Hey guys well i need help, i LOVED Danny Boyle's 28 days later and i LOVED Unsane i wanna watch movies like 28 Days later, unsane or tangerine you know, shot on different cameras than usual, you know DV cameras, smartphones camcorders etc. Like movies shot primarily or in large portions on prosumer or consumer grade video cameras, please help, thank you so much!!
omicron3 t1_iyd45zl wrote
Children of men is a good one, maybe Blair witch project
malevolentous t1_iybfc09 wrote
Chronicle is shot like that.
fredmull1973 t1_iyb7zoi wrote
Spring Breakers
MrChuffs OP t1_iyb8jaz wrote
Man James Franco as Alien aged like milk lol
Curious-Plankton-968 t1_iybamnh wrote
Collateral with Tom Cruise might fit what you're looking for.
tinoynk t1_iybblvf wrote
Soderbergh’s High Flying Bird was shot on an iPhone.
garrisontweed t1_iybgck9 wrote
He did the same with Unsane.
ITeechYoKidsArt t1_iybdg1e wrote
Cloverfield might scratch your itch, but it’s a very shaky camera so you might get motion sickness. I did.
foomy45 t1_iybb072 wrote
I dunno if it will fulfill your camera work requests but Stakeland scratched the 28 Days itch for me.
MaximusTartanus t1_iycae0o wrote
Dog Soldiers (2002)!!
It's got that same VHS quality that 28 Days Later has.
Cult classic.
SaulsAll t1_iyb9py1 wrote
Are you looking for action? If not, the movie Searching might interest you.
MrChuffs OP t1_iyb9v5i wrote
Searching 2018 with John Cho?
SaulsAll t1_iybbc1d wrote
Yes, it's a subdued thriller, not action, but it's shot basically on a computer screen. Everything is skype calls and net searches and the like. I found it a decent enough story to make the gimmick worth it.
PeterLopan t1_iybk5wp wrote
I really like Searching. Looking forward to Missing.
jdixon76 t1_iybisaf wrote
There's a cool indie zombie movie called Colin that was shot on video. It's quite good.
mediarch t1_iybbper wrote
28 Weeks Later lol