
Preesi OP t1_iu5bwx0 wrote

Reply to comment by Alt-F-THIS in [Homemade] Heavy Cream Yogurt by Preesi

Similar to butter, heavy cream is a very high-fat product. One tablespoon (15 grams) of heavy cream contains about 0.43 grams of lactose. 3 So it's safe for most people to use some heavy cream in their diet, like in a cup of coffee.


Preesi OP t1_iu4s7uv wrote

I had 2 pints of Heavy Cream that were expiring yesterday.

I poured them in a big bowl, heated it in the nuker till it was 100 degrees, added 1/3 cup plain yogurt and put that in my yogurt/rice maker and turned on the yogurt function. As soon as it was done I covered it and refrigerated it.

Its also called Creme Bulgare.

Tomorrow Ill make it into cultured butter, then GHEE.

The texture changes depending on the heavy cream, THIS batch is more liquid then others.

Manufacturing cream makes the best.