Submitted by CliffTheAlien t3_126abns in memes
cutiekittieteen t1_je8fkvb wrote
“Heh, that’ll teach’em”
guster09 t1_je8fx9i wrote
I'm usually the one who stops responding because I'm a moron
Xario4 t1_je8g1xj wrote
If you start an argument though, and no one responds but instead down vote it, that means arguing with you is dumb and not worth it. This is a tactic I have used many times on users who like to argue too much.
YeshEveryone t1_je8p3ik wrote
Even better when they delete their comment
sexychefx t1_je8qx6k wrote
Best feeling lmao
Smol_dude1 t1_je8rui0 wrote
Or.. Arguing with you is a pointless endeavor because you're too stubborn to argue with
But that's none of my business 🐸🍵
RUDDOGPROD t1_je8rzox wrote
Too many ppl think having the last word is “winning”
Smol_dude1 t1_je8s14h wrote
The internet made it worse, too
teefa33 t1_je8vks3 wrote
If you make the last comment and then block the other person, it will look like you won. Pro tip I discovered after it was recently used against me
Ghoullag t1_je8vpxf wrote
If you manage to change the other person's view, it's kind of a win but yeah, having the last word because the other person realized is futile to argue with you is not exactly a win.
Ghoullag t1_je8vqt7 wrote
Yeah they think they got valid arguments, but all they do is use toddler logic. Or insults. Having the last word in an argument with a genius is hard, but with an idiot it's impossible.
Pyrimo t1_je8xr0i wrote
As most of the comments point out, most people stop responding because it’s not worth the pain of responding to some motherfuckers.
Tortenjunge t1_je90ckp wrote
You will never change the view of a random stranger on the internet
Tortenjunge t1_je90evw wrote
Nah, ive deleted many comments just so the spam would stop
SomePVZfan t1_je92g1z wrote
lookin like the tf2 bread
needbettermods t1_je92wag wrote
Insert an argument below from a topic of your choosing. I will then destroy you with my counter-arguments.
Ghoullag t1_je93t8z wrote
Already did. Some dude argued that the moon didn't have gravity because it's not spinning. I presented the facts. There is gravity on the moon and it is also spinning.
yaon-jinji t1_je93umg wrote
And too many people get in a debate and stop midway because of losing and saying it's not worth their time. The duality of losers/winners
Tortenjunge t1_je93vn3 wrote
There is no gravity on the moon and its also not spinning
Ghoullag t1_je93wjm wrote
1_d0nt_care_ t1_je961yz wrote
I just get blocked
fictionalicon t1_je963oa wrote
No response! You won!
fictionalicon t1_je96bki wrote
I got called a "fucking idiot" and was blocked. I guess that's true because resorting to insults is so intelligent.
fictionalicon t1_je96gs3 wrote
sanswithagun t1_je976ws wrote
Or you made such a dumb statement that i dont even want to argue with you anymore because you are clearly too dumb to understand what we're arguing about.
Appropriate-Draft-91 t1_je98ff8 wrote
You don't win an internet argument by having a great comment as your last word. You win by having the other side make a really stupid comment as their last word.
But if you are having an argument without an audience, you win by figuring out where the other side is coming from and understanding their point of view.
Hangry_Jones t1_je9d52p wrote
And then when they comment and insta block you so you can't comment back, so that they can have the final word and apear as "winning"...
Yabrosif13 t1_je9fkzt wrote
Lmao, this would be how people see themselves who think “I got the last word so therefore Im right”
MithandirsGhost t1_je9gkk2 wrote
There is no gravity on the moon because the moon isn't real. What scientists think is the moon is actually just a reflection of the sun on the dome that covers earth. /s
Callec254 t1_je9h0db wrote
If I sat there and argued with every person who was wrong on Reddit, that would be literally all I would do, all day long. Nowadays, I said what I said, and if you don't like it, then that's your fault.
Cakehunt3r t1_je9har5 wrote
Have you considered that people give up on arguing with strangers online after noticing that they are to uneducated on the matter or to stubborn to listen?
praktiskai_2 t1_je9hlwi wrote
or, they instead reply with an insult or another argument that disregards your prior points entirely, followed by something like "don't reply again" or blocking, as to have the last word or otherwise incentivize you not replying.
Just_Interest_1659 t1_je9hr1q wrote
Someone quick start an argument with me please
Loopy5788 t1_je9ipnf wrote
when they stop responding and start downvoting 😔
Skeletonparty101 t1_je9j2sa wrote
It saves you braincells to stop fighting.
But it dose feel good to have the last word in
tauri123 t1_je9ji77 wrote
I had a 50 message argument with some moron who said there hasn’t been a war since WWII and he kept saying the Ukraine invasion was false and not a real war and made fun of the Mexican cartel war saying it was fake and apparently so was the Russian invasion of Georgia oh and the US didn’t go to the Middle East apparently
he deleted his account
PrometheusHasFallen t1_je9jlr7 wrote
I try to stick to 3 comments per person max. That's enough to consider their point and make any clarification to your original point or make a counterpoint to their point.
Continuing the discussion much further beyond that is in most cases counterproductive. Wish them a nice day and move on. And report and block any users who use pejoratives against you.
SheSends t1_je9otvv wrote
Ugh... or if they just copy and paste a bunch of stuff from the internet on a totally different topic from the one you posted on... just post a link and stay on topic. I'm not reading your novel.
sircaptainpaul t1_je9tdbg wrote
How the average Redditor sees themself*
[deleted] t1_je9x6fr wrote
Gofigurepipes t1_je9ygvh wrote
They disappear like they are bots.
GreenPutty_ t1_jea6949 wrote
This sums it up for me.
[deleted] t1_jea6fx9 wrote
limbo7898 t1_jea7lrl wrote
Man honestly, there are some people I can tell don’t wana have a conversation. If you wana argue about a topic with me then you’re set in your ways and there is no point in me waisting my time trying to convince you. But if you wana have a conversation we can both sit down and hear each-other out
Redd235711 t1_jea8b63 wrote
I typically recieve a low effort insult followed closely by a block. Lucky for them, I have a second account so I can explain to them that blocking someone keeps them from reading their low effort insults.
Nodlax t1_jeacbvx wrote
I was going to coment this
HooterEnthusiast t1_jeaecnz wrote
Better yet it says their account is deleted.
flamingbuts t1_jeajb62 wrote
Even better when they delete they comment
suspicious_cabbage t1_jeaonkn wrote
There are only two genders.
DarkIegend16 t1_jeaptzp wrote
The meme should be:
“How I feel after the person decided that arguing with me was like talking to a brick wall”.
Craigothy-YeOldeLord t1_jeaqngr wrote
100% this, the amount of times I gave up after losing, losing the will to live... lol
conneru64 t1_jeauej2 wrote
5G flat earth vaccine illuminati
[deleted] t1_jeaxtiw wrote
[deleted] t1_jeazixl wrote
FreezeThis_69 t1_jeb1yb1 wrote
or just replying with the women meme
SirMemesworthTheDank t1_jeb20aw wrote
"If I get to make the last comment I win huehue!"
skolopendron t1_jeb3h8s wrote
As long as there are some new arguments in discussion there is a hope. I just lose my interest when the opponent stays on the loop with the sane argument.
skolopendron t1_jeb3lj1 wrote
micke_i_backen t1_jeb5jbs wrote
Limebeer_24 t1_jeb5jls wrote
It's no true victory until the other person deletes their comments out of shame.
Sure, the monuments of your victory stand alone, context incomprehensible to those outside of the argument, deciphered only from clues in the text by the most dedicated. But understanding isn't always needed to show inspiration.
Atmentod t1_jeb6asl wrote
WonderfulAirport4226 t1_jeb6zz8 wrote
No response ≠ "winning" the argument.
Smol_dude1 t1_jebb0yh wrote
Then Reddit isn't for you..
EntranceBulky t1_jebb2eh wrote
Sexes. There are only two sexes.
Sex is biological, whereas gender refers to social differences, so it would include things like transgender and non-binary, meaning there are more than two.
That-1_Guy_ t1_jebbj0t wrote
*there 😎
EntranceBulky t1_jebbq40 wrote
Fuck, now I have to delete my life. You got me good.
Old_Kodaav t1_jebemjv wrote
If it is futile to argue with you because they have no real argument to respond with, this is also a "win". Whether they accept it or not is another thing.
Clovenstone-Blue t1_jebk35y wrote
Or your delusional ass after the other person realised that a "discussion" with you is equally as pleasant as hitting your head against a brick wall and left you with your stuck up stupidity.
suspicious_cabbage t1_jebxkwt wrote
The spelling mistake weakness. You can counter this by editing your post to make it look like you used the correct spelling all along. The counter-spell if you will.
EntranceBulky t1_jeby05s wrote
Good idea. I'll do it now.
DoodDoes t1_jec4pfa wrote
When you say something so annoying I lose Interest
pimpmastahanhduece t1_jechuq2 wrote
There are no human transvestites. Either both nads are testicles or ovas.
YouGetMadEasy t1_jecu1rw wrote
Every time lol or they blocked me after fact and articles are presented
GentryMillMadMan t1_jecw7th wrote
This is truly defeating the beast!
[deleted] t1_jed30hd wrote
Lexicon444 t1_jed4spl wrote
Yeah. This happens a lot. People everywhere just argue to argue regardless of what nonsense comes out of their mouth or keyboard. It’s best to leave.
Lexicon444 t1_jed5jpv wrote
Yeah. I have Autism. I live with it and as such have first hand experience with it. Someone decided to argue on Reddit about how my explanation of stimming is wrong. I literally do it when I’m bored or anxious as do others on the spectrum and stimming varies from person to person and you can redirect unhealthy stimming (stuff that hurts you or is unpleasant for others) gradually by changing to a more healthy stimming. For example I used to bite my nails and lips but I’ve redirected to just rubbing my index and middle fingers together. My therapist helped me with this. Yet somehow the fact that I’ve lived through it and a medical professional helped me with it makes my explanation inherently wrong somehow?
I left it alone after that and no doubt they felt superior in that regard.
Youcantrustmeimsmart t1_jefar7n wrote
This you 73 comments into the «argument»?
CliffTheAlien OP t1_je8d4eq wrote
Art: Clyde Caldwell / "The Worm Has Turned" 1991