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underprivlidged t1_j6ikz7o wrote

My Anker SoundCore Life p2 I got over 2 years ago and work perfectly still. I got them on sale for $35 instead of $50.

My wife owns the same pair, almost as old. Never an issue. Better sound quality than anything sub $100 that we tried.


TorrenceMightingale t1_j6ilca2 wrote

Judging by your username, this might be a case of self-fulfilling bias. I’m sure the quality is actually great for the money though. I trust you on that.


underprivlidged t1_j6imp5g wrote

I'd much rather my monitors or a pair of over the ear Sennheisers, but for the cheap and practical use? Anker's wireless buds of many varieties are just the best bang for the buck. And yes, significantly better than AirPods for less than half the price.