only unemployed individuals could possibly protest. I word full-time from home and I know many people who have jobs, but they still manage to protest. So how is that dumb?

Or is it, simply, that you disagree with the protest? And if so, why?


RawDoggRamen t1_j6iy1xs wrote

Did this dude just say he works full time from home? You can't be serious buddy. No shit you have the time to protest. 95% of the work force does not work from home. And most don't have 9-5 office jobs.


RepC t1_j6hzj56 wrote

People have work, no one has time to hang out with you guys on the street


sneakylyric t1_j6ne4gr wrote

Lol then don't. Like nobody is forcing you. Show support or don't.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6hzvsl wrote

8-9 hour days is not work? You make time for the things that are important to you. For some people, protesting for justice reform is important.


RepC t1_j6i3wqx wrote

Yes and for some providing for their families matters as well.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6ienbz wrote

> Yes and for some providing for their families matters as well.

And the last woman I was dating, would have been protesting right alongside me. You can have a committed relationship and still protest. Another woman, I know, would have even thought of it as a bonding experience to do together in a group activity.


RepC t1_j6ifx5b wrote

Ok great. I’m happy for you. They were fired, arrested and I think they’re awaiting their prosecution. What else can be done? Let the justice system do it’s job. Otherwise go protest. Just don’t get on people who aren’t going out there


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6iijuw wrote

I think people want to protest the idea of justice reform.

This time, in this one instance, it seems like the justice system is working. But there have been reports of many people being abused by the people and system they rely upon. Police departments using body cameras is still a fairly new concept. Until not so long ago, it was only through 3rd party smartphone videos that the public could even prove these things happen.

There is nothing wrong with wanting better for society in general, especially when addressing how our justice system and law enforcement fit in that society.


SicWiks t1_j6i5lm0 wrote

I work 7am-5pm and commute around 30 minutes so unfortunately I can’t make it


warlocc_ t1_j6j1n4w wrote

I don't get out until 10 PM. Reschedule it for then.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6iemjb wrote

Sorry you got so down voted I don't why so many people are against this


cmh413 t1_j6jbjpx wrote

A 4pm protest on a Monday is simply terrible organization.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6ku3jm wrote

Pack Kelly Square Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share


ajmacbeth t1_j6fta9i wrote

Five of the officers involved have been fired and charged with murder. What other justice are you seeking?


sneakylyric t1_j6ncrbl wrote

Lol maybe changes to the system so that we can stop protesting wrongful deaths of people of color at the hands of the police?


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6gbjp8 wrote



mattgm1995 t1_j6glany wrote

It’s literally in the hands of the justice dept now. Let it play out.


noodle-face t1_j6gv0j1 wrote

It's not man it's in the hands of protestors. They're the ones deliberating and handing out the sentence


EricD915 t1_j6f73za wrote

I dont get this? The cops were fired. They all were also arrested on murder charges. Their day in court is coming. What else do you want?


3720-To-One t1_j6f8rp2 wrote

Oh man, if only police brutality wasn’t a nationwide systemic problem…

But by your rationale, since George Floyd’s killer was convicted, Tyre Nichols should still be alive.

People aren’t just protesting tyre Nichols’ murder.

They are protesting police brutality and demanding system-wide changes.

This isn’t hard unless you’re being willfully obtuse, which in my experience, is a favorite pastime of conservatives on Reddit.


MSTRPRSN t1_j6i0njw wrote

maybe name the event something that reflects this?


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6fq75c wrote

Which they have been doing since Rodney King happened 31 years ago. Protesting obviously doesn’t change anything.


3720-To-One t1_j6gb2m6 wrote

I’m sure that doing nothing and ignoring it will change things.

Conservatives just hate that people are protesting police brutality.

Just look at how they lost their minds at Kaepernick peacefully protesting.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6f9ang wrote

I think reform would be a good start.

Stuff like this has been going on nationwide for decades. Often without a police camera either available or conveniently disabled. With the raise of smartphones and more departments requiring body cameras, the truth of these matters has come to light more frequently.

But these things, unfortunately, happen for a reason. Those reasons are exactly what needs to change, so stuff like this no longer happens.


hemingwai t1_j6ftqom wrote

What are you protesting? Theyre under arrest and the legal system is doing its job. Stupid shit like this accomplished nothing but making you feel good and allowing you an outlet for virtue signaling.


sneakylyric t1_j6nd0ia wrote

I'm sure most people are protesting for changes to the system that regularly allows deaths at the hands of police.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6gbf7v wrote

No, I'm not stopping protesting until there's conviction


hemingwai t1_j6gecsq wrote

What are you protesting? Do you think they should just be sentenced to life in prison with no trial?


iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j6gwspm wrote

I think they may be protesting the fact the police keep hiring dudes that are murdering innocent unarmed people. Obviously not every policeman do this or are bad. But I could understanding saying that this shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6htvth wrote

Well, a protest here will certainly change the minds of police in Tennessee. Dontchaknow?


Daily_the_Project21 t1_j6ll5iz wrote

Yes, bad things shouldn't happen in the first place. Why hasn't anyone just tried preventing all of the bad things ever from happening?


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6ifzwv wrote

No, but I want to see a conviction


hemingwai t1_j6igx1j wrote

And you think you marching around Worcester is going to in some way impact a jury’s decision making process in memphis?


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6htpc8 wrote

Holding your breath is a better technique, IMO. I always get my way when I do that.


RawDoggRamen t1_j6iyana wrote

Murder trials typically last about 2-4 years. So good luck buddy


popemsthegreat t1_j6e6xbt wrote

No jobs in sight


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6edcwn wrote

I got work that day


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6en6g1 wrote

And you won’t call in sick to fight police brutality? What kind of justice warrior are you?


spg1611 t1_j6f6omj wrote

This thread is awesome lmao OP fucked you up


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6f855x wrote

Oh, no I lost some Internet points. The MAGA cult member really showed me.


spg1611 t1_j6fdlcj wrote

Nah it’s not about the points it’s about getting wrecked lmao


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6eog96 wrote

I'm not a justice warrior, I'm a conservative and I need to make money so I can pay bills


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6epab4 wrote

Well good thing you live in a Blue state with mandatory sick time.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6epdmz wrote

I'm a contractor that's not how it works


johnmh71 t1_j6hxs7q wrote

Why do we need to protest this in MA? It is a huge waste of time. Find something local to protest about.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6ies6h wrote

Because this is important


johnmh71 t1_j6ii8ph wrote

No, it really isn't. Unless you want to be an annoying, self absorbed virtue signaling little twit.

Get a job. You will feel better.


spg1611 t1_j6f6tui wrote

George Floyd had so many protestors partly because nobody was working due to Covid. So anybody going to the is just jobless lol


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6gb54s wrote

I actually planned it at 4:00 PM because I have work earlier tomorrow


Cheap_Coffee t1_j6hu0rj wrote

Ohhhh.... so YOU wouldn't be inconvienced.... a man/woman of principle, I see.


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6fg4i3 wrote

Because everyone works between the hours of 8-4:30pm! There isn’t anyone that works 2nd or 3rd shift.


spg1611 t1_j6fhcjh wrote

Most people don’t lmao


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j6fi62e wrote

Yup, there’s nobody working at the hospital during the night time. Better have your heart attack during normal bankers and state employees hours.


Unlucky-Cover-9896 t1_j6fagyc wrote

Or working a quality enough job that we have sick time ☺️


spg1611 t1_j6fdov4 wrote

You can’t call in sick and go to a protest anywhere. I could have unlimited sick time, you’d get in trouble being at a protest out sick in most jobs…


penpen477 t1_j6hdtwp wrote

the comments on this post are so disappointing.


sneakylyric t1_j6ndkb7 wrote

Lol it's to be expected. I got banned from the Boston sub because I could handle arguing with white people anymore about racism here. Asked the modes to ban me to spare me from the experience lololol


Icy-Interaction3530 t1_j6kdi1h wrote

comments suck but that doesn’t surprise me. i wish I saw this earlier I hope it goes well.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6kti2m wrote

Pack Kelly Square Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share


johnmh71 t1_j6n0mli wrote

Which will accomplish absolutely nothing. But at least people can virtue signal and get exercise.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n3mg1 wrote

It's not about virtue, I'm not some justice warrior I'm a redneck from up in the woods but this brought me out the woods


johnmh71 t1_j6n4ejh wrote

Stay there and put out a BLM sign. That way you don't have to go anywhere and you can still be one of the good white people.

And the good people of Worcester, which isn't Memphis, don't have to have their evening commute interrupted.


sneakylyric t1_j6ndrpd wrote

If I lived in Worcester I'd hop in there after my work ends. Sadly, I'm Boston based.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6nhtju wrote

I do plan on doing a couple seacoast mass and nh protests in March and June


Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j6k7vrr wrote

Just got out of work. Where is everyone?


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6ktlb9 wrote

We were there, pack Kelly Square Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share


missesbrian t1_j6ns1k7 wrote

Please don’t burn or destroy things


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6o3iai wrote

We didn't yesterday and also that's highly unproductive because it disrespects the family so why would we???


[deleted] t1_j6fit1p wrote



Turkules77 t1_j6flxsx wrote

You watched all of the video footage of what happened and this is what you are taking away from it? I am speechless. There is no way we both watched the same videos.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6gaqni wrote

Happy cake day btw I'm sorry we all have to go through this event but I'm especially sad for the mother


Positive-Material t1_j6fn8li wrote

no why would I watch gore? i don't wanna watch a guy get beaten to death because he supposedly he refused to exit his car, didn't lie down on the floor while he was restrained, and started running away. normal police just tackle the guy who is running away and then hand cuff him. there is no reason to beat someone to death if they are not fighting back. but they were either following a script of fighting a guy when the situation wasn't appropriate, or were just taking advantage of the situation to do a gang assault under legal cover of faults of the victim that could justify their assault. this is standard and routine and legal in America. police rely on the threat of them beating anybody to death and ruining their life in order to get compliance and solve whatever problems they are called to resolve. otherwise, if police didn't break the law, people would not fear them and we would not be able to enforce law and order. like they said on NPR, some people have to get abused in order for everyone else to be protected.


riski_click t1_j6fzrd5 wrote

> no why would I watch

so you could stop trusting whoever described it to you.


Turkules77 t1_j6fnvc7 wrote

Your entire account of what happened couldn’t be further from what actually happened.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j6g1bub wrote

Hello u/Positive-Material

Your previous post (before this one) was heavily reported as "misinformation" and those reports would be accurate since nothing in your comment about what happened is true.

However, your follow-up easily explains why that is. You have not seen the video, and I do not blame you for not watching it. Nor am I going to suggest you watch it.

That said, I will say, I removed your post because to no fault of your own, you seem to have been misleading, and as inaccurate information, it needed to go. But I also want to take a moment and politely suggest, whatever source you have previously been relying on, you should perhaps not depend on it further. It was not even partly correct (it entered the realm of fiction, it was that inaccurate).

Thanks for your time and consideration. I hope you have a good evening.