Submitted by DaBeanQween t3_108nawe in massachusetts

Hi. This isn’t a troll post I’ve already emailed the Southwick Zoo but I want a backup. I’m president of a student organization on my campus and I really want to bring capybaras on campus (in central mass) for our wellness/ mental health day because I think it’d make a lot of people on campus (myself included) really happy. I don’t know how else I could make this happen besides the Southwick Zoo and I’m not even sure this is something they can do. Do any of you know where else I could get some capys for the day to make some students happy? Thanks :)



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Animallover4321 t1_j3tbkr2 wrote

I mean they’re not pets they’re wild animals. You’re better off contacting a petting zoo at least those animals are domesticated and used to being touched. And this is all assuming you’re not a troll.


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tbuw6 wrote

Yes I agree I’m just not aware of any petting zoos with capybaras


Animallover4321 t1_j3tce7k wrote

Well that’s because they aren’t an appropriate animal for hoards of students petting to calm down.


goPACK17 t1_j3temab wrote

I actually remember doing some digging on this awhile back and learning that they're actually pretty suitable pets? They're not endangered and are pretty social.


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tjoqx wrote

They kinda just vibe which is cool but it’s been reported they could also be floridas next invasive species 😳


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tg070 wrote

I never said anyone was gonna touch them, I don’t care if they’re observed from two meters away, I don’t want any animal to be upset. Can you go solve some actual animals problems and not argue over a hypothetical capybara event where guidelines would be respected


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3tayjm wrote

Never heard of zoos doing road shows.


kdall7 t1_j3ugtre wrote

They do, quite often actually. It’s a great way to educate the public about animals- particularly those who wouldn’t otherwise go to a zoo. When I worked in a preschool we had a reptile keeper come in and do a show for the kids, it really helped dissuade them from being scared of snakes and tarantulas for no reason. At GCC they had Animal Adventures visit a few years ago. They have a mobile zoo program as well


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tb9jm wrote

See that’s lame because if you go to the zoo right now the capys aren’t even out cuz it’s too cold so why not spread the love on the road


petal14 t1_j3thbr3 wrote

If they’re being protected from the cold, why bring them out and risk them being exposed to the cold?


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3thxzd wrote

I literally never said they’d be outside :/


petal14 t1_j3tk0w1 wrote

But how would they get from the zoo to the school?


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tk6rn wrote

I’d assume in truck of sorts, we haven’t yet mastered teleportation


petal14 t1_j3tp040 wrote

Going from their pen to the truck? Truck to viewing location? What happens if the truck breaks down? Isn’t the notion a little naive-putting these animals at risk for whose pleasure?


Enragedocelot t1_j3yba36 wrote

Damn you got downvoted to shit. This sounds like a silly hidea & was chuckling reading all the replies. Redditors like to be serious lol


DaBeanQween OP t1_j43y5c1 wrote

Dude like idek this shit is crazy. I just wanted a capybara to come to mental health now I’m public enemy number 1


Cobrawine66 t1_j3u3ot3 wrote

Leave the animals alone. They are not here for our amusement or therapy.


HxH101kite t1_j3u7ogt wrote

I always found animals other than dogs and I'll give cats a pass for therapy animals and uses. Like ok those domesticated themselves of sorts. But like I saw a girl with a therapy parakeet out apple picking. Someone explain how that is helping to me.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_j3tzris wrote

Aren't they tropical animals? It's like 20° out. Are you high?


Kellyhas2dogs t1_j3thrmv wrote

Maybe try doc antle


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3ti4a8 wrote

I don’t think he takes care of his capys :( I want animals that are loved and cared for. also isnt he in jail?


jp_jellyroll t1_j3tx5rq wrote

>I want animals that are loved and cared for

And shipped to your front door like an Amazon package. Jesus Christ...


elberethelbereth t1_j3uvyzo wrote

Maybe baby goat yoga would be a good substitute for this. Baby goat season has got to be coming up.


kdall7 t1_j3tr7bq wrote

I believe Lupa Zoo has a capybara, you may also try Forest Park Zoo. And for the record (for those opposed) a capybara that’s been raised in a zoo is going to be plenty social and happy to receive human attention, I promise you. Look into their temperament and behaviors, they’re like giant chill Guinea pigs.


kdall7 t1_j3tx9qe wrote

Also, when I was at GCC, they had Animal Adventures come with a baby bobcat, pale fox, alligator, and crested gecko. You can reach out to them too, it was fun! Pics


Cobrawine66 t1_j3u40em wrote

This is awful for those animals. People who love and care for animals don't do this to them.


kdall7 t1_j3ug8c2 wrote

Would you like to read the paper I wrote last semester about why zoos are a net positive for conservation? Or maybe you can go to the website I linked and see all the good that they do in using animal ambassadors- to educate the public and raise funds for conservation efforts- who would never be able to survive in the wild (because they were injured or bred in captivity or seized as illegal pets)? I keep snakes that I’ve rescued, should I release them into the New England winter?


Cobrawine66 t1_j41ttgx wrote

"keep snakes that I’ve rescued, should I release them into the New England winter?"

Right here is here is where you are showing a lack of understanding.

But sure! I'll read your paper.


PakkyT t1_j3wknyl wrote

How about some big ass city rats? They are all rodents, so what's the difference?


Willis794613 t1_j3w7vf7 wrote

First time i went to Brazil i seen capybaras walking around i thought they are the coolest looking animal. lol

but yeah your not going to get any to come to your school


peace_love17 t1_j3wupku wrote

I know a few colleges that have brought animals to campus for wellness/mental health, but it's typically either trained service/emotional support dogs or your typical petting zoo animals that you can feel like goats or pigs.


sliper7 t1_j3tcwv0 wrote

You’d have better luck with Animal Adventures


DaBeanQween OP t1_j3tiugn wrote

Thanks I reached out to them, I had no idea they even existed :)


Cobrawine66 t1_j3u3tcq wrote

They are a terrible organization.


sliper7 t1_j3ulfm1 wrote

Having worked for them in the past, I have my own mixed feelings about the organization. The owner says almost all the animals are rescues. I can personally attest that this is at least partially true, having witnessed us adopt exotic pets from people who cannot take care of them anymore. A lot of the animals are in spaces smaller than I feel comfortable with, but this gets back to the question of rescues. The place operates on slim margins, with money getting reinvested into new enclosures. A lot of the long term staff there ends up being people close to the owner, but the shorter term staff are typically fierce animal lovers working there as a way station. The place is not AZA-accredited and it’s unclear even to the staff how the place should be perceived.


kdall7 t1_j3uh4mw wrote

What do you actually know about them lol they’re literally an animal rescue


Dio_wulf t1_j3ur9zn wrote

I dont wanna judge too harshly without seeing the place for myself, but they have countless reviews that go into detail about less than ideal living conditions for the animals; moldy water or none at all, inadequate shade for animals in summer, tiny enclosures etc… just bc theyre a rescue doesn’t make em great if they aren’t providing proper care 😅


kdall7 t1_j3vj8ti wrote

Where are you seeing these? Bc I looked at their reviews and see few legitimate reviews with complaints out of over a thousand reviews on Google. Many of the negative reviews seem to be from people who haven’t been there, and they respond to many of them.


GWS2004 t1_j3wf02x wrote

You looked at reviews. So you've never been?


kdall7 t1_j3wh4rf wrote

They came to GCC and I met several of their animals, as I said. They were all happy and healthy and handled properly.


GWS2004 t1_j3xa1ay wrote

Ok, so you've never seen how they are kept. Correct?

Also, how are you gauging happiness? Are you an animal behaviorist or animal psychologist?


JohnnyRebe1 t1_j3wuj1d wrote

Dogs make people happy. Not overgrown rodents.


walterbernardjr t1_j3xojhm wrote

A Peruvian restaurant might sell Capybara meat


Comfortable_Plant667 t1_j4gdljm wrote

Talk with CHD that has a lot of offices on campuses across MA. They might be able to coordinate visits at their on-campus offices.