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SouthShoreSerenade t1_j5a2j18 wrote

We could have had both.


SparkDBowles t1_j5adfin wrote



EnoughIdeas t1_j5ap16l wrote

Why should? It's absolutely no different than any other day.

Later addition: sunday isn't a normal day off for a shit load of people and nothing special for non-christains beside a vague childhood memory of knowing school was coming.


[deleted] t1_j5apz35 wrote



EnoughIdeas t1_j5ar14c wrote

It's a weekend for only one segment of the population. My last weekends were Thursday, fri,sat.


BossCrabMeat t1_j5bo4zk wrote

My kids have Saturday and Sunday off from school.

It is the only 2 days I can interact with them before they fly off the coop. Can you put a price on fishing with your kids a day a week?

How many schools in this state offer Thu-Mon schedule so kids can have Tue-Wed off to go fishing with you?


Ill_Afternoon_8532 t1_j5e0upy wrote

@bosscrabmeat you hit the nail on the head. I fully understand it’s not 1900 religion and old school dominated society anymore, but without family there really isn’t much of a worthwhile society to any extent in my opinion. If the structure we set for our kids schooling makes them available sat/sun for family time, then family should be able to be there during that time. And if an employer requires otherwise, there really is no adequate compensation however extra $ or time off for vacations would be a bare bones starting point offer.


Vaiiki t1_j5d8a34 wrote

You're missing his point.


Roadglide72 t1_j5ate58 wrote

If you work both those days which would be your weekend, I’d say it should be 1.5 for one of them at minimum. The reason for Sunday is, too me, basically the same as why 3rd shift people get payed a little more. Incentive, most do not want to work it


EnoughIdeas t1_j5aw8ec wrote

Yeah it was overtime those days. I was working the 4 hour shift schedule


[deleted] t1_j5asw6p wrote



EnoughIdeas t1_j5aui11 wrote

Yes, it's people with m-f jobs that are. Retail isn't, industry isn't, Amazon is 4 on 3 off for people who are above a floor associate, most logistics companies aren't.....


phantompenis2 t1_j5as92m wrote

TIL saturday isn't the weekend


SainTheGoo t1_j5atxfd wrote

I think that person (and I) would argue Saturday should be OT too.


phantompenis2 t1_j5av9ha wrote

does this extend to every industry?


[deleted] t1_j5ayuhx wrote



phantompenis2 t1_j5az2ez wrote

so if you are a nurse and work weekends but don't work say tuesday and wednesday you should get paid more than the nurses who work tuesdays and wednesdays?

im sure that'd go over well


Maronita2020 t1_j5bvppt wrote

My weekend is Monday - Friday and my work week is Saturday - Sunday. That's right I have a five day weekend and a two day work week. lol


tomphammer t1_j5bwvq8 wrote

If you work in retail, Sunday is the busiest day of the week. Depending on the store and type of retail, often even busier than Saturday.

It only makes sense for businesses where that’s the case to offer a greater incentive for employees to want to be there on a day where they have to do exponentially more work.


THevil30 t1_j5a334p wrote

I’d rather them increase the minimum wage every day by an amount that makes it equal than to increase it by a lot on Sundays. If it’s ever a question of going back to time and a half on Sundays, why wouldn’t we just spread that increase out among the rest of the week so that everyone gets it.


davidbyrnebigsuit t1_j5bxi64 wrote

Why are you having such a hard time imagining having both? The false dichotomy of only having one of Sunday pay/$15 minimum wage was something entirely invented by politicians.


[deleted] t1_j5a45tt wrote



THevil30 t1_j5a4d79 wrote

How so?


AnyRound5042 t1_j5ajhra wrote

This was not a vote this was a legal thing. If this had gone on the ballot we would have had both but they knew $15 was inevitable so they took what they could from us on the way there


THevil30 t1_j5amlan wrote

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. A lot of pretty progressive ballot initiatives have ended up losing when everyone thought they’d win, and the ballot initiative process has also been used to enact some pretty conservative stuff (e.g. constitutional amendment banning rent control in 1994).


[deleted] t1_j5a5d3c wrote



THevil30 t1_j5a5kl7 wrote

Mhmmm so guess I’m not missing the point, you just like being argumentative. Got it.

Time and a half was always a bad policy. This isn’t 1890, we don’t go to church on Sundays anymore. Minimum wage increase are good and I’m in support of them, just not on one random day of the week.


cmh413 t1_j5a6drp wrote

Instant vs delayed gratification is really the only really reason I could see people arguing this. People would rather get 1.5x or whatever on a Sunday then see the same increase in their paychecks over a two week period without having to work that Sunday, and to be fair overtime paychecks are fun to get and fun to work sometimes, but I’d still literally rather have the same money for less hours without the ability to overclock on a Sunday.

Fuck, then you could even work that Sunday and still make more than you were before WITH OT.


herdswords t1_j5a7c11 wrote

I don’t see how any day of the week should be different for pay these days with the exception being Holidays. I don’t think they can force you to work Sundays either So if you don’t want to work Sundays because you don’t feel it’s worth it then you don’t have to.


cmh413 t1_j5aahc2 wrote

Exactly right; and the minimum wage increase makes it easier to not be stuck working a Sunday for financial reasons.


A_Man_Who_Writes OP t1_j5ab99l wrote

But the minimum wage increase is not enough to compensate for what people were making on Sundays. Especially when you factor in inflation.


THevil30 t1_j5acxl0 wrote

So minimum wage was $8.10 an hour. Time and a half on Sundays was $12.15 an hour. The minimum wage is now $15. That was the bargain — it goes up for everyone, by a lot (almost 100%!), and in exchange we don’t do time and a half. Like I said elsewhere, it totally makes sense to peg the minimum wage increase to inflation like they do in Washington state.


[deleted] t1_j5a82sm wrote



THevil30 t1_j5a8etu wrote

Idk about you but I’d much rather work on Sunday than on Saturday.


[deleted] t1_j5aabe7 wrote



THevil30 t1_j5aaqzi wrote

Ok hear me out. What if, instead of doing a weird time and a half thing on Sundays they simply raised the minimum wage on every day of the week to a level well above what time and a half was. Oh wait, that’s literally exactly what they did.

God, these people have the logical faculties of republicans. Arguing with them is like arguing with a particularly silly brick wall.


[deleted] t1_j5afmlb wrote



THevil30 t1_j5ah1th wrote

Yes all 8 republicans in the MA legislature did this.


mp246 t1_j5aidow wrote

I'm all for beating on Republicans any chance there is, christ knows they deserve it. But in this case, don't drink the kool-aid too much, Democrats in this state will fuck you just as hard if there is a dollar/vote behind it. And that's exactly what happened, and sycophants are more than happen to come out of the woodwork and place the blame squarely on Republicans, which just isn't true.


[deleted] t1_j5aaxbe wrote

These people are completely deluded beating themselves and others into the ground in the name of toxic individualism and bootstrap brainwash. Lol at fighting against more worker rights, how dumb and captive can you be. Incredible and they call themselves progressive

Here’s your pennies increase lil slave! Be grateful! 🥴

Meanwhile the wealth hoarding and disparity is at all time highs and basic data backs that up

But no, we still have to live with these dumb assholes holding everyone back because they were taught that you’re supposed to suffer like a bitch for the big man because “maybe I’ll be him one day!!!!1”

Absolute fuckin idiots lol

Then they turn around and wonder why they can’t buy a house etc. newsflash, the wealthy rape you and holding down min wage pay like a stupid fuck contributes to that even if you make more than that


A_Man_Who_Writes OP t1_j5abf4g wrote

I think this is it. People won’t admit that they honestly just don’t care about workers.


One-Statistician4885 t1_j5aew5d wrote

If only there was working class solidarity


Anthropomorphotic t1_j5ahqef wrote

But isn't that <in my scariest, deepest voice> COMMUNISM?



OrsoMalleus t1_j5aiu7j wrote

No, it's socialism, which is arguably worse because it's the same thing as communism, but Nazis were socialist.

Or something.

/s, just in case.