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Jicama_Stunning t1_ixdsdh1 wrote

Fingers crossed that it makes it to the Oscars.


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_ixdvp11 wrote

It is bound to get at least five Oscar nominations and a few more are possible.


Jicama_Stunning t1_ixdxjv5 wrote

The one I’m really hoping for is Ke Huy Quan getting an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Man was absolutely unbelievable, the best performance in a movie already packed with incredible performances, and I can completely see him losing to Tom Hanks’ shitty Elvis performance or something


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_ixftd2v wrote

Both GoldDerby and Variety predict that Quan will win. Hanks is 11th on one and 24th on the other so he is unlikely to be nominated and has absolutely no chance to win. The winner will definitely be either Quan or Gleeson.


Gummy-Worm-Guy t1_ixeu2z1 wrote

Tom Hanks isn’t getting in for Elvis


Jicama_Stunning t1_ixeyg4j wrote

I’m saying that he shouldn’t, but it’s the Oscars. Rita Wilson doesn’t ride Tom Hanks’ dick as hard as the Oscars.


skychasing t1_ixfh1oq wrote

The Oscar’s have actually not really recognized Tom in like the last 20 years. He ‘finally’ got recognized for his portrayal of Mr Rogers but that was after at least 3-4 roles he was in the conversation for in the last ten years and didn’t get in for.


nayapapaya t1_ixf68h7 wrote

He didn't get in for News of the World which was more well received (in terms of his performance) than Elvis. Supporting Actor is not weak this year. It's unlikely he will get in.


thewidowgorey t1_ixdxx4j wrote

If Ke doesn’t win, I’ll never watch the Oscars again and I’ve been watching since the Billy Crystal years. Film nerds are keeping that show afloat.


krectus t1_ixerzcm wrote

It was also bound to get 5 spirit nominations and a few more were possible.