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t1_j6kxsiz wrote

Really isn't sunbleached enough. I wouldn't handle it without gloves.


OP t1_j6lahzb wrote

There was a few limbs around it with skin and dried flesh on it. I didn't touch those


t1_j6kjuye wrote



OP t1_j6ladrl wrote

I swear I was just holding it for a picture to try to get internet points...


t1_j6km56a wrote

oh thanks, was looking for that


OP t1_j6lanxi wrote

If you still need it there was also some other body parts lying around


t1_j6lr1l5 wrote

Did you find a liver down there somewhere? I need a new one.


OP t1_j6lr424 wrote

You can have mine


t1_j6lr6cc wrote

I promise I'll give it back when I'm done with it!


OP t1_j6lrdl1 wrote

Nah I'm tired of this life. Keep it


t1_j6m1me7 wrote

You okay bro?


OP t1_j6m279j wrote

No, my wife left me a few years ago and my homeschool upbringing didn't equip me to talk to people irl


t1_j6m5qap wrote

I understand. My wife cheated on me and threw me out of the house last January. I'm not great with people IRL either.


OP t1_j6m5xkq wrote

I'm sorry man. Have you been able to figure out what the next chapter looks like?


t1_j6m5zya wrote

Not yet. Still working on that. How about you?


OP t1_j6m63io wrote

I spend lots of time running, like 20 hours a week. I got a second job and i post on Reddit a lot. So no


t1_j6njd60 wrote

I think we'll be ok. Getting over crap like this takes time. We just have to keep going.


t1_j6kl2uz wrote

Make it into a wizard's staff and roam the woods calling yourself a necromancer.


t1_j6l327e wrote

I mean… that’s basically what I’ve done, except instead of roaming the woods I roam the occasional RenFaire with my necromancer staff 👀 Can confirm it makes you feel 20x more badass than roaming without one.


t1_j6m7chs wrote

Bro picked it up with his bare hands like it wasn’t attached to a decaying corpse just last week


OP t1_j6m7k7l wrote

As the lyrical geniuses of lonely Island so eloquently said. YOLO


t1_j6lnix9 wrote

"Don't worry bro, I got your back"

.... thanks folks you've been a great crowd.


t1_j6kk7hw wrote

you better hope that's not a human one


OP t1_j6kni80 wrote

I hope it isn't


t1_j6koe2o wrote

It is not. The lower vertebrae of humans don't have ribs like that.

Source: feeling my own back.


t1_j6l29y1 wrote

Human pelvi also don't look anything like that. I'm betting on coyote.


t1_j6nadm7 wrote

The spine looks too stiff for a coyote and the pedicles of the vertebrae in dogs are smaller. I would guess it's a deer.

Source: My degree in Veterinary medicine

Source 2: This is how "Rehrücken" (deer roast) looks on a plate


t1_j6n7eh9 wrote

Human vertebrae have pedicles too. The pelvis and spine are way too small though for a human.

Source: Anatomy book


t1_j6lvrh6 wrote

Someone call Kevin McCarthy. They finally found his spine.


t1_j6msdgo wrote

That you touched. With your bare hands.


t1_j6kjs3z wrote

Are you sure it's not an interestingly shaped rock?


OP t1_j6kno4a wrote

If i left it in the steam I'm sure it eventually would be rock


t1_j6kobi2 wrote

There was a post a few days ago of someone finding a single vertebra, and thinking (at first) that it was a neat rock that just happened to look like a vertebra.


t1_j6kr2la wrote

Why touch? Yucky


OP t1_j6krmq7 wrote

I don't know, i pick up all kinds of things i find


t1_j6l2lny wrote

So you just think “what the hell, I’ll just pick up these dead animal parts?”

Seriously tho, I really hope you thoroughly cleaned your hands before touching anything else


OP t1_j6l9yb3 wrote

I went home and ate chilie with my bare hands and had to take a full on shower after


t1_j6kwmvf wrote

You can sell that to a chiropractor for top dollar!! Quick spit shine and it make a fine desk display!


t1_j6ljgyj wrote

He found the corpse part? But he’s not even part of the race!


t1_j6mmix7 wrote

If you turn it sideways does it turn into a spine row?


t1_j6mmqur wrote

I can't imagine taking a nice walk, spotting a decaying spinal column, then picking it up with my bare hands


t1_j6kzyjz wrote

You found Hoffa!


OP t1_j6l0lut wrote

I think his pelvis was larger than this, but I'm not sure. Maybe this is a rock


t1_j6macud wrote

Put it down. That’s been inside something


t1_j6nocdc wrote

Something that's actually mildly interesting. And cool.

Now, to the comments to find out what type animal!

Wow, thanks for the award!


OP t1_j6noldi wrote

Based on a few threads we think it's either Jimmy Hoffa, a bird, or a rock.


t1_j6nuwvn wrote

This isn't really sex, this isn't really life This isn't really anything I think I like

And I will not sit on broken glass Not for you or anyone I will not cut my ass

We have no reasons but we still have fun Down on the floor, baby, whisper my name

And when you rip my back to shreds I dig my boots into The soft remains of your spine

I want to savage Your spinal remains I want to savage Baby, your spinal remains In chains

This isn't really sex, this isn't really life This isn't really anything I think I like

And I will sit on broken glass Not for you or anyone I will not cut my fucking ass

I want to savage Baby, your spinal remains I want to savage Baby, your spinal remains They're making you change


t1_j6kspcx wrote

This happened from time to time where I used to live near a State park. The area had been a Native American graveyard.


OP t1_j6laro3 wrote

Isn't the whole West a native American grave yard?


t1_j6lq1nu wrote


It’s definitely not human so you didn’t find a murder victim


t1_j6m7gl8 wrote

It looks like your taking a walk though mordor At least somewhere in middle earth


OP t1_j6m7ow3 wrote

I live at the edge national Forest land on top of a hill overlooking a canyon. At the bottom of the canyon is a gravel pit. When the operation is in full swing it sounds like the fires of Mordor when they're making the orcs. The rest of the time it's pretty peaceful. When birds fly by I can often hear their wings flap. I spend most of the time on my own exploring and enjoying the desert.


t1_j6mcvp6 wrote

That's a neat sword you got here!


t1_j6n8jzs wrote

Judging by the size, I'd have to guess that is some kind of small mammal.


t1_j6nt7mh wrote

Okay this is getting creepy


t1_j6nw49j wrote

Wrap it in plastic. Take it home. Forge a weapon infused with the power of death.


t1_j6o464w wrote

Nah man that’s a Lich sword


OP t1_j6o6c4e wrote

I had a few more shots of it but this place doesn't allow gallery shots


t1_j6oy1tv wrote

Plenty of good meat left. Boil it up.


OP t1_j6oy5ct wrote

And you got yourself a stew going... Okay Carl weathers


t1_j6le8xh wrote

Excuse me, I think that’s mine, I dropped it a couple days ago. If you could return that would be great, I haven’t move in days.


t1_j6mcsxc wrote

Put sime tape on it for the grip and you got yourself a murder weapon. Imagine you ginna kill someone with that and you just gon"I have a bone to pick with you."


t1_j6n1wwm wrote

It's a spinal column. Yuck!

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