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Landlocked_WaterSimp t1_jadk4qm wrote

Ignoring the lower estimate stated in that very same source and rounding up the upper one by half a million unless i missed the 3 million somewhere.


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadld6g wrote

Only reason that gov wants to ban guns is to protect themselfes from angry nation that will discover their crimes and shady bissneses.


Yeboiboiboiboi t1_jadmzlz wrote

In Germany we are fine without guns, food for thought.


NavrosGraye t1_jadn58l wrote

When it comes to guns, they always turn a blind eye.

Just like how they say gun Control will work, despite the cities with the strictest gun control having the worst gun violence.

The evidence speaks for itself, and that is the gun control movement is not about safety, despite what it's zealots say.

The side that wants it also screams defend the police while also saying only police should have guns.

The ignorance is astounding.


13kathleen t1_jadnde3 wrote

Unless you have a plan to fix all medical mistakes using guns than that's a completely unrelated fact. Car deaths would be more relevant but even still cars weren't invented to kill people nor was medical practice just because they can kill when used incorrectly does not make them comparable to weapons which were design for the singular purpose of killing.

Before you get your panties in a bunch I am a gun owner, because clearly that matter to you, this is just a shit argument.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadnwop wrote

Ah, yes, because your rifle is a big concern to the government with its drones and tanks and nukes.

The whole “protection from the government” is nonsensical, it made sense back in the days when the government literally used the same guns as the citizens, but clearly times have changed.


Landlocked_WaterSimp t1_jadol8l wrote

Yeah those things are totally related sure and yeah the germans are terribly oppressed in what they can and can't say because the germans are totally not constantly talking smack about their own politicians noooooo.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadp17s wrote

Ah, yes, all those cities all over the world that don’t allow guns and also have the worst gun violence.

Oh wait, you must mean within the US. I guess, logically, that means the issue is having both strict and loose gun laws within the same country. Looks like the solution is to have universally strict gun laws across the entire country like basically any other developed country on earth. Glad we cleared that up!


endorfan13 t1_jadpo4s wrote

There are plenty of examples in recent history of underground resistance being incredibly tough to crack. It may seem nonsensical, but people to this day are doing it very well against tanks and drones and bombs. The US has more firearms than people. People are not subdued by tanks and drones. It takes other people to actually take a foothold in some territory. I bet you can imagine how much tougher that would become against a group that was well armed and supplied, dug in, and fortified (their own backyards). I don't think it is nonsensical at all.


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadraat wrote

In my country not many people got guns, when millitary will come for people we wont even ressist at the start.


endorfan13 t1_jadrpos wrote

I think their point was that we do not hear about, or have all the discourse over, medical malpractice which has a much higher statistic as a cause of death (recent sources I just searched put an estimated 250k on medical malpractice and 43k on all gun related deaths [homicides, suicides, accidents, etc.]).

I don't feel it's a diversion tactic to shift attention as much as it is a question of why 2A and gun control receive ALL the attention.


Landlocked_WaterSimp t1_jadrvsl wrote

Yet i can't recall ever hearing any german complain that they need weapons to defend their rights against the government. Amongst 80+ millions they must exist for sure but they seem extremely rare.

  • As others have stated it's not like regular firearms will be enough to seriously put up a fight against your government if the military is on their side (and if not, you won't need to bring you own guns most likely). Sure it would be better than nothing but you're keeping weapons around which cause many deaths each year for an absolutely minuscule benefit in a hypothetical scenario that is very unlikely to happen.

tilcica t1_jadsgb0 wrote

really depends on how big the fuck up is

but at that point, you wont need the civilians with guns as the army will be on your side anyway

it's either untrained people with guns against the military or the people+military against a select few politicians


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadskfm wrote

Describe democracy in your mind and compere it to what you have. We livin in corpo word.


Landlocked_WaterSimp t1_jadu59g wrote

To be fair one would need to distinguish better between medical malpractice which CAUSED death and malpractice which failed to prevent death. You don't typically get treatment if you're healthy.

Also - it's not an completely unreasinable interpretation but based on OPs other comments it doesn't seem like medical practice was their focus but that it was indeed about advocating for guns.


jackliquidcourage t1_jadv3k5 wrote

This is a neat concept. To die by accident or on purpose, which would you choose?


jackliquidcourage t1_jadvtzp wrote

Idk what it's like in Germany, but in some parts of the US you really need a gun in the home. A lot of places are just clearings made in dense woods with a house and a road and we've got big animals over here that can do some real damage. Does Germany have any kind of carve out for situations like that?


NavrosGraye t1_jae3a6v wrote

Oh look, ignorance from abroad. Neat.

Sure let's get rid of all guns. I'm sure all the guns from the south of the US will also stop. You know, because if the US did it, they will as well.

It is good to clear that up.


Roos19 t1_jaeewp3 wrote

He is indirectly calling the US military so weak they would lose to a bunch of rednecks in some ”freedom militia” if the US government wanna opress you they Will and they already are in some ways.