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Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ch7mt wrote

> Oh, so because they don't want to moderate, we should stifle discussion about something and pretend it doesn't exist?

Racism and homophobia, exist. I wish it did not. I truly wish it did not.

But sometimes shining a light onto something, only spreads more fire. Look at the past few years, for example. What I said in another post was true... Not so long ago, those hateful people would be cowardly, mostly by their lonesome. However, around 2016 or so, a few loud, vocal, and impressionable people who should not have been given a bright spotlight and microphone on top of a metaphorical soap box were given their so-called dues.

Shining more light and giving them more attention, only serves them.


[deleted] t1_j5chvqz wrote



SouthShoreSerenade t1_j5cke28 wrote

"All publicity is good publicity" and "there is no bad press" are adages older than I am, and for good reason.

Telling me that Neo Nazi Clown Club is active in my town doesn't protect or inform me of anything. It does let other fascist swine know that there are like minded villains around for them to metaphorically copulate with.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ci2wz wrote

> I am not going to debate it with you. This is not a debate. > I have told you the position of Reddit, wanting to crack down on hate, discrimination, and misinformation. And yes, my opinion happens to agree with that policy. > You can either respect it or leave or be banned for violating it. That's the benefit of free will. The choice is yours.